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Everything posted by bingo

  1. well two things have been in rotation this week Blackkat Ft Mark Bell - Revolution (Rea and Christian Mix) and Richard Davis - Safety (album) it's fucking amazing definatly made before it's time because everytime i listen it just sucks me in for another one for all you picky people out there this is a tech house album -domingo
  2. daaaamn seems like a great night but way to far for me :/ -domingo
  3. goodluck with the new venue hopefully it causes a chain reaction in coconut grove -domingo
  4. LOL!!! sorry about that oscar, but ti's true i dont look no where near 21. im not going to bother going to space because chances are i'll get turned back. im sure space will be here by the time im 21, then i'll get my ass up and go but until then i hate cause i cant get in and i'll admit that :X -domingo
  5. wont goto space if my life depended on it, but it's nice to know they wont take my hat off domingo - = so domingo + = -domingo extreamly bored
  6. *tugs on someones shirt* is there a spot left for this, i havnt checked the board in a couple of days and i miss this :/ haha etheir way i'll try to show up with teh posse i'll bring some chizzips -domingo
  7. im there...if i can get in if not spot me outside, i'l be the guy with the bottle of henesy :lol j/k -domingo
  8. oh shit i missed this HAPPY BIRTHDAY*)^@)*&@^#*)@&^#!&(^%#&(@^%#!&(@^%#!&(^%#!)#^%@#&@^%#&(@^%#@( i hope you hae many more -domingo
  9. omg, my friend just IMed me with this... wow thanks alot guys much love to all of you -domingo ...still on shock
  10. king britt deep c and chris udoh -domingo
  11. happy birthday stephen, and it's about time you guys showed your faces i was begining to wonder where you guys went joe hit me up via e-mail bingoacid@hotmail.com -domingo
  12. w00p w00p congrats jon, great to see the label being jump started, and yes hopefully this can start a relationship with maze....kelvin andrews *WINK WINK* -domingo
  13. congrats, you have officially entered the cp nerd crew j/k love ya too -domingo
  14. oh fuck...lord help us all -domingo
  15. people here are truly stupid if alot of ypu can respect the opinions of others with that said, i stand behind france and russia for veto-ing the war -domingo
  16. well greg soon enough miami will come to it's sences, dont worry do what you do best and it'll pay off, hey youve already gone this far -domingo
  17. bingo

    Miami Is Sexy

    this city sucks -domingo
  19. well reading everything post my post, i have to say some things. 1. miami is 1 extreamly weird city 2. even most of our own djs dont get love (for example styke) 3. yeah miami is full of fake people, and shitty djs BUT THINK ABOUT how many influencle people have come out of here, murk, one of the founding fathers of deep house danny tenaglia, who isnt from here but was here for a while styke, nuf said phoenecia, if you dont know who these guys are u need to read up on miami :X and more recently austin leeds ariel baund dhm (who influnced me) i know im missing quite a few more but come on 4. and it really isnt all the djs fault, who booked him that night, if the people who picked the opener had even heard anything that tyler has done, he or she would have known what type of opener to get so there are alot of factors to why the opener didnt hack it...i threw in 2 + 3 just to say it :X tried to make some sence :/ -domingo
  20. for some odd reason, i felt that the opener would mess it all up *sigh* sorry i couldnt make it but sad to hear it went down like this, im sure if he would have had the whole night, it would have been a different story, cause tyler deep house = sex -domingo www.mekanick.com
  21. wow this is going to be one sick ass party...that i will be attending -domingo
  22. its your birthday!!! :eek: :X happy birthday -domingo
  23. :woah2: :love: wow guys, thanks for the kind words...all of you, at first i was really really nervous but after a bit i got a hang of it, thanks thanks thanks for the kind words again, if anyone wants a cd e-mail me your address and i'll try to have them sent out by monday bingoacid@hotmail.com thanks again :love -domingo
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