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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. Kid stop sniffing K because it's rotting your brain. The majority of detainees in Gitmo are arabic and other foreign nationalities other then Afghan, why? Is afghanistan a thriving place for immigration? big tourist spot? NOOOOO!!! It was a terrorist FUCKING haven where Osama Bin Laden recruited and trained his henchmen to reak havic and destruction to the rest of the free loving world. These detainees are being fed, provided medicine and interrogated for useful human intel isn't that a logical procedure. The detainees that prove to be ordinary people, forced to fight will be cleared and sent back to be dealth with by his country but the foreign sympathisers will be dealth with accordingly and if that means excecution than so be it.. You must realize one thing Alqeada is a terrorist organization no country, no flag, and more importantly no GENEVA convention for them to wipe their asses with.. so we should follow the rules? How come this is hard for you to undersatnd?? I asked you before what side of the the Milosevic's ETHNIC CLEANSING campaign you were on because you seem to compare the situation in your homeland to a retaliation move by the U.S after Sept 11th.. I don't see it..
  2. YOUR sooo NAUUUGHHTEEEEE!!!!!!!
  3. Cintron owns you Bitch ass
  4. Is militant Hamas leader choosing terror over truce? GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — A senior Hamas official said Friday the militant group was breaking off cease-fire talks with the Palestinians, a surprise reversal that threw into doubt a key component of a Mideast peace plan. The official, Abdel Aziz Rantisi, spoke just hours after Israeli troops killed two Hamas activists in an arrest raid in the West Bank. A Hamas refusal to negotiate could force Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas to make a difficult choice: either crack down on the group and risk a civil war, or allow it to continue bombing and shooting attacks that would derail Washington’s peace efforts. However, a Palestinian Cabinet minister said talks with Hamas leaders abroad continued, suggesting there was still a chance to reach an agreement to end Hamas violence — including suicide attacks against Israelis. Others said Hamas, known for its pragmatism, would not risk a confrontation with security forces and would quickly resume talks. As part of the U.S.-backed “road map” to Palestinian statehood, the Palestinians must disarm and dismantle militant groups that have killed hundreds of Israelis in shootings and bombings in 32 months of fighting. Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas has been trying to negotiate with the militias rather than use force, saying he wants to avoid civil war. It was not clear whether a Hamas refusal to negotiate a truce would set the stage for a crackdown by Palestinian security forces. Rantisi, a Hamas leader and hard-liner, told reporters Friday that efforts to reach a truce were off. He said Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, made too many concessions at a summit Wednesday in Jordan. At the meeting with President Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Abbas called for an end to the “armed intefadeh.” “We were shocked when we saw Abu Mazen and his new government giving up all the Palestinians’ rights,” he said. “Abu Mazen committed himself in front of Bush and Sharon to very dangerous issues that closed the door of dialogue between us.” Other Hamas officials said they would meet Saturday with Islamic Jihad, a smaller militant group, to persuade it to break off truce talks as well. Hamas, founded in 1987, is vehemently oppose to peace with Israel. Palestinian Cabinet Minister Ziad Abu Amr, Abbas’ liaison to Hamas, said he has not received official word from Hamas that talks were finished, but said the killing of the two Hamas activists by Israeli troops was hampering the effort. “Israel’s continuation of the policy of assassinations and incursion is an obstacle in the way of efforts of dialogue with the Palestinian parties and the possibility of reaching a cease-fire with them,” Abu Amr said. The Hamas activists were killed just before midnight Thursday in the village of Attil, after troops surrounded a house and ordered those inside to surrender, the army said. When the men, who were hiding in a room, refused to come out, troops entered the house and fought with them. Two of the militants were killed and a third was wounded and arrested, the army said. Rantisi said the killings were a direct result of Abbas’ concessions. “Abu Mazen, through giving up the right of resistance and calling it terrorism, gave the green light to Sharon and his army,” he said. Abu Amr said the Palestinian leadership remains committed to dialogue with Hamas and that contacts between the Palestinian leadership and Hamas leaders abroad are proceeding. Meanwhile, other efforts to clear the streets of gunmen continued. Mohammed Dahlan, the Palestinian security chief, has offered to buy illegal weapons carried by members of a militia linked to Abbas’ own Fatah movement, according to several Palestinian officials and militia members, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Dahlan has received money from the United States and Europe for buying the weapons, the officials said. U.S. and British officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment. There were conflicting reports on the amount of money promised. A leader of the Al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, a militia linked to Fatah, said Dahlan is offering $6,000 for each rifle, while officials gave lower figures. Dahlan also offered a signup bonus of at least $6,000 to Al Aqsa members who leave the militia and join the security forces, militiamen said. Al Aqsa did not say whether any members had accepted the offer. However, in a leaflet, Al Aqsa said it would only disarm if Israel stopped killing and arresting its leaders and released prisoners. The group also demanded Israel lift a travel ban on Yasser Arafat, in effect for more than a year, that confines the Palestinian leader to the West Bank. Palestinians in Gaza held three pro-Hamas rallies Friday. About 1,000 people marched at each, some carrying green Hamas flags and chanting, “No to the summit, we will not accept surrender.” Elsewhere in Gaza, along the sandy southern border with Egypt, Israeli forces uncovered two tunnels used by weapons smugglers and fought gunmen who unleashed what the army described as a massive amount of gunfire. The Palestinians fired seven anti-tank grenades and lobbed more than 100 hand grenades. There were no serious injuries reported on either side. The army also reported that four mortars were fired at an Israeli settlement and an army post in Gaza, causing no injuries or damage.
