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Everything posted by livin42nite

  1. Woke this thread up from the dead, as it seems like lots going on as usual over there this month. Dominican Republic Tom Stephan 11/21 Danny Howells 11/28 Had john digweed, jimmy van m, carl cox, and trendroid over the last month Peru Sander k 11/15 Junkiexl, Sandra Collins, H.Cattaneo, Danny Howells,Three 11/22 Carl Cox diary while playing south america pt.2 Part 1 I'm sure there is gonna be tons more going on in december though with those lineups kinda hard to believe that. And as for me and the december plans I had, maybe.
  2. would u guys feel better if lp came on and posted that you all got punked and this was all part of asthon kutcher's plan for a special miami episode. seems like that always makes it cool.
  3. watchin it as well, thats some crap on there. Where did they find that crazy woman stalking jp like that?
  4. Carla seen the chris rock ones tons of times, bring the pain is just way 2 funny. Leguizamo's was funny as well, but I think one of my all time fav's gotta be eddie murphy's "Raw". Have not seen the latin kings one yet. And to the other guy, event is at the jackie gleason theatre in miami beach.
  5. One last birthday bump, if u want i can hook u up with a tiesto classics cd.
  6. $37-60. The ones for 60 were already sold out. I got the ones for 45
  7. livin42nite

    chris rock

    Anybody else going to see him doing his stand up act on dec. 5th, just got my tickets now
  8. Damn, been waiting for a roland marathon set on the patio for a while now and now it finally happens but on a weekend I probably won't be able to make it. Biz, set up a md in the booth or something and record it and gimme a copy. Oscar might kick your ass for it since he is against mp3s like that but do it anyways.
  9. Dude chill on the posting or at least with the ones about nothing, u make me have to look like 2 or 3 pages back for some pretty new and imp. threads.
  10. Since most stories outside of the middle east or the us make the news over here, thought I'd post a little something about whats going on in haiti, this week. It's a lil personal for me, but still you should read it as it makes for an interesting read I guess. Freedom of assembly threatened, civil society leadership harassed, democracy at risk Last week, the “Group of 184,†Haiti’s largest pro-democracy coalition of civil society organizations, publicly announced its intention to sponsor a peaceful rally in support of Haitian democracy and social reform—based on what its leadership describes as “a new covenant for a new beginning toward peace, social justice and development.†The appropriate public authorities were also formally notified at this time, in conformity with Haitian law regulating such assemblies. The rally—which is expected to draw thousands of citizens concerned with the seemingly ineluctable degradation of Haiti’s social fabric over the past decade—is scheduled for noon, Friday, November 14th, on the capital city’s central public plaza. Since the announcement, the regime in place has spared no effort in its frenzied attempts to intimidate the leadership and rank-and-file members of the sponsoring organizations—as well as the general public—in order to squelch this initiative, which it apparently perceives as inimical to its own interests. One of the principal figures of this non-partisan civil society movement, Andy Apaid, Jr., has recently been served with a re-issued subpoena to appear before the public prosecutor in connection with the events of July 12th of this year, when the regime’s armed proxies (the so-called “popular organizationsâ€) violently assaulted this same group as it attempted to present its proposed new “social contract†to the Catholic parish and public in Cité Soleil, Port-au-Prince’s sprawling seaside slum. (The initial summons, to which Mr. Apaid responded in person, was later revealed to be part of a macabre plot to assassinate him with a sniper’s bullet on the very steps of the Palace of Justice! The current appearance has been ordered for today, Wednesday, November 12, just 48 hours prior to the scheduled rally.) Earlier this week, a public demonstration that targeted Mr. Apaid personally, and “demanded†that the government take action against him on the basis of his presumed dual citizenship in Haiti and the United States, was staged by the regime itself outside the Immigration Office. Meanwhile, spokespersons for the regime and the ruling party that is behind it have taken to the airwaves on radio and television, unabashedly threatening mayhem against anyone who has the temerity to participate in Friday’s event. The specter of a blood-bath in the streets of Port-au-Prince has once more been raised, as it has so many times before by all those who would continue to rule Haiti with the iron fist of dictatorship. Both the United States Government, through its Embassy in Haiti, and the Organization of American States, whose Special Mission to Haiti was mandated more than a year ago, have recently criticized the regime for its overt suppression of freedom of assembly and the press, and the countless human rights violations that have been attendant on the execution of this strategy. But with the clock ticking on Friday’s peaceful and lawful rally—which has already garnered the support of a broad cross-section of the capital’s population—the time has come for our government to take