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Everything posted by mursa

  1. If the economy continues the way its going I dont see the point of raising prices even more ........its a "shot in the foot" if ya ask me .
  2. I dunno , i have a feeling there will be a "somber" vibe this saturday @ space if indeed its the last day . I think im just gonna chill this weekend and let it all "marinate" and go ahead with my clubbin endevours the next weekend .
  3. Pod i'd bet that you could KO 6-7 cops with one mighty swing of your 12" camera ! :laugh:
  4. I think some will probably go to NV , even though i think smaller clubs on the beach like Maze, Nerve, Blue etc might pick up most of the "homeless space people " . day !
  5. My scratch marks in my abdomen are begining to get infected .... j/k
  6. hands down !.......the funniest content i've seen in 6months ! LMMFAO at 1217am !!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:
  7. Not if she "stratigically" placed her bite ....
  8. :laugh: that was a funny event , most def . Now if only Candy liked to bite (like your cat ) then Shroomy would've been in DEEP trouble .
  9. Sometimes bigger isn't always better ........Agility & skill sometimes triumph over physical strengh and size .
  10. Just another case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time .. :laugh:
  11. Werd ! ........... that bed made a few "squeeks" while 5 human beings were laying on top of it . And on the Candy vs Cat fight ................ i put my $$ on the CAT with a TKO on Candy in the 3rd round .
  12. :confused: hope this ain't true .
  13. Nice pics ..........even though i came out looking like a mugshot of a Al-quaeda prisoner . Im always smiling except for that time .........geeeeeez
  14. Werd ! .........no need to get into personal attacks , totally tasteless & uncalled for .
  15. geeez your right , it was Tiesto ! .......its monday , give me a lil slack sweetcheeks .
  16. fun fun fun = slap scratch punch In the end it does end up in FUN though .
  17. Nice times most definetly ........... Rolands set was definetly a blast in the mainroom ,had that place jumping . Diaga has alot of skills for a young cat, watch out for him . Marcus set was Good in the main room (sometimes a lil bit too up& down in my opinion ), but i have seen him do better sets ( ala July 4th after picotto or ferry corsten ). All in All a great day (nearly 2) with great beats , great CREW .........and alot of laughs and good times . PS....nice meeting MimiD and Digital7 Till next adventure . Jose Alberto
  18. mursa


    Yep , atleast from my experience ........but if you have a good dream then it becomes GREAT , and vive versa with nightmares .
  19. mursa


    It makes you sleep better , and you'll also have more vivid Dreams (nightmares?)
  20. mursa

    as u can tell!!!!!

    I know right ..........next thing flip is gonna get a interest for "strap-ons" ........ :laugh:
  21. :laugh: funniest shit i've seen all day .
  22. mursa

    as u can tell!!!!!

    You see Flip , I aint the only one dawg !!! Beautiful woman most def ......but I've seen better .
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