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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by hobo

  1. + Did I ever tell you that your so smart, your the smartest person in the whole world.. Your skilled and so educated... Talk about self promotion... geeeez.
  2. Down w/ the king, for years about 10 of them...
  3. I got a nice chuckle out of that..
  4. Just bustin bro, from what I heard had a great turnout last week... I will have to come and check it out soon.. Good luck w/ the night
  5. You gave people all of 15 minutes to respond, slow your roll.
  6. I see in my crystal ball ,a rash of Eurolounge promotion threads in the near future..
  7. Carguy is what I like to refer as a " One Upper".. no matter what someone posts, he has to copy and be one up on everyone.
  8. I thought she only dated guys w/ black dicks?
  9. Do people call you shortbus off Cp, at clubs and stuff?
  10. Marlon Wayans fucked some girl w/ a bag over her head in Scary Movie 2, its a funny sight to see.
  11. I just tried to let out a little fart in my cube, and I seen to have squirted out some poop into my draws, anyone else ever do this?
  12. Oh hell no, I wasn't even there.. I was just being a smartass b/c you said he was going to jerkoff to your pic, so i said don't flatter yourself... Just being a wiseass....
  13. I give a big fuck you to some more shitty weather this weekend.
  14. I have never had a problem at Deko, but I love to see the back from CP members that have ties to Deko... Great show of class from all of you guys, keep up the good work..
  15. Carguy19 or anyone for that matter, can I get a review of Euro? Crowd, playlist , the drunkest people there, total headcount, ect.. ect... Thanks Homo, I mean Hobo.
  16. The strawmarket is awesome, and also you can take a day tour to giligans Island.. Your welcome
  17. Piston Honda and Soda Popinski says thanks.
  18. It amazes me that people put their phone numbers on the net, does anyone else find this dangerous..?
  19. I don't think he wants anymore green paint thrown at him, wheres his cock and balls? Must be cold out, I hope?
  20. Fuck it, thats what those gas guzzlers did to us... They didn't give a fuck and those little shit sand nigga babies were celebrating in the streets.. Those little fuckers are going to be brought up to hate america and amercians, then as they get older they'll attack, and so on.. So take the fuckers out, kill them at the roots so they don't reproduce more terrorists..
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