an even firmer stand in support of freedom of expression; by immediately issuing an unambiguous statement designed to give the Lavalas regime and its armed thugs pause as they contemplate the consequences of their ongoing harassment of the planners of the event, and the violent assault upon participants that will quite likely be staged on the day itself. Therefore, the Haiti Democracy Project is appealing to you, in your capacity as a public servant and as a long-standing friend of the Haitian People, to intercede directly with either the US State Department here in Washington, or with your contacts at the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince, so that the appropriate actions may be taken within the next thirty-six hours. Like the brave Haitians who intend to risk their safety on Friday in the quest for a better future for all, we too MUST stand shoulder-to-shoulder NOW, as Americans, in support of FREEDOM, JUSTICE and DEMOCRACY throughout the hemisphere.
  11. I thought u were making it out only for the big events biz, this guy oscar v did not even make the top 100 djs on DJmag which is the one place that lets u know how good a dj is. Come on man, you need to get back into real music and follow the best djs. I hear oakenfold is making a return soon :bounce:
  12. Oh and og was rereading the pm i last sent, meant sarcastic about the tiesto thing, for the other thing absolutely serious so let me know as soon as you can.
  13. Even if he does disappear, which i doubt happens, at least he would have had some success to look at in the past. Now for the guy you are a solider for, well that one is still unknown. By the way nothing against eddie g, cause I know nothing about him except that he opens up for cheese but u make him look bad with all your negativism. Coming from sobe or philippio is one thing, since philippio is cause of something personal and them not having his music there and sobe well sobe just loves to hate on space once in a while but is there often. You though, just post hate after hate messages for god knows what about every club and dj, but eddie g.
  14. And biz must be sobe2003 with all that talk of roland a couple months ago. Geniuses, who else are you oscar?
  15. :laugh: How could I not mention you when it comes to sarcasm, my bad. And big deal if its not his b-day party this weekend, he is allowed at least as many b-day parties a year as closing parties there. By the way wanted to let u know burger king will never close fended.
  16. During the conference went to one of those playboy pool parties at the raleigh hotel and it was pretty damn good.
  17. Great movie. Will ferrell prooves that he is by far the funniest guy in hollywood right now. I seriously had my doubts about the movie as funny ass movies and pg ratings normally don't go together, but this is an exception. Go check it out, you will enjoy it and wish you had this movie as a kid to watch over and over. Oh and funniest line was the one when he picked his pops phone up.
  18. Happy b-day to the most sarcastic member on this board and keep up the good work on the productions and djing. Oh and check your pm's.
  19. Depends on who is playing, but yeah most the time more tech then prog.
  20. Got some much needed rest sunday, so pretty sure im gonna make it out, till what time does he play?
  21. Was it mazi's first time there?
  22. And I missed this part of the set
  23. Write your own fool I kid, I kid
  24. Uh was reading a couple of posts about last night, but noticed only one other person who went there had a review and they a trancehead from the posts I've seen from them so doesn't count Got to space a little after 3:00 from luna, which was being ripped up by mazi, and sander is already in the middle of his set. Noticed some people said it was not busy, but in terms of space busy maybe not but for any other club that is packed. Downstairs was completely packed, but upstairs was closed till around 6:00. Sander played an amazing set full of chunky basslines, beautiful melodies, and some funky ass house. He really went all over the place and not a damn person could complain in there cause it worked to perfection. Everybody in there seemed like they were loving the set as much as I was. So many damn highlights from his set, but my fav track that I heard him play in there had to be the addicted track from his everybody cd. Track with biggest reaction I think was ride or this breaks track that had the place jumping up. As soon as sander finishes with his Wonderful remix they open the terrace up, which already had some people in there jamming to roland's set. After a little while sander came up and just like I asked on his guestbook the boys tag teamed on the terrace and soon enough terrace was packed. Biz thanks for the passes was able to get my damn everybody cd signed, i usually don't do the signings stuff but its really one of my fav cds in a long time that since I bought it can't get out of my car's cd player. Was also gonna ask tiesto's biggest fan to sign a murk cd for me, but I'll wait till monday night for that. Anyways was a top night of music, from luna to space, with my only regret missing roland's opening set but I caught some on the radio and it was great. Fun night at space with everybody loving sander's set. I did prefer the mainroom set this time around though, even though I usually prefer the terrace.
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