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Everything posted by livin42nite

  1. saleen are you a promoter for space? Seems you do a great job of posting for them like 10 times a day?
  2. tiesto will be great as always. He does not really play cheesy trance and there is a reason why he was voted number one dj in the world in that djmag poll. Not saying he is cause to me lots have more talent and play music I'd rather listen to, but the music he plays is quite good. Most underground music fans trash him cause he plays trance, but really people give him a chance and go for a listen you might just dance your ass off. It's a different style though and seems to be doing just fine without that fanbase as again was voted number 1 dj.
  3. nah missed it, was at space 34 most of the conference and when I wasn't was at opium. Was my first conference so did best to catch biggest names I had never seen. Next year though think it will be about the guys that come very rarely. Not saying did not enjoy the conference, was one of the best weeks of my life and got those two clubs to thank for it, just next year will be a little change. What's going on with spi now anyways? Oh and rcrespo how about that mix of nirvana's smells like teen spirit or that radiohead track in there. Trust me you guys need to check this mix out.
  4. livin42nite

    amazing mix

    Space or maze, one of you guys need to book adam freeland. Just finally got to check his essential mix and its amazing. By far the best mix this year and I'm not even a breaks fan. Crazy mix, but for those who can't handle somebody using their music to send a message across then don't download cause its a very political and antiwar mix.
  5. does anybody who did the remix of the white stripes song- seven nation army. Deep dish played a mix of this sat night that just killed at space. Amazing tune.
  6. saleen u got to share the beats, can't find those anywhere. Btw deep dish played this latin house tune sat night that rocked the house, hopefully this is it.
  7. Why would you open up your club at 3 in the morning with hip hop afterhours? It's not gonna work, seriously and if you try and go against space with house, you better be willing to dish out big money for the djs cause from what I know they all on lock there. WHat I would like to see with the beach is they have it be a trance club while space sticks with the house. I mean would be nice to have downtown area by space be mainly electronic music while sobe can keep turning into the hip hop mecca it is becoming.
  8. What a night last night. Got there at 12:20 or so and saw the crazy line. Knew guestlist was closing at 1 so thought that would be enough time, but I get to the front at 1:05 and its $40 a head and we were a group of three so instead of being comped we paid 120, but you know what who am I to complain, I've been comped so many times at the door at space and had passwords and all that, that to pay that 40 one time although was not expecting to, not 2 big of a deal. Would love to have that money still in my pocket, but regardless got there they gave me the price and if I didn't want to pay it did not have to. We went in and by then deep dish had already started playing. Amazing music by ali to start the night off, man there was a remix of I think its an alternative song, somebody told me titled red and white stripes. Crazy music, then headed to the terrace and roland is playing nuts 2, now this guy was messing around with I don't know how many different mixes of clocks at one point and it just flowed great and then he followed it with that words song. Great stuff by roland, and he prooves again why he is the master of the terrace. Go back to deep dish and sharam is killing the dancefloor with the music and the people are just going wild. Did I mention there were some real real fine women in the place tonight, most showed up in the late hours around 5, but perfect. As far as the sound did not really notice anything wrong with it. Only thing I did miss though was the fog, they never fogged up the main room, which I don't know why. Anyways awesome night and great first experience with deep dish. Thanks to biz for having my name on the list again, but should have listened to you and showed up even earlier then 12:20.
  9. Always end up missing deep dish, hopefully this time all goes to plan and I am able to catch them. I wonder how much cover will be for it though, since i'm sure this will get really packed since its deep dish and there is nothing else to do since beach is overtaken by hiphop.
  10. tantra is amazing monday nights, but house music as for the food its even better and though a bit costy not 250 for 2 people. Maybe 150 with desserts and drinks.
  11. Never seen or heard a felix liveset but have heard good things, anybody got a tracklist of a recent set he has played so I know what to expect. I'm 90 percent sure I'm going though since the rest of the beach is to be avoided. And definately up for deep dish at space on saturday.
