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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. Here is a set of M Sports 18x8.5F and 18X9.5R I can grab em for 1600 with tires from wheelmax.com/. This is what the car would look like with them on and lowered .08 inch
  2. I found a good deal on Ebay for a set of tokico shocks and springs that lower 1inch Seperate at Stealin it's 320 for the shocks and 250 for the springs. I found a shop selling them both for $350.... My question is when lowering the car don't you have to adjust the camber or the tire will wear uneven??? The inch drop isn't drastic but just thought I ask because the 300zx board I am on is a infant and doesn't get much hits...
  3. Yeah they are sweet.. I saw one with 18x10R 18X9F and lowered less then a inch. I was never a big fan but after seeing what a simple rim and suspension mod would do it change my mind and ato top it off the M3 version is super quick
  4. So I look to change the tranny oil in my Z when I noticed that there isn't a pan, there's a stick to check it but no pan to drain it. very confused please help>>>
  5. Your right.. 80 horses is what I need to tap 300. Time to go shopping what do you suggest I can do to get there.
  6. Granted in the 60's it was warranted but today NO...
  7. I thought in the Muslim World nationalities are irrelevent, all muslims are bros..
  8. Please put that conspiracy book down and pick up a macroeconomic textbook in between your deep sea scroll lectures and learn something about how this economy works.... YouR speculation is driven by your hatred of this country so stop speaking about conspiracies cause you look foolish... Ask your self this question how much revenue would an american company, not the govt receive from that pipeline?? Then compare that to the loss a 10 trillion dollar economy made up of thousands of companies, stalled for a week experienced.. Can you see your lunacy???
  9. There is nothing more you would rather see, lizard lady. Maybe Kurmit the frogg will take over when we fall
  10. Affrimative action is racism at the fullest. In todays age with black CEO's and powerful buisness moguls this curve minorities receive to offset being lazy is lunacy...
  11. Oh and another thing Rush is FILTHY rich from his books and radio show and can fart what Ted makes in a year... you tell me who I should beleive
  12. Granted Rush Limbaugh is extreme for some (not me) but he is on point with all of his liberal bashing. Ted Rall said the Bush administration dropped the twin towers so we can go to war with afghanistan to take over a pipe line.. Look you may not know alot about economics and finance but do you realise how much economic activity was lost when the WTC was attacked?? 10X the amount we would make from that gas pipe in afghanistan... that's why he is a fluke I have seen him on Bill Maher def has a chip on his shoulder like he got beat up as a kid by a republican ... He even proposed to develop lower manhattan into low income housing That's another reason the guy is a loon..
  13. Coming home from visiting a friend at college on the pennsylvania turnpike tops off, doing 125-130mph and smoking a joint with my boy I was just asking for trouble.
  14. :laugh: Ted RALL :laugh: the guy is a joke and a bag of speculation, ZERO FACTS.....
  15. Me and my dad have done some projects like head gaskets and motor swaps but under the 300zx hood looks like a space ship lol.. Seriously I am thinking about adding the twin turbos but maybe in the future maybe as a project.. If you add turbos is the top and bottom the same on the twin turbo model? I was talking to a guy with a twin and he said upgrading would take about 5 g's. Def am buying a manual and hopefully put a new clutch in next year myself... thank god it isn't FWD I might get away with just dropping the transmission....
  16. Maybe she's a geanie.. You think she plays the Islamic meat whistle?????
  17. :laugh: lmfao... You kill me bro
  18. I just bought one from this place. 600 bucks delivered to my door.. it's 2.5 hp a long belt,calorie counter and heart rate monitor... It's the proform 795 its great They have a payment plan of 10 x 60 bucks great deal.. Oh and 1 important thing cardio done on empty stomach burns 200% more body fat.... http://www.iconfitness.com/warehouse/refresh/index.html
  19. He has inhaled too much tie-die it fucked his spelling up.... The Hippie still calling people nazi's...
  20. Did G&D drop Traveling on???? another favorite
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