  5. You are not even worth answering:blown:
  6. You beleive Normals encounter with the authorities? I sware the uproar from the hypocrits on the left about the Patriot act is just insane. The left cry civil liberty violtations but would be the first to critcize if God forbid another attack occured. I just can't see how thay argue the facts that the attacks were executed because of our lenient immigration and surveillance laws and the patriot act is a way of plugging the huge holes we had in the system. The people who object the Act ironically have no other solutions, why am I not surprised.
  7. What if a pilot went down and 2 were put in the back of the head? Not what if but remember when, but that is a diffrent argument. Who said that we would go around clipping arab bodega owners? these rats were caught taking up arms against this country in Afghanistan the detainees are ENEMY COMBATANTS who belong to a terrorist organization that is a huge diffrence from the bodega slayings you claim is the same as our process of dealing with these lowlifes. Save your amnesty international pitch because they would kill you in a minute un less of course you are one of them, even then they wouldn't think twice on sending you thru the tunnel of martydom. I will tell you one thing about your arab bodega owners though if they are in this country illegally then round em up get them the fuck out not kill em but deport them sell there buisnesses and send them checks.. Ghost what side of the war were you on in your country?what nationality are you.
  8. Ashcroft Takes Questions on Patriot Act Thursday, June 05, 2003 WASHINGTON — The Justice Department's (search) new anti-terrorism powers have made it possible to track, detain and in some cases, obtain sealed agreements from terror suspects that have resulted in the prevention of more terrorist attacks in the United States, Attorney General John Ashcroft (search) said Thursday. The USA Patriot Act (search) has made it possible to increase surveillance powers, uncover the status of Al Qaeda in the United States and learn other valuable information about terror tactics and operations here and abroad, Ashcroft told the House Judiciary Committee. "Our ability to prevent another catastrophic attack on American soil would be more difficult if not impossible without the Patriot Act," Ashcroft said, citing examples of the information obtained from individuals questioned under the new powers. "These individuals have provided critical intelligence about Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, about their safehouses and training camps, their recruitment ... One individual has given us intelligence on weapons stored here in the United States. Another cooperator has identified locations in the United States being scouted or cased for potential attacks by Al Qaeda," he said. Ashcroft added the United States and other cooperative nations have deprived Al Qaeda of training facilities in Afghanistan, closed off some sources of financing and arrested key operatives. Despite the successes, Ashcroft said Al Qaeda remains a threat. "Let me be clear: Al Qaeda is diminished but not destroyed. Defeat after defeat has made the terrorists desperate to strike again," he said. The USA Patriot Act, passed by Congress in the weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, grants the government broad powers to use wiretaps, electronic and computer eavesdropping and searches, and the authority to access a wide range of financial and other information in its investigations. Critics of the act have claimed since its inception that it denies U.S. residents civil liberties. House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., has said he is sensitive to those concerns, and complained earlier this year that his panel hasn't been given enough information from the Justice Department to determine whether those concerns have validity. "To my mind, the purpose of the Patriot Act is to secure our liberties and not undermine them," he said. Added Rep. Howard Berman, D-Calif.: "Some of us find that the collateral damage is greater than it needs to be in the conduct of this war." Critics of the act claim to be vindicated by a Department of Justice inspector general report released Monday that said some of the 762 immigrants detained in the 11 months following Sept. 11 were denied quick access to notice of their charges -- primarily visa violations -- and faced harsh living conditions beyond the 90-day time period in which they can be held. Ashcroft responded that the detentions were all lawful and carried out in an atmosphere of deep national anxiety. Of the cases, 505 individuals have been deported, one -- Zacarias