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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. Ask yourself this question... If Sadam #1 bodyguard was captured and confirmed that he and other TOP officials fled to Syria confirming intelligence reports.. why not make the same assumption regarding the intelligence about WMD that say it was sent to Syria or even destroyed... The intel was right about chem labs buried in the sand also was that just a fluke???? Think about it..
  2. No U.S. Troops to Israel Edward I. Koch Senator Richard Lugar, R-Ind., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has proposed that American troops, with or without the assistance of United Nations forces, patrol the border between Israel and the West Bank and Gaza. This is a terrible idea, which Israel has rightly rejected over the years, not wanting to entrust its security to others or to be responsible for the death of a single American soldier. Such deaths would almost certainly occur as the result of terrorist acts, just as they have in Iraq, where 47 American soldiers have been killed since President George W. Bush said hostilities had ceased. If American forces are used in Israel, they would never take on the suicide bombers, nor should they. Their sole function would be to prevent Israeli reprisals to terrorist attacks by Hamas and others. This could cause misunderstandings and perhaps even combat between Americans and Israelis, to the delight of the Palestinians. Hamas shows no signs of abandoning its terror campaign against Israelis. This week, Hamas rejected the Egyptian government's effort to end Hamas’ policy of murdering Israeli soldiers and civilians. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon responded by stating, “As long as there is terror, it will not be possible to make progress.” President Bush appears to understand and accept that conclusion. He said, “The free world and those who love freedom and peace must deal harshly with Hamas and the killers.” The goal of Hamas, expressed by its leader, Abdel Aziz Rantisi, is summed up by his statement: “I am telling Sharon and all the Israeli murderers, you don’t have any security unless you leave the country. There will be no single Jew in Palestine. We will fight them with all the power that we have.” Rantisi’s vision of a future without Jews is no different from Adolf Hitler’s intent on making Europe judenrein. Journalists, particularly on BBC TV news programs, reported the Palestinian accusation that while the world was distracted by the war, Israel would expel Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank. Did the expulsions happen? No. Suppose the positions had been reversed. Does anyone doubt that the extremists led by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade, the armed wing of Arafat’s Fatah party, would have expelled the Jews they didn’t murder from all of Israel? Would the neighboring Arab leaders – King Abdullah of Jordan, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, President Bashar Assad of Syria and President Lahoud of Lebanon – have denounced the Palestinian actions? I doubt it. Would the French have sent troops to prevent it? I doubt it. Look at what Arab governments did when they had the power to impose their will on dissenting Arabs they believed were threats to them. In the Syrian city of Hama, home to opponents to the regime of former dictator Hafez al-Assad, an estimated 10,000 men, women and children were put to death by Assad’s forces and the city razed to the ground. Under King Hussein’s reign in Jordan, in an action referred to by the PLO as “Black September,” the PLO was driven out of Jordan and 5,000 of its members were killed. In Iraq, Saddam Hussein murdered 5,000 Iraqi Kurds, using poison gas which left thousands more crippled for life. Regardless of what some Palestinian leaders now say about a two-state solution, you can be sure that the threat to Israel’s existence will persist. Palestinians and their supporters in the 22 other Arab states are enraged when Israel is referred to as a Jewish state. To his credit, President Bush has used that description when referring to Israel. The majority of Palestinians, and millions of Arabs in other countries, want Israel replaced with a single Muslim state comprised of all of historic Palestine. Immediately after President Bush, Prime Minister Sharon, Prime Minister Abbas and King Abdullah met in Aqaba, Jordan, four Israeli soldiers were killed in Gaza with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade jointly taking credit. When Israel responded by targeting Abdel Rantisi – regrettably, only wounding