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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. American hatred coming right up....Mr Bin-Laden http://www.drudgereportarchives.com/goto/?getPage=http%3A%2F%2Fapnews%2Emyway%2Ecom%2Farticle%2F20040201%2FD80ENNR80%2Ehtml&return=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Edrudgereportarchives%2Ecom%2Fdsp%2Flinks%5Frecap%2Ehtm On Sunday morning, they prayed at dawn then gathered pebbles to throw at the pillars. Each participant throws seven times, chanting "bismillah" ("in the name of God") and "Allahu Akbar" ("God is Great"). Calling America "the greatest Satan," Egyptian pilgrim Youssef Omar threw pebbles at one pillar on which someone had scrawled "USA."
  2. 1073 out of 300 million is .00035766 of the population. Are you kidding me?
  3. The missile defense system elliminates the threat of nuclear attack ballistically to us and our allies. It succesfully takes it off the table as a deterant and as a tool of blackmail. Mark you did mention that there are other ways to attack us and that's why the govt has been saying from the beginning that we can never be 100% protected but elliminating one threat from the radar screen is a start. Besides I though you peanicks would like the missile defense system because it limits the chances of a nuclear attack on Earth. There will never be a total ellimination of nuclear weapons and the people who think there will ever be is dellusional. People don't want nukes and countries who want to reduce don't want to pay for the dismantling- We have the next best thing...
  4. 1,073 out of 300 million? You can draw a closer corelation between these people all having relapses of dellusional paranoia. 300 million in this country and you're discounting the benefits of the Patriot Act for a 1073 people making complaints? Are you kidding? I bet there are more peole who have had Elvis sightings in this country.....
  5. Are you against the missile defense system?
  6. 2nd. The million dollar question is..... What would YOU do to combat terrorism on our soil or are you like the rest of the appeasers who fail to realise the urgency?
  7. 1st. It's typical you would cite liberal sources for these incidents. Taken from CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/07/21/justice.civil.liberties/index.html The types of complaints within its jurisdiction, according to the report, included allegations of excessive force by Bureau of Prisons correctional officers, verbal abuse by prison staff, rude treatment by immigration and naturalization inspectors, unwarranted cell searches and illegal searches of personal residences and property. Some of the allegations received during this period were: • An inmate's allegation that during a physical examination a Bureau of Prisons physician told the inmate, "If I was in charge, I would execute every one of you ... because of the crimes you all did." According to the report, the physician treated other inmates "in a cruel and unprofessional manner." After an internal Bureau of Prisons investigation substantiated the allegation, the physician received a verbal reprimand. • Allegations raised by about 20 inmates that a BOP correctional officer at an unnamed prison facility "engaged in abusive behavior toward inmates that included verbally abusing a Muslim inmate and ordering him to remove his shirt to shine (the guard's) shoes." The Bureau of Prisons' Office of Internal Affairs did an investigation of these allegations but did not interview the inmates making the complaints. After a Bureau of Prisons' witness confirmed the allegations and six inmates corroborated them, the correctional officer admitted verbally abusing the Muslim inmate. The Justice Department's Civil Rights Division declined to prosecute this case. • Claims that an Immigration and Naturalization Service detention enforcement officer "held a loaded gun to an alien detainee's head and threatened the detainee while transferring him to another detention facility." An investigation is ongoing by the inspector general's staff. These are Patriot Act violations?
  8. And Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has said: “I have never had a single abuse of the Patriot Act reported me. My staff e-mailed the ACLU and asked them for instances of actual abuses. They e-mailed back and they had none.” Similarly, an investigation this month ((1/27/94)) by the Department of Justice's Inspector General – a Democrat appointed by President Clinton -- found exactly zero civil liberties abuses under the Patriot Act. Do you have an example?
  9. The bottomline is if you make enough money,covered by a company health plan and weren't hurt on the battle field then the Veteran Health coverge is cut. lets look at why we can't provide for every American before we blast the govt for not offering it.. The President is putting forth a Tort Reform initiative that will hopefully reduce punitive damage payouts and reduce health costs. Until then the one health care system is impossible.
