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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. Isreal recognized that the occupations has to cease and a palestinian state has to be created for there to be peace. Prisoners were beginning to be released what more do they want a key to Sharons ranch.. The wall would have been adressed as soon as the killing stops for a decent amount of time.
  2. Post the name of the company.
  3. Great a whole room of idiots.. What's the name of the company Alqaeda inc... or TALIBAN INTERNATIONAL Let me guess Arafat is the employee of the month.. They are not laughing with you they are laughing at you...
  4. THAT'S ALL YOU GOT???? Unplugg your computer you are washed up...
  5. They SHOULD buy military equipment... the whole region despises their existence.. It's only a matter of time before some Arab or Persian loon lobs a nuke into Isreal, they need funds to build a deterent system, ENHANCE terrorist prevention and whether you believe it or not tourism isn't the only industry in Isreal and def not the only one hurting from this crap.. What international investor would invest in a place where lunatic finatics are blowing them selves up on buses and markets in the name of GOD???
  6. Yeah... complete iodiocy..
  7. Again SASSA stick to reading DEEP SEA SCROLLS. The latest intifida has cost Isreal BILLIONS in economic activity why do you think we granted loans for them??? You have the financial sense of a Enron exec
  8. don't be simple minded. that would mean absolute suicide for themselves as well. they just want the fucking zionists out of there. jews have lived in that area and the middle east for a very long time. but this zionist shit has got to go. israel is not just jewish land. and they need to realize that and stop trying to steal land from everyone else. but i realize you probably have some smart comeback for me, so let's have it and have a laugh.
  9. Easy. Grand Canyon ptII where Isreal once stood.
  10. Isreal never threatened to nuke one of it's neighbors as a act of GOD... Isreal is a ally..
  11. Hopefully Abbas grows a sack and confronts these animals.. He realises that Hamas and islamic Jihad are undermining the palestinians future but without a firm stance on terrorism against Isreal it's only a matter of time before Isreal drops the peace plan, the gloves and steam rolls a palestinian city. The palestinians have to make a choice between recognizing Isreals existance or WAR.....
  12. Clip ARAFAT... Clip HAMAS... Fuck everyone, Isreal should only look out for itself... These animals had their chance Hamas blew it for them too bad... I don't feel bad at all if 10 Apaches are sent to cut the HAMAS in half....
  13. WOW you can't see it huh 12 year history with numerous resolutions and sanctions before we entered Iraq now you are crying we are not rushing to war with the other members of the axis of evil?? You are disappointed were not skipping diplomacy but probabbly cried when in your eyees we rushed to war in Iraq... make up your mind simpleton!!!!!
  14. GOOD POINTS... I wish my job didn't fire wall this site I have toanswer when I am home :mad: :mad:
  15. You have shit for brains and are incapable of producing your own thought so you just regurgatate what other peole say.. You are such a TOOL:blown:
  16. Everyone look Tony just had a brain fart:) PUTZ.
  17. What is your MAJOR at college?? Bag mitten? 1) How are we "Begging the U.N. for help" 2) Who is raising taxes?
  18. Real quick economics LESSON for you armchair economists... UNEMPLOYEMENT IS A LAGGING INDICATOR... The high of 6.4 and the latest reading of 6.2 should tell you something UNEMPLOYMENT has hit it's bottom:) What area of the GDP has shown to sustain the latest CYCLICAL economical down turn???? That's right CONSUMER SPENDING... Now The GDP has been lagging in what areas??? That's righht boys and girls CAPITAL SPENDING & MANUFACTURING!!!! Ok we know where it needs to improve before a full recovery in the soft labor market, which remember is the last to respond... what has happened so far??? The ISM reading on Friday came in at 51.8 which ANYTHING over 50 means EXPANSION... So that report means that the much needed manufacturing sector has shown some life, a defenite plus in recovering the lossed jobs in that sector... Now if we look at history my anti-bush/pessimistic failure seekers, recession is cyclical and it happens every 10-13 years just like the record growth we experienced from 83-84 -- 88-89 years under Reagen to the BOOMING 90's that fell into the lap of BUBBA.. Now the current pickup in the buisness cycle is setting it's place in history what stalled it slightly was the stalling of OUR buisness mega machine following 911 and 2 wars that has caused the lagging element of the GDP,capital investment.. The business sector has gained confidence and the record build up of technology in the late 90's is starting to become outdated which is a plus.. There are companies reporting earnings that have improved from last year..Yes there are still companies that are lagging but that's business for you , don't worry we have gone over the hump..
  19. The left has been on the wrong side of the equation for years bud... I am not knocking you in any way but be optimistic in the future it's not as bad and conspiracy ridden as you have already convinced yourself it is.. The glass is always half full and that is a better way of looking at it then a dismall karma negative repeat prediction:)
  20. NO..... The fight lasted 3 hours I take it they tried to take em alive It's the Hussein boys that didn't want to give up... We lost enough boys already why risk anymore... The intell was done they were certain these scumbags were inside then they fried them.... Good riddens!
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