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Everything posted by livin42nite

  1. Wow..............Sasha and Digweed were amazing. By far my set of the conference so far. I got to Mansion around 1 AM knowing that it might be tough as hell to get in even with the advance tickets I had cause they had warned us that if it gets 2 crowded they may not respect it cause of fire marshals. Well as I get to door notice a crazy long line to the club, but also see a shorter line to the other side for advance tickets. One little dilemma I was having was we came in a group of 5 and only 3 had bought tickets, so I explained that to the lady working the tickets and the bouncer in the front and they got us all inside in no time. Lots of times I know it does not work like that so glad the doorman were cool about it. Get in the club and make my way to the main room. Packed, packed, packed... S&D had already started so was kinda dissapointed in missing james zabiela's set, but with such great music coming from the duo no way was that going to bug me for long. The sound was good in the main dance floor but its a huge room and as I made my way upstairs where the vip tables/beds were the sound was not that good. Now I ain't no sound technician, but I think it would be a good investment for the mansion group to get that sound system that maze had. Enough about the sound cause I think everybody in the club said fuck it as the music was good enough to make everybody forget about it. I really can't emphasize how good the music was that night, really amazing and the best part was I could not id more then 3 songs the whole night and usually can ID a little more then that but this is the way I like it. They played music I never heard before. About the club itself the look is great. It really does look like a huge mansion. Love the mirrors, the beds, the lighting as you go up from the main room to upstairs. Best part of the whole mansion concept though is the way the staff is dressed. Damnnnnnnn, that bartender upstairs She looked amazing and they had her dress as a sexy ass maid. Needless to say tons of us just kept ordering beer over and over from her. They had some nice dancers as well on the speakers, sorta like crobar and space do occasionaly which was a nice touch. Overall I really like the look of the place and the staff were all very friendly. Still nothing in this world is perfect and a couple of complaints from me is fix the ac system and improve the sound system. Other then that no complaints, hopefully the place can attract the type of crowd it had saturday night on a regular basis as it was a really good crowd reminding me of how crobar was the first couple of times I went to it. It was a vip type crowd combined with true music fans that will dress up for a good night out. As far as drink prices, yeah they are a bit expansive but nothing out of the ordinary for clubs on sobe or downtown. Oh one more recommendation, keep booking top notch acts such as sasha and digweed and of course some acts we don't get to see play miami often, would love to see fatboy slim play that room or a live pa from hybrid or infusion there.
  2. Nice review Woulda been there but didn't go out at all sunday night. I'll get some nice house to make it up on tuesday night and from what I hear may not be 2 long before morillo is back in town playing again.
  3. Sobeton, though we disagreed on many points last week in the other thread I think we both agree that now is not the time to be stuck in the past but to work as hard in the present for a better future for Haiti. The United States, France, Canada, Costa Rica, Brazil, and many others are offering help to support the newfound hope of democracy in the country. Port-au-Prince had thousands and thousands of the people celebrating on the streets today, but a Lavalas guy "Jonas Petit" called for mobilisation today and armed aristide supporters are causing trouble in smaller poorer areas of the country causing more bloodshed but more or less the situation is being controlled. Hopefully the Lavalas people realize that everybody just wants to be united in building the country together with each other and that they are part of Haiti as well. Things are expected to die down before the end of the week though, know sobe might have tough time believing that but truth will be seen on Aristide and his supporters will realize that he is gone and was not kidnapped or any of that nonsense. One question, not familiar with much legal issues but is one able to sue a congresswoman for defamation here. One of the black caucus leaders keeps rambling about my family name every oppurtunity she gets to be on tv and making ludricrous lies and trying to dirty our name. Not interested in suing her, but like to send her a message that she can't just keep making up lies on certain people like that and only thing I know that works with that woman is money.
  4. I was that one fuck pattbateman. Aristide is a crazy lunatic, since the early 90's the cia reported that but clinton had him sent back since he was still the popular leader in Haiti. Back then it was a coup d'etat as the people wanted him and he was forced out. This time around story is completely different and Aristide being the loony he is, now is trying to cause complete chaos in Haiti and trying to cause division in the United States. You anti-bush people I suggest you don't jump on this one to make bush look bad cause it will slap you in the face as the truth will come out im sure and you'll realize that in the end the bush administration did a great job in haiti and did not have a violent coup where they 'kidnapped" aristide.
