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Everything posted by browneyedqt

  1. http://home.hkstar.com/~ttyu/psytests/sexsat.htm
  2. I was thinking the same thing...her skin looks amazing and perfect...so airbrushed but she's still gorgeous, I love her eyes...
  3. First off no one on this board really knows me nor do they know about any situations that have occured. People are seeing half of a story and believing what they want...I have no problem with people making judgements about me, but at least know me (other than saying hi to me in a club a couple of times) before you decide you've figured me all out....This whole situation is ridiculous and the last thing that I wanted is to bring it all out in cp because it does nothing but make everyone involved look bad. I agree that this is all high school bullshit, and see no need for drama. We obviously will continue to see each other out and it is stupid for animosity to occur. If you are not upset than all that's said needs to be said, and this whole situation is done with, because it's really getting tiresome and I'm sure that you agree...
  4. I agree I think she's beautiful and has an awesome body, she looked amazin in Driven...
  5. I agree...you don't walk out of agood relationship with a person you are in love with to be with someone you just met...She was probably stuck in a bad relationship to begin with, and when you came along you gave her the strength and motivation to move on. It absolutely does not mean she'll do it to you because she did it to him
  6. We actually broke it the other day on the what kind of ass are you quiz...
  7. These are all valid points...It seems that people treat issues as if they are in high school rather than facing and confronting them as an adult. Unfortuantely, they only know half of the story and assume they know exactly what is going on...It is one thing if they truly don't care and don't spend time thinking about it, it's another if they are masking their feelings to the point of acting irrational. Irrational to hate someone when you supposedly don't care? Rather than jumping to conclusions, maybe they should try to confront the issue and find out what the real story is...
  8. It's hard to pull myself away from the Cheesecake Factory...
  9. The spinach and artichoke dip is good too...the biggest problem with that place is the wait...it's always like an hour and I'm so impatient....Do you have one by school too???
  10. It really is...that with a loaded baked potato...mmmm...
  11. It depends on my mood...
  12. You were supposed to call me when you got home jackass...
  13. Me too (not that you didn't know or anything)...
  14. OMG....their Hawaiian Ribeye is amazing and so are the ribs...Good call
  15. I can't even believe I took this quiz, but I was....
  16. Very well said...I agree completely. Sometimes you just want to step away from drama and live your life. But people love to cause trouble because of jealousy and insecurities in their own lives. As they say misery loves company and people thrive on others unhappiness when they have not found happiness themselves. I firmly believe in karma and whatever you put out comes back, and if you wish others misery, all it will do is come to you. Unfortuantely, people are often selfish and can not just accept that two people may have found something good, and just didn't want to shove it in everyone's faces for a multitude of reasons. What's meant to be is meant to be, and if peoples feelings are strong and true such obstacles will be overcomed and over time will be just a mere memory....
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