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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. U.S. Household Wealth Hits Record (March 5, 2004) -- Household net worth rose from $43.58 trillion prior to the stock-market bust in 2000 to $44.41 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2003 due to robust home-price appreciation and the stock-market recovery, according to the Federal Reserve. The central bank's research also reveals that mortgage debt slowed from a rate of 11.5 percent in the third quarter to 10.5 percent during the last three months of the year, while the jump in overall borrowing slipped from 9.9 percent to 8.3 percent. Bear Stearns economists note that homeowners tapped into $491 billion worth of equity in 2003. Total equity, meanwhile, surged to $8.4 trillion as home prices continued their uphill climb. Source: The Wall Street Journal (03/05/04); Hagerty, James R.; Lagomarsino, Debo
  2. But I thought Alqeada didn't exist in Iraq?
  3. IF this number is true and I mean IF... Where was your outcry when thre number was 500k+ the last 25 years... You're protesting the wrong side.... Where did you get the number of 10k
  4. A sad day for a ally in the war on terror. I was watching an Italian news cast that says people in Spain are noticing the similarities in the date, 11th. The letter say a plan is in the final stages but I have faith the people protecting us that have been sucessful and hopefully our luck won't run out but one things for sure, the threat is anything BUT exagerated!!! Purported Qaeda Letter Says U.S. Strike Near Ready http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle....storyID=4551138 Letter Links Qaeda To Bombings Top News Spain Mourns 192 Dead, Probes Al Qaeda Bomb Claim Purported Qaeda Letter Says U.S. Strike Near Ready Bush Tells Evangelicals He Will Fight Gay Marriage MORE DUBAI (Reuters) - A letter purporting to come from Osama bin Laden's militant Islamist al Qaeda network said a big attack on the United States was in the final stages of preparation, a London-based Arabic newspaper said on Thursday. "We bring the good news to Muslims of the world that the expected 'Winds of Black Death' strike against America is now in its final stage...90 percent (ready) and God willing near," the letter said. The letter, signed by the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades which said it is part of al Qaeda, was sent to the London-based al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper. A copy of the letter was faxed to Reuters in Dubai. It was not possible to independently authenticate the letter. The United States blames al Qaeda for September 2001 attacks on New York on Washington that killed some 3,000 people. The Spanish government has said Basque separatists are the main suspect in the bombings of four trains early on Thursday that killed 192 people. But the country's interior minister held open the possibility of a militant Islamist link on Thursday evening when he told a newspaper conference that a suspect van had been found containing detonators and an Arabic-language tape. He said, however, militant Basque separatists remained chief suspects. The al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper received similar letters from the same brigade claiming responsibility on behalf of al Qaeda for a November bombing of two synagogues in Turkey and the August bombing of the U.N. headquarters in Baghdad. Spain backed the United States in its invasion of Iraq, drawing the opprobrium of militant Islamist groups __________________
  5. Don't you a have a rally to attend, with the other social misfits to burn an american flag or something Library boy???
  6. Just because it isn't on BBC doesn't make it non-credible... He currently provides security software for medical information services and hospitals, encryption software for secure e-mail, direct communications, electronic commerce and Internet Web Site services. During the past ten years, Smith has also become a noted investigative journalist and his reports have been covered by NewsMax.com, Insight magazine, USAF, "The Connection" Information Protection journal, E-SOURCES Online, U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings Magazine and dozens of other outlets. He is a journalist recognized by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Dept. of Defense (DOD), Dept. of Justice (DOJ) and the U.S. Commerce Department (DOC). Smith frequently appears on national television for the Fox network on matters of national security and international affairs and is a popular guest on radio shows all over America almost daily.
  7. United? Read this in a article... More telling is a new study from the Committee for the Study of the American Electorate. Their research shows that in the 19 state primaries held by Democrats through March 2 (caucuses weren't counted) an average of only 11.4 percent of eligible voters participated. To put that in perspective, turnout in the 1996 Democratic presidential primaries was 9 percent, and the only guy on the ballot was President Bill Clinton So Bill Clinton by himself, an unopposed incumbent, generated 9-percent turnout, while Kerry, Edwards, Dean, Clark, and Co. pulled a mere 11.4 percent all together. So much for mass appeal....
