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Everything posted by thomar

  1. who's this new person?! vic, when are you going?
  2. if you'd like to come w/ my parents and possibly my sister, you are more than welcome. nothing has been bought yet, so you are still invited! nothing confirmed yet either. it'll be the thomars and gk!
  3. i could be in ibiza right now, but i still wouldn't go out! btw, i'll let you all know what the "scene" is like down under. the global clubbing tour continues... next stop zouk!
  4. i'm not. i'm studying:tongue: . btw, how did you like your 12 days in ibiza in august... (i'm flexing right now:cool: )
  5. o.k. "nubreed" i still have over 2x the posts. btw, mr. dance music i remember a certain someone that didn't even know who sander was on the way to 144! respect.
  6. you know what a fun break is - go back and read the begining of the Mr. penton thread - the early pages are too funny!
  7. have any of you read the "open letter to DT" on the GU music bd? i've only looked at bits here and there but it is a good study break.
  8. easy tiger. this little tale should brighten your day. so i was at the grocery store buying a liquid refreshment and the girl carded me and then double checked by DOB b/c she couldn't believe i was over 19-20 yrs. old!
  9. apparently i am the only one that recognizes bill bellamy's brilliance. your loss. done w/ personal prop. outline. too bad i'm behind on torts and evid. and today starts . . . real prop.
  10. is anyone else upset that fox cancelled "Fastlane" or is it just me?
  11. that's about right. (but you're no jodi foster;) ).
  12. and soundtrack to your auto-biographical movie should be "GK, the late night phone sessions." On scene goes something like this: (Picture the scene ~5:30-6:00 on sun. night/mon. morning) GK: Hey, where does Peter Rauhoffer play on Saturday nights? Is it the Roxy? CT: I have no idea. Maybe. GK: I thought you knew everything that went on in this city? CT: I know, but I'm not a big fan of his. Why do want to know, it is Sunday night. (GK hangs ups.) (CT calls back.) CT: What happened? GK: Where does Peter Rauhoffer play on Saturday nights? CT: Dude, it's Sunday, why do want to know? (GK hangs ups.) (CT calls back.) CT: What are you doing? GK: Where does Peter Rauhoffer play on Saturday nights? CT: What?! (GK hangs ups.) (CT does not call back.)
  13. this is a friggin monster: Bent - 'Stay The Same (Planet Funk Acid Remix)'(Sport) beware.
  14. no way dog. i'm done smoking! i'm just running. (although i still hate running on the streets.) luckily my rock climbing partner just got back from taipei so i will back at that as soon as i can find the time!
  15. i have been off-track the past couple of days. now i'm on it again. full throttle. we all need to pick it up. to prove my point, i am lacing up my tennies and going . . . RUNNING! yes, running. after 5 yrs. off, i'm back on the streets. i'm off!
  16. well i just got FUCKED on my last law school grade. a sweet ass ending to a shit 3 yrs.
  17. David Beckham has agreed to sign a four-year deal for Real Madrid for a transfer fee of between $29.5 million and $35.4 million, Radio Marca said on Tuesday. Marca say the deal will be confirmed by Manchester United and Real Madrid later on Tuesday and the player will be presented on July 2. Beckham left England for a promotional tour without comment.
  18. how'd you do that? i'm such a rookie around here. (but i do have more posts than Abby:tongue: ). is anyone hung over today?
  19. i've decided that i am now going to be a "bad boy." ladies beware.
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