  5. They knew aristide was putting that money into his pockets as well as his drug money. He was using that money to stay in power, enrich his own life while the poor got poorer, and to arm supporters of his that killed innocent lives for him.
  6. Thank god it was done, here are a couple of threads I had on here from the past that are a long read but u might learn or thing or two same as the rest on the board. The democrats and the black caucus are trying to make it look like aristide is a victim and was overthrown but this is a criminal that was convinced to finally resign. The bush administration did not act late, aristide did. SHould have resigned before. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=193423 http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=204219 http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=205157 http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=213689
  7. Got my facts all straight, not gonna get in this argument with you but lived this situation. I'm haitian, live in haiti half the year and the rest of the time in miami. Aristide needed to go and the americans thank god they are good people and helped convince aristide to finally give in for the good of his people.
  8. The devil in this guy just never goes away does it. Follow the news, he just accused bush's administration of kidnapping him and forcing him to resign. Right now in Haiti, there is celebration in the streets for haiti being free from his terror rule and this guy makes up some bs to cause division again again in haiti and have his armed supporters go crazy. On top of that he is trying to screw bush over and have the american people hate their president. Man to think we had to live with the devil for so long in haiti.
  9. Sean penn summarized the oscars best, no such thing as a best actor/actress or movie. They were all good the nominations, but if i had my personal choices Best Movie 21 grams even though not nominated or maybe lost in translation Best Actor Sean Penn Actress Naomi Watts ( Charlize was amazing in monster but naomi I felt was even stronger) Director Should have been the City of God director (its just crazy how well the movie came out with no professional actors other then maybe 1 or 2 actors in the movie. Lord of the Rings bored me to death, but I can understand why it would win with so many fans of it, im just not one.
  10. Add Canada to the growing list of countries asking him to step down.
  11. The looting outside of the capital is under control now, it is in the capital that the majority of the looting is going on right now. Why cause nobody is stopping them. It's easy for you to sit there and have your beliefs because you have not lived through the ordeal that the haitian people have and are seeing the situation in a different light. You can read millions of articles, but one day in Haiti in the situation right now would change your world and point of view. Your right I did have the financial means to leave Haiti, but that is not something that should be held against me. If i had the choice I would be in Haiti right now, flights are cancelled to Haiti and the rest of my family is down there aside from some of the women. Since I spend about half the year in the US I tend to be more active here in terms of getting footage from haiti to media outlets and thats the reason why I have not left the US yet all year round. I have my role in helping out and its not in Haiti. My financial means does not mean squat here.
  12. South African government officials on Saturday afternoon said they could not confirm or deny reports that the SA Air Force was to ship arms to Haiti to help the embattled government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Safety and Security spokesperson Leslie Xinwa said he was in the dark about the reports and he could not reach the Minister (Charles Nqakula) who was attending a funeral in KwaZulu-Natal. "I don't have any information on the matter. The Minister is attending a funeral in KwaZulu-Natal and his cellphone is off," Xinwa said. Spokesperson for foreign affairs, the national police and the SA National Defence Force referred all calls to the Ministry of Safety and Security. The Presidency and the Defence Ministry could not be reached for comment by 3pm on Saturday. The Beeld newspaper reported in its Saturday edition that an SA Air Force Boeing was expected to fly to Haiti on Tuesday with a cargo of 150 R1 rifles and 5 000 bullets. A total of 200 bullet-proof jackets would form part of the shipment which would be sent to the Aristide government. The newspaper said it could not obtain any official confirmation of the report. Meanwhile, Tony Leon, the Democratic Alliance leader, said the planned shipment could be a violation of the National Conventional Arms Control Act. In a speech made at the launch of his party's provincial manifesto in Pietermaritzburg on Saturday he said the arms transfer had to be stopped. Leon said that given the brutal track record of the Aristide regime in suppressing dissent, it was likely the South African arms shipment would be used "to ill purpose". "We cannot even find enough bullet-proof vests to protect our own police at home, and yet we are spending millions of rand, on top of the R25-million we have already spent, to send bullet-proof vests to protect the rogue regime of Aristide. "This shipment of arms could be a violation of the National Conventional Arms Control Act, which stipulates that arms shipments should 'avoid contributing to internal repression, including the systematic violation or suppression of human rights and fundamental freedoms; [and] avoid transfers of conventional arms to governments that systematically violate or suppress human rights and fundamental freedoms'. "The arms transfer to Haiti must be stopped," he said.