him – denunciations of Sharon were made around the world. The complaints were that he should have waited and given Abbas an opportunity to deal with Hamas and the other terrorist organizations, even though Abbas had said he would not use force against his fellow Palestinians to stop their terrorist acts. How long should Sharon have waited? A week? A month? We can debate whether reprisals by the Israeli army have kept terrorist incidents down, but it is not unreasonable to believe that allowing Hamas and others to celebrate their murderous deeds with impunity only encourages more terrorist acts. Prime Minister Sharon has agreed that if the violence and terrorism end, the targeting of those who engaged in past acts of terror and planning new attacks will likewise cease. It will then be up to the negotiators to deal with the issue of how best to treat perpetrators of terrorist acts, as they delve into such other thorny issues as the right of return, Jerusalem, demilitarization of the Palestinian state, and final borders. Sending U.S. troops to the region will not advance the cause of peace. Only confidence-building actions by the two parties to the conflict, supported by the U.S. and the rest of the world, particularly the Arab world, can
  3. Kerry 2003: Bush Misled Americans On War; Kerry 1997: Warned Of Saddam Nuclear And Biological Capabilities In New Hampshire yesterday, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry said President Bush broke his promise to build an international coalition against Iraq's Saddam Hussein and then waged a war based on questionable intelligence. But 5 years ago, Sen. Kerry seemed to warn of Saddam's nuclear and biological capabilities as he argued the U.S. must do what it has to do, with or without other nations! MORE From the official congressional record: Warned Of Saddam Nuclear And Biological Capabilities: "It is not possible to overstate the ominous implications for the Middle East if Saddam were to develop and successfully militarize and deploy potent biological weapons. We can all imagine the consequences. Extremely small quantities of several known biological weapons have the capability to exterminate the entire population of cities the size of Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. These could be delivered by ballistic missile, but they also could be delivered by much more pedestrian means; aerosol applicators on commercial trucks easily could suffice. If Saddam were to develop and then deploy usable atomic weapons, the same holds true." (Sen. John Kerry, Congressional Record, 11/9/97, pp. S12254 -S12255) Use Of Force Against Saddam Justified To Prevent WMD Production: '[saddam Hussein] cannot be permitted to go unobserved and unimpeded toward his horrific objective of amassing a stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. This is not a matter about which there should be any debate whatsoever in the Security Council, or, certainly, in this Nation."(Sen. John Kerry, Congressional Record, 11/9/97, pp. S12254 -S12255) Military Force Should Be Used Against Suspected WMD "In my judgment, the Security Council should authorize a strong U.N. military response that will materially damage, if not totally destroy, as much as possible of the suspected infrastructure for developing and manufacturing weapons of mass destruction, as well as key military command and control nodes. Saddam Hussein should pay a grave price, in a currency that he understands and values, for his unacceptable behavior. This should not be a strike consisting only of a handful of cruise missiles hitting isolated targets primarily of presumed symbolic value." (Sen. John Kerry, Congressional Record, 11/9/97, pp. S12254 -S12255) U.S. May Have To Go It Alone To Stop Saddam: "Were its willingness to serve in these respects to diminish or vanish because of the ability of Saddam to brandish these weapons, then the ability of the United Nations or remnants of the gulf war coalition, or even the United States acting alone, to confront and halt Iraqi aggression would be gravely damaged." (Sen. John Kerry, Congressional Record, 11/9/97, pp. S12254 -S12255) U.S. Must Do What It Has To Do, With Or Without Other Nations: "[W]hile we should always seek to take significant international actions on a multilateral rather than a unilateral basis whenever that is possible, if in the final analysis we face what we truly believe to be a grave threat to the well-being of our Nation or the entire world and it cannot be removed peacefully, we must have the courage to do what we believe is right and wise." (Sen. John Kerry, Congressional Record, 11/9/97, pp. S12254 -S12255) END