  9. You sell snake oil at the town fair, you loser.... better yet you probably sell D.C. monument black and white pics to tourists or wait I got it, you spit squee-gee windsheilds at red lights....
  10. :laugh: still dodging the question....
  11. Translation: Useless.....like I thought.
  12. 150 million and counting... Think about how many tie die shirts or hippie oil you would have to sell to make that much
  13. You brought me into this discussion "sperm burper" don't get all pissy because your card got pulled.... Now answer the question squee-gee boy...
  14. Exclusive: U.S. Finds Radioactive Missiles in Iraq Charles R. Smith Tuesday, March 9, 2004 U.S. Army troops operating at a former Iraqi air base recently made a startling discovery: Russian-made missiles marked with radioactive warning signs. Army bomb disposal troops confirmed using Geiger counters that the missiles are indeed radioactive. The discovery is not, however, considered the long-sought "smoking gun" of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. The missiles appear to be part of a cache of weapons supplied to Iraq before the 1991 Gulf War. The Russian-made R-60, NATO code name AA-8 Aphid, air-to-air missiles are part of a huge stockpile of former Iraqi Air Force munitions uncovered in over a dozen concrete bunkers. Photos Courtesy U.S. Army The Russian-made missiles are more than 6 feet long. Each carries 1.6 kilograms or about 3.5 pounds of radioactive uranium wrapped around a high explosive warhead. The uranium is not pure enough nor in large enough quantity to be a nuclear warhead but it is dangerous enough, as you can see from the label: Photos Courtesy U.S. Army U.S. bomb experts noted the R-60 warheads are similar in design and content to a so-called "dirty bomb" that could contaminate a small area with radioactive materials. Difficult Disposal The discovery of the uranium-laced R-60 missiles illustrates the difficulty that coalition troops have in trying to dispose of the billons of dollars of Iraqi weapons left behind after the second war. The R-60 missiles cannot simply be destroyed because the uranium-laced warheads could pose a health hazard to coalition troops and Iraqi civilians. Army bomb-disposal experts have gathered up all the R-60 missiles found at the site and quarantined them at a single, heavily guarded location. The R-60 has a very small 6-kilogram (13.2-pound) explosive warhead. The R-60 missiles supplied to Iraq by Russia contained uranium in their warheads to assist the small explosive charge in destroying targeted aircraft. Russian weapons designers added the uranium belt to the missile in order to knock-out western aircraft using the dense metal as a way to punch through heavily armored sections of U.S. made jets. U.S. troops also found a small number of advanced R-60M warheads at the site. The R-60M missiles are equipped with an advanced laser destruct system that detonates the warhead when it passes close to a target aircraft. More Russian Missiles In addition, U.S. troops uncovered several large air-to-surface Kh-28 missiles, NATO code-named AS-9 Kyle. Photos Courtesy U.S. Army The Kh-28 is a Russian-made, anti-radar, air-to-surface missile with a top speed of more than 2,000 miles an hour. The missile is approximately 19.5 feet long, 17 inches in diameter, has a wingspan of 5.5 feet and weighs more than 1,500 pounds. It carries a conventional 340-pound high-explosive warhead and has a range of 54 miles. U.S weapons experts are also handling the Kh-28 missiles carefully, but not because of its electronic radar-seeking warhead. The Kh-28 is powered by a liquid-propellant propulsion system that consists of a fuel tank and an oxidizer tank. The oxidizer is a dangerous chemical known as "red fuming nitric acid" or IRFNA. Each missile carries approximately 20 gallons of IRFNA. The oxidizer is considered to be highly dangerous and a possible carcinogen. U.S. Air Force disposal squads dismantled a Kh-28 found after the 1991 Gulf War using full Hazmat suits and special anti-chemical gear. Again, U.S. forces are taking great care in the disposal of the missiles for fear of exposing coalition troops and local civilians to hazardous chemicals such as the oxidizer found in the Kh-28 missiles.