Moussaoui -- is facing terror-related charges. Ashcroft said another 15 people have been offered criminal plea agreements, many under seal. He added that the Justice Department will investigate remaining allegations of abuse of the detainees, although 14 of 18 cases referred so far already have been cleared without any charges being filed. "We do not stand for abuse," Ashcroft said. Ashcroft said he is not seeking additional powers to the Patriot Act, but is looking for some fixes to the law's weaknesses, which could be used to cause additional harm. He also is seeking support for renewing the act after it sunsets in April 2005. "The law has several weaknesses which terrorists could exploit, undermining our defenses," Ashcroft said, pointing to indefinite detention periods for terror suspects and longer prison terms for those who are convicted of committing terrorists acts. "In criminal cases where public safety is a concern such as drug dealing, organized crime and gun crimes, defendants in federal crimes are presumptively denied pretrial release," Ashcroft said. "It seems as though the crime of terrorism should have the same presumption." Ashcroft said another fix would be to charge as "material supporters" anyone caught providing aid or working with terrorist groups. Sensenbrenner said his "support for this legislation is neither perpetual or unconditional."
  9. I caught Hannity debating this story with some rat that called the show yesterday. This guy said that " A couple of scrubbed down bio lab trailers wasn't eveidence enough that they had a WMD program" ???? Huh, are you serious? why would you have them then? I can't fathom how people give the benefit of a doubt to a dictator but not our own govt, it sickens me.
  10. Still didn't answer the question... What would YOU do with them?
  11. :laugh: I think sometimes you say the stuff you say just to off set the conservative majority of this forum because your warped mind AMAZES me sometimes. Lets look at the FACTS and we will come to a solution of this little promblem, listen up Mrs Bin Laden this will be breif... Facts list.... 1) The terrorist animals at Gitmo bay are enemy combatants and DONOT represent a government so they donot fall under the geneva convention. 2) Read the article... these terrorsist are extremists that if released will stop at nothing to destroy you, me and our families... 3) Releasing them will only add to the population terrorists we are trying to stop where is trhe logic in that?? My answer to this promblem.. 2 to the back of the head for every one of these cockroaches.... I would LOVE to hear your answer, and please spare me the ridicule on my answer I just want to hear the answer from a woman who doesn't appreciate she lives in the best country in the world please enlighten us!!!!
  12. Even if that report were true 5k is 1% of 500k (conservative estimate) of what was done in the last 10 years alone by Sadam and his henchmen. Where are the bodycount websites counting how many Iraqi's were SLAUGHTERED the last 25years in Iraq???
  13. All together now..... Koom- bi- ya.... my lord
  14. Powertrain > 2.4L High-Output DOHC 16V Four-Cylinder Turbo Engine > Five-Speed Manual Transmission for less 20k
  15. The 50k+ Iraqi military was obliterated that's what happened to them. Their were reports of Qusay who was in charge of the republican guard was incoherent in his military decisions.. He sent.them towards us to be slaughtered instaed of protecting the ring around bhgdad
  16. I read this on the ferry over this morning, good article. I often wondered if W would have went after Sadam if 911 never happened. We should have went in when 687 was ignored for the 7.5 years but the country was diffrent and we were being led by a diffrent president. It's interesting that people say we were lied to for the reasoning behind this war when the truth is their we're many reasons and WMD was the only thing that got anyones attention blame it on the heavy media coverage or poor PR from the White House. The fact is that Iraq violated the 91 agreement by not destroying all of it's WMD, producing rockets that can fly past 150kilometers and firing at us on a daily basis isn't the latter reason enough to go there and hand him his ass?
  17. I retired at the Summer of Love party 2 years ago.. Sickest night of my clubbing life
  18. Entrepanaur.. Very smart I ams ure you will do well.
  19. And have 680 johnnie Cohcran fiasco's that all of us have to endure for 3+years? These people don't have rights, once they get free they will not think twice to returning to Jihad and try to kll as many americans as possible..
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