  4. Good points.. Leave it to leftie loons to know nothing about economic cycles......
  5. Okay where do I start?? let see this loon def does not know ANYTHING about buisness cycles and would rather put blame on a REPUBLICAN president. Why glorify a modern day crook who rode the coattails of a record expansion due to a tech bubble??? I will go and pick apart his bullshit essay and maybe after proceed to wiping my ass with it 1) The fell in March of 2000 uneder BUBBA'S watch but no left wing loon will ever admit that... it would tarnish the so called legacy of probably one of the worst corrupt shallow presidents ever... 2) I guess 2 skyscrapers falling in down town manhatten stalling a 10 trillion dollar a year economy for close to a week wouldn't have effected are economy if Bubbas was in office. I bet it would have taken Bubba 1 week to meet with the CIA instead of 3 weeks he wasted before meeting with Woosley after the Cole bombing. -Also this guy should pick up a IRS manual and realise we are taxed on a progressive scale meaning the more you make the more you are taxed. In the left's eye a person making over 28k is considered rich and pays 90% of the taxes why wouldn't they get the break?? this is lunacy left wing social class warfare that makes them look dumber by the argument.... 3- They only trimmed the non-existent rights of illegal aliens and enemy combatants no one else... I haven't been effected in any other way then being safer and I appreciate it.... Thank God for John Ashcroft!!!!!!! 4- He scorned ties with WASHED UP SUPERPOWERS that would rather appeas then act, because of a little 8 billion IOU someone owed them.... 5- He was the first person to grow a pair and go after a vicous dictator who tortured & harbored terrorists and had a active WMD program. And did we forget that this certain dictator wiped his ass with 17 reslotutionsover 12 years. The lefts argument is weak and has a chipped peg leg to stand on, period.... 6- Cheneys employment ended in 98 and if this nutbag checked history Halliburton has won contracts like this for years under diffrent party presidents .. How many co's can do what Halliburton does??? there's your answer... Bush approval ratings are so high because this country was faced with a promblem and he and his administartion grabbed it by the horns and is doing everything possible to defeat it.... Bush in 2004!
  6. That's the thing it doesn't overheat. I have ran the car in 100+ degrees with the AC and it doesn't go past half..
  7. If you forgot why we are pre-emptive here is a reminder
  8. How is my attitude shitty?? Is is because I have pride in my country?? Who looks like a jackass with more bobing and WEAVING of my questions then a harlem hair salon. You get verbally reemed every day on this board why? Are we all sheep or are YOU lacking one little important thing COMMON SENSE. You can sit there with your off the cuff left wing temper tantrums but we can all see right through you you hate america and everything it stands for... When you get your degree, do me and my country a favor and beat it.... hopefull you will be in the next country who harbors terrorists so we can use it to test out new TOYS in Days of getting sucker punched are over!!!!!
  10. First he invented the internet now he is making a liberal tv channel... God help us they let the loon out again :laugh: Look out, Rupert, here comes … Al? Since deciding not to make another race for the White House in 2004, former Vice President Al Gore has been devoting considerable time to another dream, one he shares with many Democrats these days — creating a media enterprise that could challenge the dominance of conservative voices in cable television and talk radio. Numerous sources in Hollywood and Washington tell TIME that Gore has been quietly sounding out potential financial backers for a cable television network that would feature "progressive" viewpoints. Additionally, Gore has helped arrange meetings between key Hollywood figures and a wealthy Chicago couple who have publicly announced plans to invest $10 million in a liberal radio network. What role Gore himself would play in any of these