  15. HUH? If we lived in a dictatorship you would be executed for being such a waste of skin....Think about that conspiracy boy.... Run along the auto-biographies are out of place :laugh:
  16. First off, lucky for you me and Igloo didn't step in to this thread and hand you your gerbil burrowed ass like countless other times and 2nd now that you are trying to ridicule Patbatemen for not answering a question I still remember you dodging one of mine pussyboy.... What do you do for a living? And I suspect a bus boy or a peep show cum mopper is the only thing you're qualified for.... :laugh: Lets have it hippie boy..... P.S Your girl still handing you your ass? Post her number so me Ig's and PAT can take care of it, smash it right... I bet you eat a ton of box to make up for not smashing it right.....
  17. I'' tell whats going to happen the next 4 years.... Bush will serve his second term and you will spend the next 4 years in your parents basement with your dumb up your ass thinking up new conspiracy theories while jerking off to kiddie porn...LOSER
  18. You ain't kidding... Just the fact he flip flopped all over the PATRIOT ACT & the war in Iraq should tell you something about his character. The gloves are starting to come off bud, even this morning I found myself laughing at the "My opponent clearly has strong beliefs -- they just don't last very long," comment and the fact Bush picked up 3 million at that rally alone. PRICELESS.. These bullshit USATODAY/CNN polls are crap, lets just wait and see we still have 8 healthy months for the Bush campo to disect this putz...
  19. The infamous FLIPPER is at it again..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Kerry's Waffles If you don't like the Democratic nominee's views, just wait a week http://slate.msn.com/id/2096540/#ContinueArticle Last week, President Bush offered a wry critique of his Democratic challengers. "They're for tax cuts and against them. They're for NAFTA and against NAFTA. They're for the Patriot Act and against the Patriot Act. They're in favor of liberating Iraq, and opposed to it. And that's just one senator from Massachusetts." Now that John Kerry is the presumptive Democratic nominee, Republicans are sure to focus the spotlight on his history of flip-flops. Kerry did vote for the Patriot Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, and the war in Iraq, even though he constantly trashes the Patriot Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, and the war in Iraq. He voted against the Defense of Marriage Act, which limited marriage to a man and a woman, but he now says marriage should be limited to a man and a woman. (Although he also points out that he once attended a gay wedding.) And those are just the better-known issues on which Kerry has "evolved." Here, then, since John Edwards was too polite to mention them (though President Bush won't be), is a guide to some of Kerry's other reversals on substantive issues. This list doesn't include quickly withdrawn gaffes, such as Kerry's recent suggestion (retracted after an uproar from Jewish groups) that he might make James Baker or Jimmy Carter his Middle East envoy. It doesn't include long-renounced youthful indiscretions, such as his proposal after returning from Vietnam to eliminate most of the CIA. It doesn't include less clear-cut sins of omission and opportunism, such as his stirring denunciations of companies caught in accounting frauds, even though he supported a 1995 law protecting those companies from liability. And it doesn't include the inevitable fund-raising hypocrisies that accompany all modern campaigns, such as his donations from some of the "Benedict Arnold" companies he routinely rips on the trail, or his bundling of contributions from special interests despite his high-minded rejection of PAC money. Even so, the list is long, and it isn't all-inclusive. Kerry's supporters cite his reversals as evidence of the senator's capacity for nuance and complexity, growth and change. His critics say they represent a fundamental lack of principles. Either way, we'll be hearing a lot about them over the next eight months. Issue Kerry's Original Position Kerry's Revised Position Welfare Reform In 1988, Sen. Kerry voted against a proposal to require at least one parent in any two-parent welfare family to work a mere 16 hours a week, declaring the work requirement "troublesome to me." During his 1996 re-election campaign, when his Republican challenger, Gov. William Weld, was calling him soft on welfare, Kerry voted for the much stricter welfare reform law that Clinton signed into law. Mandatory Minimums In 1993 and 1994, the senator from liberal Massachusetts voted against mandatory minimum sentences for gang activity, gun crimes, drug