  10. How is big brother Bush watching you?
  11. I know of a person who missed on a 150K pool... no joke..
  12. Usually I am pretty civil on these boards but because I am a little hungover and pissed I missed 25 large in a pool, I'm going to ram it down your throat... Below is something your half a fag author didn't research before writing this pile of dogshit of an article.... Now before your "Six pack and a potato" self comes on an American board to bash our govt do your research and think. Sit there and ponder why we have the best VOLUNTARY miltary? Why our economy is the richest? And why your continent keeps getting it's ass handed to them or even worst, bailed out of trouble!!!!! Here is a article picking apart Deans and the rest of you left wing dellusional idiots... enjoy Donkey... http://www.nationalreview.com/lowry/lowry200312180910.asp Here's the background: For 80 years, the rule was that the VA would take care of veterans with medical problems related to their military service or veterans without the means to purchase their own health care. In the mid-1990s, Congress decided to open the VA health care to all veterans, prompting a flood of new entrants into the system. Today, the VA treats a million more patients than it did three years ago, for a total of about five million. This sure doesn't sound like cutting veterans off benefits, but maybe they reckon such things differently in Vermont. Dean's charge does have a wisp of a connection to reality. Because the VA system was overwhelmed by a flood of new patients — many of them relatively well-off — it established a new rule saying that veterans with no medical problems relating to their service and an income above a certain threshold are not eligible for VA care. The rule affects an estimated 164,000 people. These are Dean's 164,000 veterans "cut off" from benefits. But they can't be cut off from benefits, because they never received them. The VA grandfathered in everyone already receiving care to make sure no one would be cut off. The idea that the Bush administration is somehow stingy with the VA is simply absurd. The VA budget has increased by about a third, going from $48 billion a year to $64 billion a year. This year, the VA will provide educational assistance to more than 400,000 people, and guarantee home loans of another 300,000 people, with the total value of about $40 billion. If Dean thinks this is ungenerous, what would be his alternative — giving veterans lifetime everything-for-free cards?
  13. Do you think we knew he was going to gas his own people?
  14. Where is the .."we were told we ONLY went to war for WMD" HUH Bueller, bueller,bueller lol
  15. I am reviewing today's economic report on 4rd quarter GDP growth.... The first estimate puts it at 4% for the 4rd quarter and a final reading of 3.3% for 2003. The Consensus was for a 4.8% GDP# so it wasn't a massive disappointment and this was a preliminary reading, meaning it's subject to a revision before the final # comes out. The 3rd quarter initial number was 7.4% and the final number was 8.4%. Economists weren't expecting the economy to match the 8.2% reading, noone did that's why the market isn't tanking right now.... I was reading the BBC headlines and what do you know..... US rebound loses its momentum The once-sizzling pace of US economic growth has eased sharply, according to the latest set of official figures. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/3445609.stm Now the rest of the article spells out what I just said but it quotes American analysts explaining the report.. Also.. The majority of economies in Europe either register a negative GDP# or a close to it. The 4% figure even if it stays at that number is 4x the rate Europe grew at. My beef is with the headline.. it sounds as if it was geared to say "HA the 8.2% number was a spoof..." and this is the message they wanted Europe to hear....
  16. How is she racist Jihad boy?
  17. Why do you think she's a bitch, Sadaam?
  18. Ashcroft: Bush Would Veto Bill Scaling Back Patriot Act Post # This is a touchy subject with some people in this country. I personally, have never been violated by the Patriot Act, nor have any of my close friends and family. The ACLU is screaming murder on the measures our govt is taking to protect us. The same people who cry that the govt failed us on 911 claim the Patriot Act is violating our civil liberties but over no alternatives.... I hope to God they don't repeal the act we need it to continue our fight against terrorism.... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,109857,00.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON — The Bush administration issued a veto threat Thursday against legislation introduced in Congress that would scale back key parts of the anti-terrorism Patriot Act (search). In a letter to Senate leaders, Attorney General John Ashcroft (search) said the changes contemplated by the Security and Freedom Ensured Act, or SAFE, would "undermine our ongoing campaign to detect and prevent catastrophic terrorist attacks." If the bill reaches President Bush's desk in its current form, Ashcroft said, "the president's senior advisers will recommend that it be vetoed." The threat comes a week after Bush, in his State of the Union address, called for Congress to reauthorize the Patriot Act before it expires in 2005. The law, passed shortly after the 2001 terror attacks, expanded the government's wiretap and other surveillance authority, removed barriers between FBI and CIA information-sharing, and provided more tools for terror finance investigations. Civil liberties groups and some lawmakers, including Republicans, believe the act goes too far and endangers the privacy of innocent citizens. The SAFE Act, which has not yet had a hearing in either the House or Senate, was introduced last fall by Sens. Larry Craig (search), R-Idaho; Dick Durbin (search), D-Ill.; and other lawmakers of both parties. In a statement at the time, Craig said the bill was a "measured" response to concerns that the Patriot Act threatens civil liberties and privacy rights. "This legislation intends to ensure the liberties of law-abiding individuals are protected in our nation's fight against terrorism, without in any way impeding that fight," Craig said. The bill would modify so-called "sneak and peek" search warrants that allow for delayed notification of the target of the search. In addition, warrants for roving wiretaps used to monitor a suspect's multiple cell phones would have to make sure the target was present at the site being wiretapped before information could be collected. The legislation also would reinstate standards in place prior to passage of the Patriot Act regarding library records by forcing the FBI to show it has reason to believe the person involved is a suspected terrorist or spy. In addition, the bill would impose expiration dates on nationwide search warrants and other Patriot Act provisions, providing for congressional review. Ashcroft, who last year embarked on a national speaking tour in support of the Patriot Act, said the legislation would "make it even more difficult to mount an effective anti-terror campaign than it was before the Patriot Act was passed
  19. This kid has to be home all day in his skooby doo underoos doing bong hits.. He has the facts all screwed up...
  20. They should make the speech a sticky....
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