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Everything posted by planetgroove

  1. Thanx Aldo see u there RIP IT NASTY is my middle name LOL!
  2. Tonite and what a nite it will be hope you all can come out and enjoy some good tribal house @ AVALON.. Also Friday July 9th will be doing a guest spot @ CLUB FLIGHT in Elizabeth sure to be a great nite also will post more details when flyer is done. Always Mario Calegari
  3. Hey being old and lookin young is great im 29 shit they say i look 21 im not mad at all young is good! And im glad you guys had a great time Sat & Sun cause im sure i did!!! Till next time but if anything show up to AVALOn this friday i will be doin my thing there kickin the beats to the floor!!! Hope 2 c u there! Always Mario Calegari
  4. Sounds good buceta and yes Polk was rockin see you there!!!
  5. your funny man well its ok its the past its over till next year.... i wil make sure that i cater to 35 year olds is that kool with you when it comes to 17 year old brasilians i aint complaining at all!!! see where i come from its legal! good old BRAZIL PAIS MARAVILIA!!!!
  6. 1st Of All Planet Groove & Myself would like to Thank all of you guys and girls for showing up POLKS ST was by far the best spot 4 sure sorry GODISADJ that you didnt have a chance to play or your just a hater by the way dont hate the player hate the game NOW THATS ENOUGH no need for another stupid critic post cuase in my eyes shit all i could see was GREAT LOOKING PEOPLE all over the place it was really hard to see any 15 year olds inside the tent or out cause there was SO MANY people all over the place so sorry again that you didnt enjoy yourself!!! If you have any problems resolve them with me on PM sure to take care of any matters that you have! once again THANK YOU the people and ALL THE DJS that did a great job keeping everyone danceing this weeknd Troy St Charles Danny Way Donny Morano Wilson Lopes Fabricio Moraes Hope to see you all this FRIDAY @ AVALON for my 1st time playing there come out and support!!! ALWAYS Mario Caleagri
  7. its not Bushes attitude its the funkin CONGRESSD of the USA that really hates to see young adults have fun anymore Anti Rave act law , now this bullshit Mr Joeseph lieberman should take a pill and relax!!!!!!!
  8. Also there will be plenty of Planet Groove Music Store Mixed cds for SALE GOT FUEL T-SHIRTS & Got FUEL Trucker hats come check us out! Line Up For Both Days Dj Troy St Charles Wilson Lopes Donny Marano ANDREW Mendez - (XS) Richie Santana - ( DEKO LOUNGE) Mario Calegari - (Planet Groove/FUEL) Miguel Casmiro - (PORT 156) Fabricio Moraes - (ADEGA LOUNGE) Danny Way - (VIPER RECORDS)
  9. Well i will be up and going at 8am getting all the cars out of the block plus i have a huge tent goin up just in case of rain but lets knock on wood we need sunlight this year but thank god the weather looks great so i wil lhave my music goin at 12pm Saturday and we can rock till midnite sunday will be goin at it again at 11am till 10pm sunday so lets make the best of it and hope to see you all there stop by say whats up and have some fun!!!!!
  10. Saturday i will be up and goin at around 12pm they let us go till midnite saturday and sunday till 10pm so lets just make the best of it!
  11. Added to our Line Up DJ ANDREW MENDEZ should be on anytime after 4pm!!!! Cant miss out we have such a GREAT LINE-UP Its Goin to be a MADHOUSE ON POLK ST lol.!!!!!!! The Line-Up This year is great quality hope that everyone enjoys themselves,respectfully and remember its all about having a GOOD time so lets keep the anger and frustration at HOME and enjoy a great SUNNY weeknd!!! Always Mario Calegari
  12. I will make sure to keep every1 posted on FUEL on Saturday nite also? Added to our Line Up DJ ANDREW MENDEZ should be on anytime after 4pm!!!! Cant miss out We have such a GREAT LINE-UP Its Goin to be a MADHOUSE ON POLK ST lol.!!!!!!! Hey see you all there
  13. Teknojunkee make sure to stop by Polks St goin to be CRAZy!!! Also Added to our Line Up DJ ANDREW MENDEZ should be on anytime after 4pm!!!!
  14. KOSTA stop by POLK ST i will buy you a drink since you never came to any of my parties!!!!!!
  15. Aldo did they tell you a time frame? Saturday midnite and Sunday 10pm? i think it is cause people are asking i think its the same!
  16. If u can get all the sound there in time its on!!!!!!!!
  17. PLanet Groove Music Store & the WHOLE FUEL crew will be at Polks St goin to be 1 of the hottest spots hope to see you all there!!! Mario Calegari
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