ventures is still far from clear. "He can pull out at any time," says one associate who has spoken to him about the concept. "He can say, 'This isn't my deal.' But he's interested." Gore has been exploring and encouraging several types of possibilities in recent months, and consulting closely with Joel Hyatt, the founder of Hyatt Legal Services, a nationwide chain of low-cost, storefront legal clinics. (Hyatt ran for Senate from Ohio in 1994, unsuccessfully seeking the seat that was vacated by the retirement of his father-in-law, Howard Metzenbaum.) One entertainment industry source who met with Gore and Hyatt earlier this year said that, at that time, part of what they envisioned youth-oriented programming, "putting video cameras in the hands of kids." Gore is also making his influence felt in other ways in Hollywood, a place where he has not always been warmly received. When the former Vice President attended the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, earlier this year, he arranged a series of private meetings with politically oriented entertainment industry figures. One session was with a handful of people from the Environmental Media Association, a group that promotes the idea of incorporating environmentalist story lines into movies. "He was very interested in what we are doing, because he is very interested in media," says Debbie Levin, the group's executive director. Gore has also been helpful to Chicago venture capitalists Sheldon and Anita Drobny, who announced in February that they planned to fund a liberal radio network to counterbalance such conservative commentators as Rush Limbaugh. Several sources said Gore has helped introduce the Drobnys to such Hollywood political forces as producer-director Rob Reiner. Comedian Al Franken, author of the book "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot," is considering hosting a show on the Drobnys' network, and added that the couple has approached Gore to do regular essays. Anita Drobny declined to comment about any venture involving Gore, telling TIME: "I'm not at liberty to say anything about that. As far as Vice President Gore, you'll have to call him to ask him about his project and what they are doing." Gore and Hyatt did not respond to repeated requests for an interview. Gore has long been interested in the nexus between politics and media. His 99-page senior thesis in college was titled "The Impact of Television on the Conduct of the Presidency, 1947-1969." Before running for Congress in 1976, Gore worked as a newspaper reporter for the Nashville Tennessean. The ascendancy of conservative outlets such as Rupert Murdoch's Fox News Channel — and particularly such ratings powerhouses as commentator Bill O'Reilly — have been a growing source of frustration for Democrats. And while liberal commentators such as former Texas Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower have made a stab at syndicated talk shows, they have by and large been unsuccessful. In March, the MSNBC cable news network canceled Phil Donahue's talk show after a disappointing six-month run against The O'Reilly Factor. However, some liberals point to the success of Hillary Clinton's just-released memoir as evidence that a marketplace exists for their viewpoint. Gore has shared their frustration. In an interview last December with the New York Observer, he described the conservative outlets as a "fifth column" within the media ranks that injects "daily Republican talking points into the definition of what's objective." "The media is kind of weird these days on politics, and there are some major institutional voices that are, truthfully speaking, part and parcel of the Republican Party," Gore said. "Fox News Network, The Washington Times , Rush Limbaugh — there’s a bunch of them, and some of them are financed by wealthy ultra-conservative billionaires who make political deals with Republican administrations and the rest of the media."
  11. Igloo did you read the report on BBC ??? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3000688.stm They said they would have a bomb by 2006 If diplomacy fails.... The dogs of WAR will be realeased...
