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Everything posted by FrankieGunz

  1. I just want to wish anyone going to Vegas good luck. If you're going to Rain, make sure you bring your lunch bag because the line is rigoddamndiculous! Got suckerd into going to Bikinis at Rio one night. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought there was a free buffet inside by the size of the women in there.
  2. Does anyone have any info for the guest list for Rain? We'll be out there from June 27th to the 29th for a bachelor party.
  3. Dani, You can try calling Meadowlands Real Estate School. The class is about 4 weeks long. I think it's around 350 dollars. You can also try calling some real estate agencies. They offer free classes as long as you sign a contract to join them afterwards. Just so you know, it's not cheap to be a real estate agent. Depending what agency you join, there are some hefty fees. You have to pay a monthly fee to the office, which ranges from 650 dollars to 1650 dollars. That depends what type of split you work out. You also have to pay your monthly fees to the GSMLS and NJMLS if you join them. (If you don't you can't look for or post listings) Then you have your advertising fees. Then there are the agency fees that have to paid yearly. i.e. Re/Max, Century 21, etc... It's a tough gig. Most agents are sharks and will run you over if you're not very aggressive. Don't want to scare you, but you should know everything it takes to be involved.
  4. Hi Dani, What can I help you with?
  5. Seaside Heights is finally getting it's act together. I own two homes on the bay side of town. They are starting to fine owners who don't keep their property clean and repaired. They are also making yearly inspections of homes. It's better late than never. A lot of the homes were turning into piles of garbage making Seaside a real eye sore.
  6. ....I know your pain....I have a nasty old lady for a neighbor too She called the police on me for watering my lawn at midnight...and this was before the draught! I decided to pay her back the favor...I aimed my sprinklers at her door so she couldn't get out for an hour or so... Sure....the police came to my house again, but she never bothered me again after that. Moral of the story...old people suck!
  7. You're absolutely correct....I've been pulled over many times in NA. As much as the cops are ballbusters....it does keep the bad element out of town as well.
  8. What's your beef with NA? Being Voodoo Lounge is right next door to NA...what does that say for your club?
  9. This is why we need to exterminate these roaches.
  10. Hey Laurie I have a great plan. Let's go home for lunch and not come back! I'm sure no one will notice. Here are my plans for today.
  11. Well, you're not alone at work today. I had to come in despite there are only 6 other people in my whole dept here today. I could have been home throwing snowballs at my dog.
  12. Those are the type of duechebags that they should throw them in jail and throw away the key. They're animals.
  13. I'd like to give a BIG FU to all the sloppy disgusting stank ass fat women in Golds gym. Do everyone there a favor and don't come anymore! I'm getting sick just writing this about them. I need a shake. I'd like to give another FU out to Canada for giving us this rigodamndiculous cold weather! For the love of Pete, summer just get here!
  14. I go to Golds at night. I'm sure this hasn't only happened to me. I was at the gym last night when this herd of fat women approach my area. I get up to get a drink to come back to find them sitting on the bench. One of the oxen was straddling my curl bar. The worse part is that one of these mighty beefy woman spelled life fish. I left to go run on the treadmill....to only almost get knocked unconcious by the cows breath next to me. If I wasn't mistaken, I would have thought she just finished grazing on a pile of crap. I know I went off topic, just venting. T.G.I.F. If there is a FU Friday going on today. F all the fat stinky beasts at Golds!
  15. A good guess would tell me your a borique. La manera que los boriques poblamos, nosotros la voluntad debe alcanzar la poblacion de la rata en NYC pronto! j/k
  16. Por fa vor senorita...the latin community needs a chuckle too! We ARE the majority minority right?
  17. I'm going to HOOTERS for a delicious Buffalo chicken sandwich! Then, I'm going to throw up.
  18. If I didn't know any better, I would think you were wiping your mouth as this guy was zipping up his pants. Do yourself a favor, let the chicks stick with compliment the men. Guys don't let guys compliment other guys!
  19. Kerr could have been a champ again if he got rid of that waste of a woman he married. She did nothing but bring him down. Well, that's the case for most money hungry whore'dervs.
  20. Hey Mike...don't listen to this guy. I like you. Don't kill yourself. If it weren't for the drama you start, I would have nothing to read at work when I'm bored. Keep up the good work kid!
  21. I went to this place last Saturday. I've seen all the changes of this place from back in the day when it was the Blue Whale. I see the same future for this place as the clubs/lounges that were there before it. Not to insult the dj, but he really needs to play some better music. I thought a jet was landing inside the club. What the hell was that? Once a few girls would get on the dance floor, he would play some crazy horrible break that would have everyone standing there and leave. The place is not bad on the inside. I like the martini menu. The staff was friendly. I don't see it as a dance club. The place would be better off playing ambient music and adding a few more couches. Why try to compete with these bigger dance clubs? Not going to happen.
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