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Everything posted by technojesus

  1. Twilo's phazon was bought by DT and put in his personal loft in Queens. Some sick loft parties that go on there!! Roxy has a phazon now too... seems like Steve Dash is all over the place. JBL is giving them a run for their money though and putting out a new tweaked system (ala Discoteque). IMO, best system is definitely Arc. Too bad the neighbors complained and Danny cant crank it up like he wants to. Only downside to it is the acoustics in the place are too far apart. To really appreciate the quality, you gotta sit in the club's sweetspot in the middle of the messy crowd... Exit's system is too bassy and Factory's system is tinny.
  2. ooh ooh I love licking ketchup!!!!
  3. lol... Those are some pretty big shoes to fill in your absence... may I suggest putting 4 slinkies side by side and wrap them with an oversized armani sweater with "Temps Mayor" written on the back and then they might pass as you.... designate the guy on the left to grab any girl that walks by, the guy on the right will pump his fists to the bass and the two guys in the middle bump each other's heads together violently and you got the man, myth, legend known as Roddiga!!! I'll def hook you up before your next gig... come thru.. I'll be out back by the lake playing real life duck hunt
  4. Gatecrasher always throws great parties... the vibe is really what you create out of it but if you really wanna talk vibe, GodsKitchen is the way to go
  5. I wink at all secretaries... I think they're cute:D
  6. Didnt realize you were Rod's bitchboy and personal secretary... I was referring to Metro in general (not tomorrow) since thats the only time I see him .... think you can jot that down for him sugah?
  7. Roddness your majesty.. whats shakin kid besides those monstrous bicep lobes??? I'll see your ass in metro... I wont forget the cd's either lol yea check that video out when u get the chance... I look like a slinky in it though... my pre-bulk phase ... sigh....
  8. http://www.reyndogg.com/video/Group_X_video.swf
  9. I love me some cheese and crackers.... guess I got a nose for Provolone ya know
  10. now that was just plain senseless... refrain from using bandwidth like that again
  11. I'm with ya... maintenance on that is a bitch though
  12. That was my point exactly... Pay any schmuck to play 20 Robbie Rivera tracks and save yourself the expense of having him play himself. I heard him twice thinking maybe the first time around was just me but to my dismay, he was even worse the second time around. Were you at Surf club last year when he played? No joke it was 3 hrs of funkatron lol Thats like JP playing just his own mixes and nothing else.... 8 hrs of Luz babyyyyyy
  13. LOL you're a funny guy... I'll give you a "demo" of the cd's that I give to my friends every few weeks in my spare time... hit me on aim "Ray Cazz" As far as record deal goes, you got me there.. I'm too busy being a doctor but I still manage to find the time to make tracks in my home studio... go figure enjoy your party....
  14. No clue why anyone would wanna hear 4 hours of what sounds like Funkatron all night..... Any DJ that plays all his own tracks is cheesy IMO and definitely not worth the time.... add the fact that his tracks carry the same bassline and you really have a horrible performance!! As a producer, yea he's ok (nothing great) but as a DJ, forget it..... good luck promoting it anyway
  15. True story... Girl is being seen at the OB/GYN office for a diaphragm fitting. The doctor tells her that for easier insertion, use jelly. She comes back for her routine pap a few months later and the on examination, the doctor saw her cervix was remarkably discolored. He questions her on anything unusual and she responded no. He then asked what kind of jelly does she use and she replied 'grape'.
  16. Brightest thing I've heard come out of your mouth kid... there is hope;)
  17. and then I of all people get the title of "online cybertoughguy" ... go figure Johnholmes is sickkkkkkkkkkKKKkkkk in the head!!
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