  12. Hey Sassa are we pushing our values on the Gen-X'ers of Iran???????? Do you support a regime change in Iran?????
  13. THE ongoing showdown between young, reform- minded students and Iran's aging Islamic clergy portends Iran's likelihood as America's next major foreign policy crisis. A storm is brewing in U.S.-Iranian relations: * Iran's leadership is actively derailing the Middle East peace process by supporting Hamas and its terrorist attacks in Israel. * Experts inside and outside the U.S. government warn that the Islamic Republic may have a nuclear weapon as soon as 2006. * The shadowy Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security is stirring up trouble among the Shi'ite communities of southern Iraq, which could lead to political instability and/or more violence against U.S. forces. The United States must begin taking steps now to deal with this burgeoning problem, including supporting the aspirations of the Iranian people to throw off the yokes of their clerical masters. Fortunately, Iran is ripe for change: 48 million Iranians (70 percent of the population) are under 30. And Iranian Gen X-ers are fed up with the mullahs' restrictive dictates. They want a more open society and accountable government. How can you blame them? The 1979 Iranian revolution has proven to be an abject failure. Pre-revolution Iran, for all its shortcomings, was the most advanced economy in the Middle East. But almost 25 years after toppling the Shah, Iran's Islamic theocracy has produced: 25 percent unemployment, 20 percent inflation, rampant corruption and severe social and political repression. This isn't what the young, idealistic revolutionaries were hoping for when they signed onto Ayatollah Khomeini's coup d'etat and stormed the American embassy in Tehran. Today's young Iranians, born post-revolution, are bravely speaking out and acting on their convictions. They have come to see the promises of political, economic and social change by the so-called reformers in Parliament as mere prevarications or outright lies - they're tired of being told to be patient. In last week's street protests in Tehran, Shiraz and Isfahan, Iranian students chanted, "There can be no freedom of thought in turbans and beards." These young students are on to something profound. Tehran (and other repressive Middle Eastern governments) should take note. How did the mullahs react to the protests? First by blaming the United States, then by sending riot police and baseejis (pro-government vigilantes) into the streets armed with batons, truncheons, razor blades, chains and AK-47s to beat and intimidate the students. Baseejis reportedly broke into Teheran University rooms and assaulted sleeping students just for good measure. Not surprisingly in denial, Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran's supreme cleric, accused the United States of stirring up the mischief. He said that America "wanted to create trouble in Iran" and "divide the people and create a chasm between the regime and the populace." As if he needs the United States to do that? The fact is that, to date, private, U.S.-based Farsi (i.e., Persian language) satellite-TV broadcasts, along with opposition Web sites, have played a bigger role in prompting the demonstrations in Iran than any actions of the U.S. government. President Bush, meanwhile, cheered the student protesters saying, "This is the beginning of people expressing themselves toward a free Iran, which I think is positive." He's right - the Iranian people deserve better. Will these protests turn into a social movement or a broader cultural counterrevolution? Perhaps: People-power and civil disobedience helped peacefully change authoritarian governments in the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan and much of Eastern Europe. The democratic dissenters of Iran deserve our support in the hope that change can begin peacefully from the inside. The U.S. government should look for new opportunities to foment reform in Iran through bold public diplomacy. That includes regular public statements by the Bush administration and Congress, plus 24/7 international TV and radio broadcasting into Iran and active use of the Internet directed at Iran's Gen X-ers. Congress should ensure that radio and TV broadcasts into Iran (e.g., Radio Farda) are hard-hitting, public affairs-related, and advance American interests. Iran is simmering. The students are restless. The mullahs are nervous. The fundamentalist Islamic regime has run amok. It is deeply unpopular and its credibility is shot. The liberation of Baghdad and Kabul puts America in a unique position to positively influence events in Iran toward greater freedom. And unless Iran changes its course on proliferation and terrorism, the U.S. government should consider embracing regime change as its official policy. But for the moment, it is vital that we let the people of Iran know we are with them in their desire for reform through strong public diplomacy. We must not miss this opportunity to support those in Iran yearning to be free.
  14. I have flushe that thing 4x and it's still brown.. Midas does other work now???
  15. Thanx Cintron.. I have one little promblem though... The owner before me took realy ggod care of the car but neglected 1 thing the antifreeze.... After I got it, it sat for about 6 mos and then I put it on th road.. One day about 2 years ago I opened the radiator cap and almost hit the floor the anti-freeze was brown I was :mad: . I immediatley went to a local nissan dealer and they tried to up sell me on a new water pump and stuff for 1800 bucks. I ran into the mechanic who looked at it outside the garage while he was having a cigarette and we got to talking about the car. He said that it is a alluminum motor and that I would never be able to get the stuff out unless I changed everything. He said that if I keep flushing the ant-freeze the anti-freeze woould still keep it cool no matter what color it was and it wouldn't damage anything internally. The reason I am bring this up is because if the timing chain is going to get replaced the water pump is right their should I change it , the radiator and hoses so I can get rid of this promblem that is been bugging me for 2 years?? or is it's not even worth it..
  16. That's the diffrence between me and you... "With us or against us"
  17. It is MY WORLD and everything me and my family have we worked for :
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