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Everything posted by njstacked2

  1. Well....Someclown at the time I was playing football so it required me to maintain a strong physique....It was great though because I was 235 and on all sorts of growth enhancement chemicals and ate whatever I wanted...So I spent my days stuffing my face as well....the tables have turned. I still remember my friend and I doing sprints in Hyde Park...we both played ball in college so it was nice to have a lifting partner.
  2. Yo Carl...That Shit is Hot! It looks like that one club in the city.
  3. I wasnt saying it was from Taste...i was just interested in what Taste was like inside......
  4. Good thing I go tanning....Women let these pics be a lesson to you....Even if you use the Neutrvagina Instant Bronzer...you will see a dramatic difference....although I used it on the beach and it looked like I was melting.
  5. What is the lighting like in Taste...I saw a lot fo pics like this...fucking disturbing...can't Moo airbrush this shit...hurt my fucking eyes....
  6. I was impressed Carl a lot of good looking women!
  7. Carl..I saw the pics on NJguido.com...Damn I never saw so many Hot People in one place....kids were sweating everywhere.
  8. Bro...the funny thing is....I lifted in crazy cities....Rome, Milan, Venice, Dublin(Ireland), Kensington and even Barbados...They are all so different! I always manage to find a gym no matter where I am....My boy and I joined a gym for 2 months in London...it took an hour to get to each day...and it was iall gay guys....hahaha...we didnt know it at the time....whoops.
  9. Rome...was Hot! Seriously every girl was unbelievable...the clubs sucked though...compared to London....Ministry of Sound was an experience but....Equinox in Piccadilly Circus was me and Courts favorite...not so many gays.......London was so safe...we ran around that city like nuts....it was me and my best friend from high school and Courts 2 friends...we went out at least 4-5 nights a week...for the first 3 weeks...then money started getting tight....so we just ran the credit cards up! We were so out of our element...but kids respected us....I have hard photos....I will have them put onto a disk and download them........Those trips were some of the best times in my life. I had no responibilites and no pressures.
  10. That is funny!!! Yeah...I looked into going there...two months ago...It is just tough to take off work so much and if you are not there....for a week then the travel is not worth it...especially since I am taking off for two weeks in July for our honeymoon...I am going to South Beach in November and again for WMC. but besides that Ibiza will have to wait along with Monaco and Brazil...I have done the Rome, Paris and London thing...actually Court and I spent 2 months in London a few summers ago....I want to spend time in more exotic islands...I am jealous!
  11. SOMECLOWN....Very impressive...glad you had a sick time! Kind of reminds me of me and Bigtimes Cancun experiences during college....minus the 1 gram of test, trashy people, site injections and trips to the pharmacy........................................... Tell me...are juice heads accepted in Ibiza? Speak to me about the dress code in most places..................................................... Hope to see you soon...missed you at Surf Club closin party.......
  12. Chris...give him a chance. I am sure he will be a man about it.
  13. Ok...Carl has apologized and it is over...he said he would comp me dinners at Taste for the next year so I could eat like a KING! i am still working on the Throne.
  14. Congrats Chris....as the time gets closer I will be making the House Warming Thread....23 and a home owner....Good luck bro! You deserve it!
  15. Chris...Excatly. I am still waiting for him to respond.
  16. Trust me...The stacked is always smiling....Wait until I do some searches and post a few things on my mind....be prepared.
  17. Carl...Slinkyboy and Carlismybitch... are both one person...not ME! So once again you are a liar....You are completely wrong! Too funny! You are so pathetic.............and everyone knows it....
  18. Carl...sorry bro my old post got deleted... But long story short...my boy on Elitefitness found out that you have three screen names...carguy19, caruccipromos and njbigstacked are the same. Carl...Now this is too funny! you are a fucking JOKE! You have messed with the wrong people.
  19. OMG! Binoy that was you! hahaha! I thought that was Fury! I was so shot...ATB in general is pretty sick...I honestly believe that he blends Dolphin language into his beats...hahaha.....
  20. Binoys...Yes Bro! Thank You! I was smiling all night...the Stacked had an amazing time....Too Much Fun! Richie was so on point. Dan Fury...if you are out there...OMG! What was I saying to you? Remember asking me what I wanted to hear? I never heard it! ATB 9 till you come...first song I ever rolled too!
  21. The funny thing is...Bigtime and myself took a road trip friday night to our old college....it was a three hour drive...As soon as I got in the car Chris says; "Well Chris we have 3 hours to talk about our next cycle" We planned the whole year out! Debating all the products to choose from.
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