  13. Obviously misinformed. If anybody were to protest right now in the capital hundreds of lives would have been lost. Outside of that protests are not necessary the people are on the street celebrating and cheering on the rebels. The only big city left in Haiti in Aristide's control is the capital and its only a matter of time before that is taken over. You mention the French and US views as laughable, but thing is they are the only ones that have reallly been involved in Haiti to know the situation very well. But still, you were not well informed there as the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica have said the same. The only country that has said no to the removal of Aristide is South Africa. Why? Well nobody knows for sure but it seems like there is a very fishy relationship between the two countries. A lot of the weapons and tear gas the government uses against the people are made in south africa and late last year a huge ship from south africa came full of troops and weapons to "protect their president" but it seems like it was more of a deal for weapons, as tons of weapons for S.A. now in Haiti. About Guy Philippe he is no angel you are right. THe other leaders of the rebels Buteur Metayer even worse and Chamblain not an angel also. On top of that none ever really liked each other and to see them united now and to have supporters that once feared them only goes to show how much hate the people of Haiti have for Aristide. About the UN they have had no role in Haiti in the past couple of years and may not know the situation as well. They are consulting though today with different groups.
  14. Your absolutely right sobeton.....violence breeds violence. Aristide used so much violence thats what caused the violence of today. I can tell you are anti-war, but you gotta remember that the us and every other country for that matter i are the way they are today in a large part due to war. The very freedoms you have now and are able to enjoy is a result of great movements that brought about change, not all were changed because of war but sometimes it was necassary. Right now its not a state of anarchy that is going on in Haiti, it is a country on the brink of a civil war. In the past, many people did make complaints to the O.A.S, the U.S. embassies, french embassies, and anybody that was in Haiti. Unfortunately until recently, nobody was listening because they felt Aristide had the majority of the population behind him, but that is just not the case. To see hundreds of thousands protesting against Aristide is not just significant because of the number but because every single person that went to those protests knew their lives were at stake. And the more violence he had on his people the more support the opposition got. The reason the U.S. and French have taken their stands on this situation is because of the complaints that were made to them in the past, they were aware of Aristide's crimes and corruption long ago but now that they see he is not hte popular president he once was they are asking him to step down. YOur also right I was free to go as I wish, but my life is in Haiti. My family, friends, my business, my real home and peace of mind is in Haiti so no matter what I would always go back and fight to make sure that the country is in the best shape it can be. If ARistide stays in power my family is pretty much dead, business over, and over 4000 people lose their jobs as a direct result of closed business. Being able to leave the country has nothing to do with the government in control, unless they set an interdiction on you personally traveling which they have on my uncle. We don't see eye to eye on this and thats fine, but if aristide were to leave power, I am 100 percent sure within a month the country would be fine. ARistide does not have die hard fanatics. He has people that are money fanatics and he pays them to commit crimes for him. Once their source of income is gone they will be just as big of fans of whoever is in power hoping that their lives are improved and that they can have enough money to survive. ARistide uses the poverty of his people to secure himself.
  15. Well just guessing we won't see eye to eye on this one sobeton but Aristide has set up the climate of violence that exists now in haiti. A revolution is occuring because of the violence he used on everybody that was just trying to change the country in a pacifist movement. THe opposition groups in Haiti did want to negotiate with Aristide for many years in the past and it wasn't until november they just said no, not anymore. The day he sent thugs to kill students at a university was just the last button and since then all sectors of the country have wanted to go on without him and said no more to negotiations. To say aristide did not initiate the violence that is occuring now is just wrong as anybody that has taken any look into the situation there will agree to that. Sobeton let me give u an example that might help u explain the situation better. Imagine if usama bin laden was the president of afghanistan. And instead of attacks on the united states on 9/11 it was somewhere in his own country where people that did not support him worked. Of course the us would not have gone to invade afghanistan since no wmd and attack was not on them, however the afghani people would be pretty upset to say the least at him. Would violence against him be ok? Aristide is a murderer and terrorizes the people of his country. The rebels fighting now, they are not fighting to be in control of the country. One half of them are fighting to avenge the murder of their leader, who was mutilated in the palace. The former army guys that are also using violence just came a few weeks ago and joined the other rebels for political reasons but not for power.
  16. nikki beach wednesday, check the cj schedule for wednesday
  17. Sobeton, what are you talking about when you talk about aristide opponents. It is not all of his opponents that are using violence, many groups are still using the pacifist movement. Some people though just can't take it anymore and are using violence which is ultimately Aristide's fault. "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable" and thats whats happening now. As for as new elections thats what they are asking for, they want aristide to step out of power set up a neutral temporary transitional government, and then have that type of election you are talking about.