  12. We get to go in their clubs for free, get free drinks, get our friends in for free and they get to see us bitch about them afterwards, how does that help them. Yeah if were talking good about them you could say they using us to make them look good, but three quarters of the time most people just talk crap on the clubs and the service. "Oh they did not let me in cause I dressed like I was going to hang with the bums on 2nd street, the drinks were hot, the design is cheap, rip off of spin, not enough dancers, too much lights, the sound though better than any at fort lauderdale sucks." Come on lighten up somebody gives u vip treatment give them the respect they deserve and thank them for it, don't abuse it. And like vip said you got a complaint, don't say something sucks say you guys could improve in this area or something like that give them recommendations not talk crap on them.
  13. Agree with u on this one vip
  14. well had very high expectations for this movie and unlike most times this was worth the hype. Amazing movie, but missed the trailer for the third as I found out about that till too late. Anyways if anybody saw it, pm me and let mme know what goes on in that.
  15. nah gotta disagree, my experience at that movie theater (sheridan muvico) is crowd sucks, you can't watch a movie cause so much people yellin for the hell of it, like 15 year olds talkin on phone instead of watching the movie. I'm watching this at regal on licoln road, saw city of god there this weekend amazing sound system in the room i was in. And it's out 2morrow night.
  16. funketeer how come u got so much hate for saleen, guy never drops your name on the board but u seem to be obsessed with talking about him and complaining. Yeah u might not like the guy, I don't know him personally but his reviews are cool and I would definately not like him as a promoter if he bitched about my club after i gave him comps and etc. but he is nothing to you so again y all the hate?
  17. let me get this biz and eddy u both in on this, sounds good but i wonder what night you guys gonna have this party since friday is maze and sat space. I know im asking 2much questions but trying to squeeze out all the info i can from you guys.
  18. its got my attention, what in the world is gonnna be happening though in that place i got no idea. Biz what type of music gonna be there and give some more info, that ad feels like a teaser to a big movie. I want the full trailer.
  19. :laugh: ga2 where u get these animations???
  20. An 80's night at space, would be cool but I'm not sure if oscar and roland would play 80's music even if it was only once. And they are house djs so not sure if they could really bring it for an 80's night. I doubt 80's night ever happens though.
  21. Can't wait for deep dish and danny howells. Should be great, luckily for me I get to enjoy more nights than lots of you guys here since lots of you either hate house or hate trance. I love both so all the space dates coming up look great to me. By the way saleen although I do like the lighting in the new space I gotta laugh at your sig, thats just funny stuff and much better to look at then that scooters thing.
  22. Pod you and ocean drive. Where is all that hate coming from? I know pretty much everybody on cp dresses ok, but the thing is I think they gotta be asses to everybody for a few weeks to encourage the people that do dress like crap to put some decent clothes on. Once the club cleans itself from the thug clothing and guys coming in sweatshirts, then we can all start dressing comfortably again as long as we do it stylishly like most of us already do. I just think they gotta appear strict for a few weeks to get a point across.
  23. Am I the only on here that actually likes the fact that space has got a dresscode??? Yeah its been a bit tough these first couple of weeks, but I think they just trying to get a point across and get people to start dressing up decently to go there. After a while Im sure they will allow you to wear your sneakers, but one problem with the old space was they were letting anybody in no matter what they were wearing and this is their way of sending the message out to their visitors to dress up nicely rather then dressing up for a club deep type of club. From what I've seen this dresscode is improving the crowd in space a bit as I could go into the hip hop room and not feel out of place in the crowd or overdressed (yeah I pass by the hip hop room every once in a while even though can't stay in there more than 2 minutes, lots of hot girls in there and shaking their asses off) THough the music there was still not my cup of tea, the crowd looked good and I could actually stay there until my ears said enough move on to good music. Anyways my point is just dress well for a few weeks, the rest of the people will realize you can't just dress like crap and get in there and actually dress up. After a while wear your sneakers and I'm sure you will have no problems cause the bouncers will get used to the people dressing up and chill on having to make them dress up.
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