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Everything posted by livin42nite

  1. Sick sick sick music. Mazi came down and and played an amazing set that put smiles on everybody's faces. There are so many tracks that I would love to have from this set, but I guess I'm gonna have to wait for the broadcast on proton one of these tuesday nights. Crowd was decent and its sad so many missed out on such great music. Anyways big thanks to marco, cianci, and carla for the treatment. Carla and Marco are dangerous though, they will supply you with endless amounts of drinks if you want and they go out of their way to making each and everone of their guests feel at home. Good work and great music. Oh one recommendation to the staff at luna, label the bathrooms. I made it to the woman's room and noticed something was a bit strange when there was no urinals. Oops my bad and unfortunately no chickes were in there This guy would have torn off the roof of any club he played last night and I'm glad I got the oppurtunity to catch some of his set, loved every second.
  2. Don't know how to set it up and on which part of the board, maybe u can help fended but here are the official choices for the new name, call it whatever u like its up to you guys. The king The kitchen Burger Le Royale (france) Burgers 42nd Ave. Steak and Shake Mcdonalds Flame Broiled and over 1,000,000 cows sent to heaven Burgers Big Willy's All You Can Eat The $6.09 Burger Mad Burgers Sane Cows
  3. Another time maybe i guess, but unlike the rest on the board I'm into tara so was no biggy. Lots of hotties in the crowd as well
  4. I actually like atb's productions, not the 9pm till i come ones, but he had tons of more chill songs that I used to love. As a dj though
  5. As long as hip hop is the mainstream, sobe will survive. Just gonna be all around more like the middle of washington ave. 1. Mansion will not fail, its the opium peeps behind this and they got what it takes to survive on sobe. Look how packed opium is week in and week out. 2.Maze will not fail, it already has. 3.Nerve got some nice acts lined up and I like the place, but not sure on its future. 4.Crobar not too sure.
  6. Think im gonna hit the sack as well for a bit, damn rain.
  7. Yeah went to check it out, but the valet guys told me that they couldn't have the party cause of some liquor license or something.
  8. By the way did anybody see vida there last night?
  9. Hells yeah I'm gonna be at sander 2nite. Dude better play the patio though Oh and of course will be at luna earlier on the night, need to catch some of mazi as well.
  10. Last night was a fun night there. Got to opium at like 1130 and prive door and opium door are slammed as usual, so did not think there was any way I was gonna be able to get in, since last minute a cousin of mine from outta town called and said he was here and wanted to go out with me and another cousin. So 3 guys in front of opium when they normally never let guys get in alone, but I get to meet nick for the first time in front of opium and he gets us in no problem. Thanks, and it sucks to have seen u working so much on your b-day party but im sure later on you got 2 party. Anyways micheal lewis had a nice opening set and while down there was able to see a few cpers and chat with a couple. Unfortunately my outta town cousin starts to complain and asks me to bring him to find some easy and no snobby girls Since we came in two cars have him follow me and take him to a strip joint and leave him there. Back to opium, I go and prive still has people in front of their door and its like 2:45 and now catch dgrutman at the door and he also takes care of us really quick and dude you should have gone up to see what u told me to go check out in the hip hop room. Funny stuff and as wasted as she was, i'd still hit that if had the chance Lots of nice looking women in there and see a couple of friends and just have a good time with them. Oh and funniest part of night was when my cousin thought he saw vida and I told him no that ain't her. He refuses to believe me and tells me my prob is I only look at her ass on the pictures that this girl is her, he goes up to her and asks her I don't know what but the girl lets him know she ain't no vida. Fun night though had a couple 2 much drinks and ended up missing exits and all that crazy shit on the way home and a regularly 20 minute drive took like an hour Again huge thanks to nick and dgrutman, pure class from both and like the work you guys do together. Bring more guest djs to opium nick and dave keep bringing the women.
  11. Remember this is our closing and that we are not wendy's or some low ass cheap burger joint. Dress appropriately and no prob getting in, remember we are located in the middle of a very luxorious neighborhood so thats y we ask u dress uncomfortably.
  12. koky stay away from her, that ass is mine.
  13. happy b-day to the cj b-day peeps and I'll be there with all eyes on vida and then roxanne and then tara and then back on vida and u get the point.
  14. One more day and it's on. Hopefully sander does play the terrace and biz give u call tomorrow to fix everything up for the trivia stuff i got Sander is gonna be amazing tomorrow.
  15. livin42nite

    XBOX Help

    Crappy thing with carts are when you put them in and it doesn't work and u gotta do the whole blow into the game and your nintendo trick to get it to work. Looking back at it now, my nintendo must have been one nasty ass system with all that blowing into it.
  16. Y'all want better prices on your monthly bills, just call to cancel and ask them if they can give u any retention plans and maybe u will consider staying. For 70 a month got 1000 anytime minutes, unlimited nights and weekends, pcs to pcs free, and the vision thing on sprint to go on the web. Oh and like 5 bucks of this is for my insurance on the phone. Used to pay like over hundred bucks every month cause of crap ass minutes i had. Oh and nationwide.
  17. livin42nite

    XBOX Help

    Wallmart tricks works good. I only did that once though and not for a game but i think it was the dreamcast. Like after a month I bought it shit fell and quit working, so I bought a new one at sears and traded the insides and brought it back Hopefully no kiddies went out and bought my beat up dreamcast
  18. Props to the people behind this event. Not often you can get people to look forward a monday, but this is gonna be good. I'll be there.
  19. Was listenin to the cd on the way home tonight, cd 2 is really amazing. Sander better play the memory track as well as tons of the other tunes from his cd.
  20. livin42nite

    Matrix Review

    Just saw it a bit ago on the imax. Without givin anything, movie was tops. First one was the best, second was okay but too much talk in it, and this one was action and more like the 1st one in style. Great movie series, but still I think they could have concluded it after the first movie and it would have been better.
  21. i would be at parties 1,2,4, and 5 for sure. Marine parade the most. Oh and would like to see, fatboy slim and royyskopp's label party as well.
  22. I signed it, by the way saleen funny stuff in there. You need to listen to his cd though, its fun music, no dark stuff as you like to say.
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