  18. Monday is gonna be great, some look at the lineup and say weak but to me one of the strongest. Adam freeland is great looks like I may catch him playing after all, his emix last year was one of the best I've ever heard full of different sounds (rage against the machine, his own productions, nirvana remix, white stripes remix). Junke Xl is also great and I'll have to catch him in the mainroom with max graham and heather and collete. And to top all that off, og on the terrace just great lineup all around.
  19. where at??????? The night he is at crobar will be at mansion for delta heavy, but if you talking about his wednesday set I'm so there.
  20. If you know the case in Haiti, then you know that Aristide has gotta go. Since he was restored back in power he has done nothing but bad for the country. Haiti is the main middle point for drug trafficing btw columbia and the us, guess who controls about 85 percent of that flow On top of being a drug dealer, the man is money hungry, lives a luxury style life while the rest of the country is poor. He gets himself involved in all the businesses of haiti and if you don't include him then you got tons of trouble. Example, my father started the first ISP (internet service provider) there. Seeing an oppurtunity he tried to get involved in it, but my fam would have nothing to do with that and as a result our lives were threatened, the government phone company stopped giving phone lines to us and disconnected the ones we already had, and after we invested money in t1 systems and that started working he had them close us down for illegal activity costing the phone companies millions of dollars a year (this of course was proven to be bs later) and after months we opened up again but in a small country like that your business gets hurt when people know they might not be able to depend on your service because the political heads might go after us again. Worse then any of those crimes the man is a ruthless murderer, he kills anybody that opposes him or speaks out against him. It is until last year we could have any sort of opposition against him and even then whenever there would be a peaceful rally he did all to stop it by sending armed thugs to attack us by throwing rocks at us, shooting at us, and even holding my older brother and uncle hostage as prisoners for 18 days just because of our last name. One of my uncle's is the main spokesperson for the democratic platform in haiti, the largest opposition group. If a journalist spoke out against aristide in the past he was killed. Even the students who voiced their discontent with him and were about to have a protest against him were attacked by his thugs at their school. He sent thugs to the university in haiti to kill these students. The rebels you see fighting now to get rid of Aristide is divided into two groups into one, its composed of former Aristide thugs who got all their guns in the past from Aristide to kill for Aristide and former military who were there in the early 90's. These are not people that ever liked each other before, they are joined in their goal which is to rid of Aristide. The ones that used to be his thugs its more of revenge issue for them as their leader was killed by Aristide a few months ago and now his brother leads the gang. The oppostion groups are completely seperated from the rebels now. They do all their movements in a peaceful manner even though they are repeatedly attacked and threatened. You have all sectors of society together in Haiti now together, united more then ever of all races, religious background, poor, rich, middle class all are united now saying Aristide must go. As for as democraticly elected those elections were flawed and boycotted. I'm just glad right now that the bush administration is in control as the clinton administration were all bought off as well as the black caucus to support Aristide. Aside from Israel and maybe two other countries, HAiti as poor as it is, spent more money on lobbying in the U.S. then any other country. It's sad to see many people misunderstand whats going on in Haiti, as you hear some people actually in favor of him in the U.S., the man is a terrorist ruling as a dictator and the only thing that seperates him from a bin laden or sadaam is he has no mass destruction weapons. This guy who is asking help from the US and was restored by them on his first day back in Haiti, had an anti american speech. Anyhow hope I cleared some things for you guys, and hope you understand why there is no way anybody would negotiate with aristide. Hopefully he is out one way or the other by the end of this week, which is looking more and more possible.
  21. Looks good but I thought cue was at space this saturday. If im out this saturday will check it out.
  22. Candy guessing you saw that movie in your sig? Amazing movie don't u think?
  23. Dude she did state she was catholic and thats how it went according to our beliefs, no need to hate and call her a sheep. Why so jumpy anyhow to make somebody feel like their beliefs are wrong. I saw this movie after waiting to see it for a long time, not because of the hype but I was actually interested in a mel gibson directed movie and more importantly a movie depicting the final hours of jesus. Not a sheep cause I went to watch this when it came out and no not all of a sudden more religious cause of what I saw on the screen, but as a Catholic the movie helped remind me of the weight of what Jesus went through for me and everybody else.
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