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Everything posted by njstacked2

  1. Reeni...you wuld love it! FYI Deep Saturday?
  2. Carl...I know Ultra does something there...but I have no idea if he was correct...This guy is a guru and lives for this shit...
  3. hahaha! Sorry I was no fun the other night...I was wasted from dinner and I was feeling sick.....Honestly you have no idea...W ecertainly ran that Island...kids feared our group!
  4. I don't know...Mr. Finaplix was very convincing last night.
  5. Chris...I am thinking about publishing a book about our adventures...on all our Spring Breaks...I am giving you a 90% of not making it back....but one last time...Nothing like Ja Rule handing you a pill.....bwahhhahahahahaha!
  6. Like I said Cancun is the mecca of fun! La Boom...is probably my favorite Club...
  7. It just gives me more of a reason to revisit my old stomping ground...CANCUN!
  8. If this is the case...The Stacked will be in La Boom, Cancun....
  9. A fellow Juice Head at my Gym yesterday said...WMC may be held in Vegas this year? Any validity to this?
  10. I am loving my Dell Flat Screen! Billy when Enron was liquidated they were selling 22" Flat LCD Screens for $100....They had over 10,000 of them...
  11. Lil Cee...The Stacked backs you...It is not even worth it to argue on here trust me...I heard XL was off the hook...!!! Good Luck and next time I see you ...I will let you buy me a drink! Holla!
  12. Friday it is then! I am not into Hip Hop Nights!
  13. Bro...I get payed every two weeks...not everyday! Relax...I am sure he will get payed....why would you even post this on here...except to make Sleep look like they are doing something wrong....STFU! When I was 17 I worked at Surf Club as a Barback and ages 18-20 as a Bouncer I would get payed every two weeks....Of course Tips would be at the end of the night....So once again STFU........
  14. I will be down in 2 weeks...can someone tell me a good Thursday night spot...I have the other days planned out...Thanks, Stacked
  15. Binoy...I still cannot believe how intense it was! The night went by too fast.
  16. The guy got kicked out...No one was around when it happened...The bad thing is Bigtime does not know what the guy even looked like... I am more concerened about the $340 I spent at Deko..."What the hell is wrong with me?" After chipping in for a bottle I decided to buy one myself...I think I got 2 drinks from it....oh well.....!!! Fun Times have no price tag!
  17. Not a fight...Bigtime...took a shot to the eye...that was about it...then he snapped a bottle over the guys head....Digga form tackled the guy into the ground and I honked his nose like Ralph Machio in the Karate Kid II....
  18. I don't remember one slow point in the whole night...It was a very intense night!
  19. Armenio & Binoy...I was all messed up when we were leaving..but someone handed Court and I a Gift Bag...it had a Belt Buckle in it....and some other cool shit...Thanks To Whoever! Kind Gesture!
  20. Bigtime...I am still the H.N.I.C. ! I created a new language last night.... GTFH---Go The Fuck Home!
  21. Boris was off the hook.....but so was Richie.
  22. Anthony....WMC will be off the hook...What a sick time I had last year!
  23. Rod...S.T.F.U! WTF was I saying last night? OMG! Too Funny! I am losing it just thinking about the evening last night.... BINOY, ARMENIO,SERGIO....Incredible fucking time as always.... Honestly I have had a better time at Deko then I had at Tempts all summer......Obhviously Surf Club is first on my list..... Rod...The Stacked gave you a little Show and Tell late night.....One day you can bore me with your old pics.... Right now I am picturing Bigtime at the Giants Game...with a swollen eye and massive headache...His intense father yelling in his ear while he is stuffing his face with food.....It happens to the best of us and only makes you stronger............
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