trafficking, and drug sales to minors, explaining in an impassioned speech that long sentences for some dealers who sell to minors would be "enormous injustices" and that some convicted drug offenders were "so barely culpable it is sad." He also said congressionally imposed mandatory minimums made no sense and would just create turf battles between federal and local prosecutors. Today, presidential candidate Kerry strongly supports mandatory minimum sentences for federal crimes, including the sale of drugs to minors. Affirmative Action In 1992, Kerry created a huge stir among liberals and civil rights groups with a major policy address arguing that affirmative action has "kept America thinking in racial terms" and helped promote a "culture of dependency." Today, Kerry's campaign Web site vows to "Preserve Affirmative Action," noting that he "consistently opposed efforts in the Senate to undermine or eliminate affirmative action programs, and supports programs that seeks to enhance diversity." It doesn't mention any downside. Death Penalty During one of his debates with Weld in 1996, Kerry ridiculed the idea of capital punishment for terrorists as a "terrorist protection policy," predicting that it would just discourage other nations from extraditing captured terrorists to the United States. Kerry still opposes capital punishment, but he now makes an exception for terrorists. Education Reform In a 1998 policy speech the Boston Globe described as "a dramatic break from Democratic dogma," Kerry challenged teachers unions by proposing to gut their tenure and seniority systems, giving principals far more power to hire and fire unqualified or unmotivated teachers. Today, Kerry once again espouses pure Democratic dogma on education. His Web site pledges to "stop blaming and start supporting public school educators," vowing to give them "better training and better pay, with more career opportunities, more empowerment and more mentors." It doesn't mention seniority or tenure. Double Taxation In December 2002, Kerry broke with Democratic dogma yet again in a Cleveland speech, calling for the abolition of the unfair "double taxation" of stock dividends in order to promote more investment and more accurate valuations of companies. Five weeks later, after President Bush proposed a second round of tax cuts that included an end to this double taxation, Kerry changed his tune. He voted against the dividend tax cuts that were ultimately enacted by Congress and now hopes to roll them back as president, along with Bush's other tax cuts for upper-income Americans. Gas Taxation In 1994, when the Concord Coalition gave Kerry a failing rating for his deficit reduction votes, he complained that he should have gotten credit for supporting a 50-cent increase in the gas tax. Today he no longer supports any increase in the gas tax. Social Security During the 1996 campaign, when I was a Globe reporter, Kerry told me the Social Security system should be overhauled. He said Congress should consider raising the retirement age and means-testing benefits and called it "wacky" that payroll taxes did not apply to income over $62,700. "I know it's all going to be unpopular," he said. "But this program has serious problems, and we have a generational responsibility to fix them." Kerry no longer wants to mess with Social Security. "John Kerry will never balance the budget on the backs of America's seniors," his Web site promises. Trade Kerry has been a consistent supporter of free trade deals, and as late as December, when reporters asked if there was any issue on which he was prepared to disagree with Democratic interest groups, Kerry replied: "Trade." Slate editor Jacob Weisberg came away impressed by the depth of Kerry's commitment to the issue: "Unlike Edwards, he supports international trade agreements without qualification." But that was three months ago! In recent weeks, when Kerry has talked trade, he has talked nothing but qualification, calling for "fair trade" rather than "free trade," claiming to agree completely with the protectionist Edwards on trade issues, and vowing to "put teeth" into environmental and labor restrictions in agreements like NAFTA. Michael Grunwald is writing a book about the
