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Everything posted by mursa

  1. ..Estrogen laced Techno was definetly in the air . Nice hanging with yall . It was a really good night/morning .
  2. in miami beach ....Nerve & Privilege seem like good places to check out .
  3. ..I think its quite obvious that THEY DON'T LIKE US FOR A REASON , which i believe has some validity to it....that is we TAKE ADVANTAGE of other countries & their resources for our own gain ...somalia - diamonds , angola- oil , east timor - oil ( US & UN got involved only after they found vast oil reserves off of timors coast ) . Groups like this thrive because of the poverty which they are immersed in ( middle eastern countries ) , and if socio-economic changes aren't corrected , then I see no end in sight to "the cycle" . What im essencially trying to say is that the US has to make amends with the global community (which is overwhelmingly anti-us ) with good deeds and not by sheer violence-intimidation alone ....and only then I believe the WAR could be won .
  4. ..Why is it that many think that by getting rid of Al-Qaeda & other terrorist groups (leaders and known members) will signify total victory on the War on Terror . I personally think that even though It would be a huge blow to them and most probably its individual "demise" , the WAR ON TERROR will simply morph into another entity and go ahead . I use common sense & logic in coming to the conclusion that WE are in a War against a "message and way of thinking" (hate against the US) and not flesh n bone (mujahadeen) . And unless we can change the way people view us around the world ,no matter how many terrorists we kill , new ones will always take their place ......... the cycle continues........
  5. I dated/fucked a Air Force chick for a while ...........too disciplined-crazy for my tastes .
  6. ..looky looky it's the CP "lurker" spewing his venom once more ... .....get lost dork !
  7. Yes I have .....twice
  8. .....I sympathize with the waitt-staff as they are most probably College students and young adults like most of us ( aka Aren't professional ) . Therefore cut em some slack &......SHUT UP and EAT the cannolli ! .
  9. ...laying the smack down ! . PS...very valid point by the way .
  10. ...it's been awhile Big Dawg ! ....hmmmm maybe after mistress there is a chance a lil goblin might convince me to go .
  11. Why do i get the feeling that your EGO has been inflated a bit too much , huh ?!??
  12. mursa

    Finally :)

    Your right in some respects and Wrong in others ......unfortunatly it's posts like this that make me at time have to go to PAGE 2 or 3 at times to find "relevent" posts ...that's ridiculous. *CP as of late has been diluted way too much with BS .
  13. mursa

    Finally :)

    ..Ditto !
  14. .....If privilege continues to bring in awesome talent , im sure they will continue to do well and I will continue to attend .
  15. ....you attended 0 events , thank you . PS..nikki beach doesn't count .
  16. ..I hope they can make it down here to..... M I A M I
  17. ..Ah ok ! ...then if thats the case , YOUR EXCUSED
  18. mursa


    thanks for the memo .
  19. ...don't ya think that personal greed ( easy money ) was the overwhelming cause of you getting busted for selling E ??? .....blame it on the drugs ...sheesh !
  20. ......alcohol is by far the drug that makes you do the dumbest things .
  21. mursa


    . ....have done it a couple of times ( 3-6 ) , but it's a substance that doesn't really " tickle my pickle " a good nights sleep comes cheaper than TINA . I havent purchased any in over 3 months .
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