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Everything posted by njstacked2

  1. Honestly I was very impressed...I thought the place was really nice...and unusual in a good way....It is setup nice inside and alot of space to either sit down walk around or dance....Easy to get drinks and I thought the bartenders were pretty friendly...Music was axtually really good...Yes I am giving Moo some props! Nice work....My only complaint was the type of people who were there....lots of FUBU wearing townies....but other than that....nice Job! I think it is going to be a great Friday night spot....I actually had to leave early....The Stacked was run down after a long week of getting yelled at...and not to mention I went to dinner before hand and got pretty bangedup.....
  2. Actually to be honest with you...he is donating his ARM to Dondiezel....a pure act of kindness since Dave has been Blessed with the MOST UNMUSCULAR ARMS I have ever seen!
  3. It is a peronal situation...I would rather not give specifics.... Thank You Though.
  4. Sorry....bro...my brother is getting his arm amputated...on Monday so I want to spend the day with him...you know?
  5. Binoy...you were so banged up @ The Clevelander last time!!! OMG! On stage with Skribble ...Too Funny! I am going to Miami Nov.5- 9.....Actually South Beach for 3 days and West Palm for 2..............Jet Blue has really good deals right now.............................................................................................
  6. Ok I am very neutral in this debate since I do not work in the "INDUSTRY"....Although behind the scenes...my alliance simply "RUNS THE INDUSTRY" ...but....I I live in Woodbridge near Sleep and go to NYSC in Colonia...it seemed like a lot of people went there last weekend and had a good time.....and enjoyed the change of atmosphere.....I do agree nothing can ever compare to South Beach nor should a place try to duplicate the SoBe scene.......
  7. Good Call Anthony...WMC...I cannot wait to be at the Shelborne Resort listening to Boris in the pool! Sick! Sick! Sick! And of course the Clevelander "swamp/pool" party!!! I cannot wait....Rest assured Bigtime and I have also planned out the creatine cycle that will get us to WMC!
  8. Bigtime just called with the good news...We both agree this is at least enough time for two cycles of creatine.
  9. I played TWW and FNSR this week.....I bought 12,000 TWW @ .68 it is trading at .75 now...and should have got out at .78 yesterday...I used a Break Out Indicator in which I scan average daily value vs. % gain as well as I have been trying to chart the Specialist position by what happens on the open and close....this tells me the probability of him being long or short........ I dumped FNSR yesterday for a .22 cent gain....on 5,000....This market is like taking candyfrom a child.
  10. Ok...Honstly...This stock is being manipulated on light volume....IT broke a trend and made a solid rally....My guess is if you were going to sell 1000 shares it would push this POS down 2 dollars....Bids are not lining up and this is a typical day trading setup if I have ever seen one.....My advice is to dump half your position and then enter a trailing stop where you would feel most comfortable........I do not see this thing being a major player in the long run.....Always remember these words that were taught to me at a young age by my Grandfather who was an excellent Trader......"Pigs Get Slaughtered"...Meaning don't be a pig...you made money get out NOW!
  11. Yo...How is Life Styles doing....I may eat there after my sick fucking arm workout tonight!!! Are you located right next to sleep?
  12. I was nicknamed "RAGE" by my senior year... The Monster sounds like me...! Too Funny! I led the team in tackles....yet....he would fucking go nuts on me....if I read the wrong play...I remember getting to practice right at 2:45....Throw my pads on and be out on the field by 3pm....a half hour before practice....just to practice interceptions up the middle...I would have my boy throw his hardest at me from 10yards....Coach thought I was insane...I really need to show you my year book...There is a giant picture of me and under it is says "Last Name...Tackling like a Mad Man"....I begged to do Oklahomas for at least 10 reps....It was my favorite thing besides decleating a freshman.....hahahahahahahahahah! Temptschick...no worries....
  13. Temptschick...Please smarten up...we are talking about Football and knocking kids over.....you are figuring out ways to communicate with Digga....pick up the phone beotch and dial his number...Next time if I want you to post on my thread I will PM you. Ok? great!
  14. Yes...Sounds all too familiar...One time in Accounting Class Senior year...my teacher handed me back a test it had an 89% on it....So when the class got quiet.... I stood up and said..."Excuse me Miss Logs...Do you know who I am?" ..... She said: "Chris sit down" I said: "Ms. Logs Chris doesn't get 89%'s" She said: "Chris get out of my classroom"\ I said: "Relax Ms. Logs this can all be worked out" hahahha I lost my mind in HS.....I simply ran shit.
  15. Rod....Yeah that was my concern as well...I already spoke to the bathroom attendant...he said we can use it as a makeshift locker room...Just let me know two minutes before you drop it...this way I can shut the lights off and start yelling....Then I will charge up the stairs and start cracking people and form tackling them into the bars.....Ok?
  16. 8:30...is perfect... If it was summer I would expect you there at 8:00 so we could inject and spot shoot as well as practice our poses.....
  17. Hype...."Never Show Weakness" ---"Never Show Weakness" Keansburg Game 1996 after a typical personal foul... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coach: "Stacked...What the fuck were you thinking?" NJstacked: "Not thinking Coach....just reacting" Coach: "Son...I never taught you to spear a player in the back after the whistle" NJstacked: "Sorry Coach next time I will do it before the whistle"
  18. Digga...you said it....Kids in the gym could not stop talking about this special night....I even did a few extra shrugs...I want my traps touching the ears that night...... Bigtime...even suggested getting there early....! Usually I am the one who makes that suggestion....
  19. Rod...Since I am going to be "that juiced up high school football player" and Court as that "easy cheerleader" can you please end your set with THUNDERSTRUCK by AC/DC....Rod...I am going to be sporting my old Jersey that night....I cannot help but feel completely invincible in it....Last time I wore it I was popping D-bols, drinking gallons of Ultimate Orange and Roid Raging on the Parkway while going to scout out other teams.....I want to feel that energy...again....I am bringing a mouthpiece and wearing a cup....Please Rod...Please.....do this for the High School Football Gods to whom I bow to every night....Thanks in Advance...Mr. President. I may bring my old High School Coach along...I want him yelling in my ear...asking me if I can "Taste it?"
  20. The Stacked knows HOUSE music better than anyone...I say Joe G is the hottest thing since Ojeda...On that note...I also love Lil Kim and the Jigga Man...JayZ....not even kidding...that is what I WAS SPINNING ON MY WAY INTO WORK! Hollllla cause I love Hip Hop!
  21. njstacked2


    What is the best Friday night party?
  22. Oh look it's Hampster Boy Dave...who let you out of the cage? Get back in your hampster wheel....Dave....How small are your arms? Just curious? Are you sure you even workout? Or just hangout in the locker room...Dave....just how unmuscular are you? If you were my son I would just finish the job and turn you into my daughter....Thats right...I think you would be hot as a girl....You have the body....we just need you to grow out your hair a little....... Dave...honsestly if I were you I would just shoot myself in hopes that I would be born again with better genetics......... Now...take a look at my triceps and pull the trigger. http://www.ofoto.com/PhotoView.jsp?Uc=o3tyqnl.uombwqp&Uy=-t9zb85&Ux=1&collid=83491265505&photoid=51293165505
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