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Everything posted by njstacked2

  1. I was waiting for someone to pick up on that...Although I have been off for almost 2 months....I got blood work done and Doctor told me everything was perfect...and to keep doing whatever I have been doing....I was like..."Doc...I don't think you want me to keep doing what I have been doing".......
  2. I am doing well jason...hit me on the bat phone tonight.... I know Grope is over there.....Last time I saw him was last New Years....it was too funny! He was classic that night.
  3. I hold Ray and Rod high up on my list of great people...They are a true class act...and believe anyone entering into their own business should take lessons from them...
  4. That is why Surf Club is so great...bartenders are simply happy and enjoy servicing their customers....a mutual respect always.
  5. I agree with you Brian...I have come to realize that bartenders often forget that they are getting a tip for pouring a fucking drink and doing their job....You give her a dollar per drink 20% of the cost and then she treats you like you are doing her a favor...Wrong Bitch...You are providing an easily replacable service....so put on a happy fucking face and pour me my fucking shitty drink in a plastic cup with stale ice.....
  6. Your boy should be going tanning to prevent any acne...Neglecting the tanning salon while elevating test levels is such a rookie mistake....although popping it for him was Very Iron of you...Good looking out for fellow juiceheads.
  7. I hope you and everyone else who has off today has a MISERABLE day... I already got yelled at today
  8. Where was Dave? Great question....I think he mentioned something about wanting to put on more Arm Size...I think he said he felt intimidated and uncomfortable. Christian also...nice job with that CD...I listened to it on the way into work this morning....and No it is Monday......
  9. How about ....FUCK R-BAR....!!!! Why? #1. Ray and Rodney do not own it anymore. #2. They dropped the wrong DJ's #3. It is a sausage fest full of Woodbridges "finest" Good Luck "Sleep".....If you treat your customers right...you should do fine....just know you are a club in Central Jersey...and do not try to be something you are not...because people will not go back.....Also...you are probably in the right hands with Elite...considering they turned that shitty club in Hoboken into a pretty good Friday night party.....just my 2 cc's! Show me what you got!
  10. Christian...Great job bro! Sick time...great energy....Binoy & Armenio...thanks for hooking it up! Sergio...you are lucky I was a little off balance...and not as focused...next time I will get into a three point stance and drive block you!
  11. Oh yeah! Vsoto....HOLLLLLA!
  12. I am into Juicy Couture....I think for lounging around it cannot be beat.....I still like D&G but starting to love JPG.
  13. Yes...of course WMC....I LOVE SOUTH BEACH.
  14. Anthony....sorry....the link exposed alot of pics.
  15. I wish I could keep posting pics...but I cannot give out the addy.
  16. Nothing that an Arm Transplant can't fix.
  17. I hate AX....it is for Rookies.
  18. I did not realize I posted the whole Album.... Slinky...i think those are Arms?
  19. Kids...just remember it is good to be KING!
  20. Slinkyboy...Yes they do have a lot to learn...As we speak Tina is running a google search on the New Gucci Cologne....I cannot seem to find it anywhere...If she comes through I promised her lessons on "fitting in" and being "socially accepted"...She is not far and in many peoples eyes she is very hot...but still a B Team Candidate.
  21. Of course the volume sucks...but I am a huge fan of the underlying fundamentals...also...my time horizon is huge like a year or so....I want to also avoid Short term capital gains.
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