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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. I cant wait for this party, im ready now lol. SEE some of ya there.
  2. Also TEDD PATTERSON will be at CIELO on that night.
  3. http://www.robpromotions.com/bbs/messages/599.html I think thats a terrible thing to do especially that this person is saying bad things about a dj that I LOVE AND RESPECT and go tohear every chacne i get. Man some people really dont have nothing better to do than "HATE"
  4. When i walked in tehre at 8pmish WILLIE GRAFF n NICHOLAS MATAR (cielo residents)were playing great stuff but to only a small crowd. Nice meeting ya tayama. Me and some peeps were enjoying their set next thing ya know it was aroud 930 and over. Then JOHNNY DYNELL(i think hes from motherfucker) came on and played a great old school dance song to begin his set with. But then pesornall i think he killed the vibe that was gowing slowy with what someone told me was almost like "CIRCUIT MUSIC" After him JEANNIE HOPPER(liquid sound lounge) came on and aplyed adecent set. And the crowd did pick up around that time sincce mostly everyone really came to hear th BODY N SOUL djs from 11pm on. But she was good and when DANNY KRIVIT came on the place erupted most of the people were the 718 session crowd the bodyn soul crowd so it was basically "FAMILY". Amazing stuf from danny k and then FRANCOIS K takes over for a bit and does his thing and the crowd was loving it, JOE CLAUSSEL is next and now its on turing those knob playing those beats. And from 11pm ill 130am then altrnated between the 3 while the whole club was dancing non stop. BEST MUSIC BEST CROWD. My fave song that DANNY KRIVIT played which i hope to get one day was SOUL CREATION vs GMENA feat TYRAH J "ITS YOUR LIFE" i belive its a DANNY KRIVIT EDIT. That is a huge 718 sessions anthem. Fave song from francios i beieve was all of them lol even the techno he played for abit was insane think back to PS1. JOE CLAUSSELL made my night by playing STEVIE WONDER "ANOTHER STAR". So after BODY N SOUL a big changed happend PETER RAUHEFER came on next and the crowd changed and left while others walked in. At this point im wondering where is hector and junior v. So i find out that JUNIOR V decided not to show up, and personally ive liked and respected junior for a long time but i think him not showing up for this was very very fucked up. As for PETER well it wasnt my cup of tea. And iw ouldnt have left if it was for hector plaing afterwards. So finally peter is off and HECTOR comes on but for the first 20mins or so hes playing a very ELECTRO sounding set so far i havent been able to get into that sound. So i was jsut bpping aroundabit but eventually he switched it up and threw down a banging house set with DANNY "BUDDAH" MOREAS playing around with the knobs as well. Hector played to abouta small crowdof 30 i believe and they were all loving it jumin scremaing and clappin there hands off and dancing their legs off till the last record at 4:12AM.. Great times for me indeed.Got to give respect to CIELO for making this happen and to everyone involve couldve been a higher attendance. But BODY N SOUL makes it all worth it and it was for a good cause as well. Now on to the next party THURS , CANAL ROOM BABY.
  5. heres the deal with TEMPLE stefan and henry from cielo did about 3 parties there in sept or oct but the club wanted to go another way: HIP HOP/ TOP 40 BOTTELS N MODELS CRAP. So they wentover to and join up wth the new club that opend a in late nov AER in the meatpacking district. Its house on thurs n sats and hip hop on fri. Good luck getting in, hehe.
  6. its a terrible compilation. Only one song i like but ive been hearing HOW WOULD U FEEL since dec of 2003 and am quite tired of it. Lolas theme has been over since the summer. And strings of life cmon now im sure some of ya the know the origanl one was from 1985 i believe DERRICK MAY and then it got bought back last yr. But now with the vocal YUCK. See these compilations are what give OUR music a bad name.
  7. sound has improved but was the first time testing it out so it will only get better. Couches are different and some new designs inthe wall and dj equipment. Lighting a bit different. I also loved the visuals on the wall.
  8. Joe Claussell In the mix feeling the music and letting it take over his body. I wish i coudlve found the pic of the mixer covered with some blood dripping from his hands while turning those knobs.
  9. Lee on the 17th and SHELTER 14yr anniversary party on the 19th, gonna be a great weekend.
  10. Honestly i haevnt head mr jp since 2002. But i also dont feel like paying to go his party at the moment. So ya know what if someone can hook it for me i'll be down to go and see how much different he is.
  11. Yo elevated heard avalon was closed anyhow so i guess he will be back another time.
  12. can i get copies ms funeral home, hehe.
  13. joe played a few months ago for danny krivits bday party and that was fun, he also played at BLVD not to long ago for an ALMA party but i wasnt able to go. There was talks of him having a residency soon in NYC so lets hope it does happen. And seriously ALL DJS should watch him perform, he doesnt just JUMP UP AND DOWN AND DO A FIST PUMP and clap likes most djs do, the man BECOMES POSSESS WITH THE MUSIC AND IT TAKES OVER HIS BODY. "THATS HOUSE"
  14. Great work DANIHAWK i was jsut about to say the same thing.
  16. The open bar was from 9 to 11, and like is said D you missed a great night but it does take a bit b4 sully packs them in. Oh and brandon but we know by now your crackhead so its understandable.
  17. Hy DISK of course hes joking thats sarcasm theres many reasons but dont wanna turn this positve thread into a negative.
  18. glad you had fun with everyone man i so wanted to go to this but i wasnt recovered yet from the night b4. Cant wait for the next therapy night as well.
  19. "goa-psy trance party " and a topic made my "SILVERBULL" :love: cmon now.
  20. oh man DAN i swear you have the worse of luck sometimes man. SULLIVAN ROOM was awesome last night glad everyone had fun who went. And met some more people but now i gotta try to put name to faces, and thats hard for me to do lol ask ovrdose adn oldtimer who each time i see them they gotta tell me their names lol. So much fun last night im glad i went out.
  21. I got there around 1ish i believe as well and was suprise to see how packed it was. Lots of great music comgin thru from ADAM FREEMER and lots of failiar faces and friends and new freinds and strangers. BEHROUZ came on and then it was taken up a notch as well. BEHROUZ is so DIVERSE and AMAZING everyone should hear him at leat 4 times b4 you can really tell his style. Each time ive heard him itsnonly been better and better.Once 630 am came it was like ahhhhh no more BEHROUZ but a few mins later at the after party it was even better than sully. Sometimes being with "FAMILY" is exactly what makes a perfect party. Greet metting you "MAXINA". Only bad part was being hit by the sun at 130pm walking out of the after party. EEK.
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