  20. The Passion Of The Liberal March 3, 2004 IN THE DOZENS and dozens of panic-stricken articles the New York Times has run on Mel Gibson's movie, "The Passion of the Christ," the unavoidable conclusion is that liberals haven't the vaguest idea what Christianity is. The Times may have loopy ideas about a lot of things, but at least when they write about gay bathhouses and abortion clinics, you get the sense they know what they're talking about. But Christianity just doesn't ring a bell. The religion that has transformed Western civilization for two millennia is a blank slate for liberals. Their closest reference point is "conservative Christians," meaning people you're not supposed to hire. And these are the people who carp about George Bush's alleged lack of "intellectual curiosity." The most amazing complaint, championed by the Times and repeated by all the know-nothing secularists on television, is that Gibson insisted on "rubbing our faces in the grisly reality of Jesus' death." The Times was irked that Gibson "relentlessly focused on the savagery of Jesus' final hours" – at the expense of showing us the Happy Jesus. Yes, Gibson's movie is crying out for a car chase, a sex scene or maybe a wise-cracking orangutan. The Times ought to send one of its crack investigative reporters to St. Patrick's Cathedral at 3 p.m. on Good Friday before leaping to the conclusion that "The Passion" is Gibson's idiosyncratic take on Christianity. In a standard ritual, Christians routinely eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus Christ, aka "the Lamb of God." The really serious Catholics do that blood- and flesh-eating thing every day, the sickos. The Times has just discovered the tip of a 2,000-year-old iceberg. But the loony-left is testy with Gibson for spending so much time on Jesus' suffering and death while giving "short shrift to Jesus' ministry and ideas" – as another Times reviewer put it. According to liberals, the message of Jesus, which somehow Gibson missed, is something along the lines of "be nice to people" (which to them means "raise taxes on the productive"). You don't need a religion like Christianity, which is a rather large and complex endeavor, in order to flag that message. All you need is a moron driving around in a Volvo with a bumper sticker that says "be nice to people." Being nice to people is, in fact, one of the incidental tenets of Christianity (as opposed to other religions whose tenets are more along the lines of "kill everyone who doesn't smell bad and doesn't answer to the name Mohammed"). But to call it the "message" of Jesus requires ... well, the brain of Maureen Dowd. In fact, Jesus' distinctive message was: People are sinful and need to be redeemed, and this is your lucky day because I'm here to redeem you even though you don't deserve it, and I have to get the crap kicked out of me to do it. That is the reason He is called "Christ the Redeemer" rather than "Christ the Moron Driving Around in a Volvo With a 'Be Nice to People' Bumper Sticker on It." The other complaint from the know-nothing crowd is that "The Passion" will inspire anti-Semitic violence. If nothing else comes out of this movie, at least we finally have liberals on record opposing anti-Semitic violence. Perhaps they should broach that topic with their Muslim friends. One Times review of "The Passion" said: "To be a Christian is to face the responsibility for one's own most treasured sacred texts being used to justify the deaths of innocents." At best, this is like blaming Jodie Foster for the shooting of Ronald Reagan. But the reviewer somberly warned that a Christian should "not take the risk that one's life or work might contribute to the continuation of a horror." So the only thing Christians can do is shut up about their religion. (And no more Jodie Foster movies!) By contrast, in the weeks after 9-11, the Times was rushing to assure its readers that "prominent Islamic scholars and theologians in the West say unequivocally that nothing in Islam countenances the Sept. 11 actions." (That's if you set aside Muhammad's many specific instructions to kill non-believers whenever possible.) Times columnists repeatedly extolled "the great majority of peaceful Muslims." Only a religion with millions of practitioners trying to kill Americans and Jews is axiomatically described as "peaceful" by liberals. As I understand it, the dangerous religion is the one whose messiah instructs: "f one strikes thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also" and "Love your enemies ... do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you." The peaceful religion instructs: "Slay the enemy where you find him." (Surah 9:92). Imitating the ostrich-like posture of certain German Jews who ignored the growing danger during Hitler's rise to power, today's liberals are deliberately blind to the real threats of violence that surround us. Their narcissistic self-image requires absolute solicitude toward angry savages plotting acts of terrorism. The only people who scare them are the ones who worship a Jew. return to column archives
  21. No use, Jamiro-cunt thinks were trying to smuggle coconuts into the U.S at a discount or some other wacked out conspiracy:blown:
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