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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. Toshis WMC 2004 set was hot for the sound and style he has now. Which a bit different than the early 90s. I love them both.
  2. ???????? WHERE ARE THEY. I would love to know what i missed.
  3. AHEM, some of us can dance for 29hrs without drugs n alcohol.
  4. alright nick, have a good set.
  5. Go to 169 LUDLOW street my homegirl DJ JUS HONEY IS playing there tonite no cover and come to dance. Tell her ya frineds of silverbull.
  6. Afa Bottles N Models Man.
  7. go to crobar and tell them theres ahip hop room. ROGER SANCHEZ tonite.
  8. Thought i would post it here for some people who like sully and hector and manny. I should be there for a bit as well.
  9. I loved carl cox at centro fly didnt really like him at avalon. But will be there at crobar and if he plays at another venue hehe.
  10. Only reason to go there is ONCE A MONTH on suns for the 718 SESSIONS. And i hear that fris are kinda good also.
  11. silverbull

    Dj Sexy?

    I like this pic But what is she selling her music or sex appeal. Might be good to catch in a side room for 2 mins then head back to the main floor for real music.
  12. I personally like the older MINISTRY OF SOUND compilations 1-12 from 1993 till 2000 only the best djs made those compilations, and shows HOUSE MUSIC at its best. Now that label minstry of sound is ajoke with cheesy commercial stuff, for my taste and opinion.
  13. Beautifully put. Also its the songs that stand the test of time that make them great.
  14. Im split both ways on this post, cause i do seem to see people sometimes give more love to import than their own backyard. Some of those imports deserve it some dont. I think also to many people tend associate a great track made by a certain PRODUCER, PRODCUTION TEAM with being a great dj. Theres lots of great djs that are terrible producers and lots of great producers that are terrible djs. And then once a SONG gets popular or regonition suddenly they become A HOT HOT DJ out of nowhjere.Best example of this is 1998 and tehn 1999 with DJ CHESSIESTOS (tiesto). He might be a good dj for his GENRE but the greatest PLEASE. Nic gets my respect so far although ive yet to hear him live.I'll use JAMES HOLDEN as an example hes very young like 22 or 23 i think maybe younger. Now do you really think hes better than alot of djs out there with more experience and who may not produce music as well? I liked him and thought he was good at cielo but i wont go and says hes in the top 10 in the world or some nonsense like that. Maybe in 10 or 15 yrs fine lets hope he lasts that long.
  15. you mean FRI night, eddie? Home sleeping lol. Recovery and resting up my body needs to heal. Are you in nyc?
  16. how the hell did my pic get into this? And ive known them both for a while now and am pretty tired of the whole shit that has been goin on for a very very very long time. So much drama and lies i dont know who or what to believe.
  17. "WORK IT OUT" and "WORK IT TO THE BONE". I jsut got home myself and boy am i tired but happy nonetheless. I was into some of steve porters set at time and at other times i didntbut my feet were still numb from the cold. So it took me a while to warm up. HECTOR was good imo but he only had an hr to work with so what can you say same thign ith satoshi he kept it dark and techy which was great but only for a small amount of time but any satoshi is a good satoshi. Afterwards LES played a good set as well. I had a blast i know some didnt but i kow some did, i guess its all depending on your mood as well. All in all i give the night a 3 1/2 out of 5 stars. Just cause i wish the djs played longer. Cant compaing boutanything else BUT I HAD FUN hehe. Shout out to all messageboards that represented to many peeps to name. And i cant even remember some as well, LOL. Thanks to everyone who put this party together.
  18. he meant closed on the night behrouz was supose to be play after hrs there. Instead we went somewhereelse with behrouz and had ablast.
  19. which style of ERICK MORILLO and ROGER SANCHEZ? Cause we all know how different they play overseas than in nyc.
  20. and im sure some of ya must be WTF its only a messageboard dont let it bother ya. But im sorry it does cause ihave nothin but love for the SCENE and do my best to show love and be a part of it as much as i can. And its annoying that i may not be a dj,producer,promoter or better yet "INDUSTRY" as some peeps call it. But I happen to be friends and know alot of people personally in the "INDUSTRY" danny krivit included. So i just dont want shit attached to my name that really isnt FROM ME thats all. Maybe it really is someone who just happened to use that name and im making an ass outta myself for this but i dont care just want to make sure people know it aint me. Cause a lot of people come up to me almost everynight that im out (believe it or not lol) and are like yo i know you blah blah blah. And i dont want peeps hating me for no reason.
  21. thats what i thought NMN but after getting 3 emails from different people from that board who think they know who it is it kinda change things a bit. I hope it is someone just using the name as well but.
  22. why cause then all the other people with FAKE SCREEN NAMES who have nothing better to do will have fun with it as well. I see your point but i was hoping rob would see this and then get rid of it cause i dont know when i will see him this week.
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