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Posts posted by calebdead

  1. I love Miss USA... you go girl... make out with chicks, get drunk and do blow -


    get embarrassed all over the news, nearly get fired, and then go into Rehab with only about 4 months left in your reign - OMG SOUNDS PRETTY SWEET! WHERE DO I SIGN UP?!?!

  2. true ballers dont work 80 hour weeks and answer to the man

    I'm on my way to a 40k month on FullTilt poker(excluding rakeback) and i'll make that in only 50k hands or so which equates to about 152 hours of play. which means i wake up at 1 pm, play poker and then go out and get slushed.

    fuck the corporate world.

  3. This all over the NBA messageboards....apparently a player on the Nets is bisexual. A lot of people are saying it's either Vince Carter or Richard Jefferson.

    Here's part of the story:

    MediaTakeOut.com has learned that a prominent member of the New Jersey Nets has admitted to his family that he's bisexual.

    In an exclusive interview, MediaTakeOut.com spoke with a friend of the family who claims the player "came out" during a recent trip home. According to our source, "when [the player] came out of the closet, everyone was shocked ... we would always see pictures of him with models. No one suspected that he was into men."

    And what's more shocking, tells our source, is that the NBA player has entered into a romantic relationship with one of his childhood friends. The tipster explains, "the two boys were friends since childhood ... when [the player] went to the NBA, he brought along [the friend] as a personal assistant." The tipster added, "I don't know how to feel, I love them both but something doesn't seem right about them being together like that."

    And the source tells MediaTakeOut.com that the NBA star's relationship with his former pal appears to be serious. The source explains, "[the player] could have kept it quiet and nobody would have suspected. He came out because he wanted us to accept his relationship." The source added, "those two have been friends for many years .. if their relationship is anything like their friendship, its got to be serious."

    The NBA player, who is African American, has been linked to a number of women in the past - all of whom are Caucasian. He is also known for enjoying the night life with his teammates and good friend Tyson Beckford.

    For legal reasons, MediaTakeOut.com has decided not to print the name of the player.

  4. You could argue that that relief pitcher was a big time help in the playoffs. He came up huge in some situations. I dont give a fuck if he isnt a former MVP. Fact remains, this is the second Mets player who has been caught cheating in the last 2 years. How many more are there?

    Edit: because I felt like it.

  5. thanks hun, lol, email proposal, yea ok. im not expecting that for a long time

    I still don't understand how you reply like that.

    I mean I tried to reply like you(because I wanna be a rebel obv) but I still can't do it. wthu

  6. Like I said, all of those boo's you hear at Yankee Stadium, those are coming from Yankee fans. 45,000 fans can't all be wrong on AROD.

    That's because most of those boos are coming from people that don't have a fucking clue. These are the same "fans" who have cheered and accepted Jason Giambi, who is a fucking cheat and a scumbag.

    And Jeter is quite ossibly one of the most overrated players in modern times. He was one of the worst SS's defensively before AROD came along, and anyone who atually watches the game will tell you an often heard phrase in those games is "past a diving Jeter"...

    He hits for average (anyone one with true knoweldge will tell you just how overrated BA is) and he comes big in the playoffs usually. But his numbers are not worthy of 190 million. 190 fucking million dollars for a guy who has yet to drive in 100 runs in his career

  7. Honestly, your posts about baseball are so horribley bad. AROD is just of many Yankee superstars. Do you really think that the Yankees would have won if they had, say, Pujols instead of AROD?

    The Yankees are like modern version of the Knicks..except the yankees actually go to the playoffs. the knicks kee adding all stars i.e steve francis, jalen rose, etc but they just dont win. You think if they added a big "difference maker" like Shaq or even Jordan they would win?

  8. One other thing, the Yankees are paying AROD 16 million a year, not 25. And most people in baseball acknowledge that is a great value deal

    It's just so funny how people rag on AROD. Moose is making what, 19 mil a year? has he ever even won 20 games? how about jeter? ever since he signed his cntract the yankees havent won a damn thing. the yankees are paying giambi more than AROD and given his history, how does he get a pass?

    AROD wasn't brought in to be a difference maker. that notion is fucking ridiculous. Barry Bonds was the biggest difference maker in the late 90's and early 2000's...did he ever win a WS? how about Sosa? so many players that were truly difference makers never won a fucking thing. the list of players is very long

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