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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. If you have a loaded gun full of bullets ANY ONE OF THEM can KILL you that's alqaeda. They have all been trained to do the same thing... kill as many Americans as possible.. Why in GODS name would you let anyone of them go???
  2. The POW from Iraq should be released. Alqaeda captured in Afghanistan should be excecuted...
  3. So open the doors to Gitmo and let them out.... I will give you one guess what happens... THEY WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO KILL YOU!!!!! If you are an american citizen you will still be tried in this country look at John Walker .. The detainees are enemy combatants they donot have the same rights you and I have they should all rot for ever.
  4. Where are you getting her articles?
  5. Isn't it enough to prove he was making weapons?? He had them in 98 before the inspectors were kicked out. Maybe the trailers were used from 98 on to manufacture more.
  6. No it's the people who doubt that he had these weapons want us to bring them to a WalMart full of Bio weapons. Where as the people who were behind the country and our president from the get go are convinced by other evidence left wingers deem irrelevent. How a tractor trailer painted in army fatigues isn't proof enough I don't know what will be.
  7. Answer me this then. -3k chemical suits - Unlimited amounts of antropiene, a nerve gas antidote. -Bio chem labs that only purpose is to make bio weapons. IF HE DIDN'T HAVE THEM THEN WHY NOT PROVE IT TO THE WORLD AND RETAIN HIS POWER?????? Did you ever stop to think that the first few hours of the war crippled his capabilities of delivering these weapons?? After all we are the strongest military in the world aren't we?
  8. Settle down, settles down you are going to strain yourself.. Lets go over the facts here and assess the situation with the Patriot Act and who it effects. 1st off, your little story about the feds visiting you I just don't beleive, although there is nothing more I would like to see then somebody put a muzzle on your rants but hey your are an American too I may not agree with you but it's your right. What I can't understand is you use the country when it suits you but quick to call it a evil dispicable regime and even went as far as comparing it to Germany that's hypocritical and wrong but that was covered earlier in a verbal reeming Cintron gave you... Lets imagine for a second you were visited what were you doing to send up a red flag? If feds showed up at my door to ask me some question I wouldn't think twice about answering questions but out of the 300 million people in this country YOU had to have been doing something that raised that red flag.. Doesn't every red flag need to be investigated? The suspicion of illegal activity isn't just thought up it's based on activities that YOU are doing doesn't it need to be clarified so the country will be safer? isn't that lax attitude to red flags and early idications of evil get in trouble in the first place?? If it turns out you are innocent then so be it, it's not like they are going to hang you in your basement and torture you.. This will only bother people who have something to hide.. Do you have something to hide revolution boy??? Ashcroft and the Patriot act which since inacted has thwarted other terrorist attacks that's why liberals like yourself, are ringing the civil liberties bell instaed of preaching intelligence failure for another attack. The Patriot Act TARGETS foreigners who have exploited our weaknesses pre-Sept 11th by minipultaing or even ignoring our immigration laws and provide logistical and monetary support to terrorists. I see nothing wrong with the Patriot Act and I actually feel that it is a invaluable tool in fighting TERROR and that's what this is all about!!!!
  9. Ok. what field are you in? Do you work or are you just going to school? honestly, I just want to know?
  10. Why not? You asked me where I was educated and I told you that and where I work. You told me I wouldn't get anywhere in the real world so I was just wondering what role YOU have in the "Real World".
  11. Video tapes showing people being tortured and executed by Saddam Hussein's regime are being bought on the streets of Baghdad by Iraqis anxious to trace missing relatives. Saddam Hussein's regime filmed executions Most of the tapes are from the Shia Muslim insurgency that erupted after the first President George Bush urged Iraqis to overthrow the former Iraqi leader in the wake of the 1991 Gulf War. Many of the executions took place in Najaf and Karbala in southern Iraq. Some of the tapes show a man who appears to be Lieutenant General Ali Hassan al-Majid, a cousin of Saddam Hussein, better known as "Chemical Ali", killing people. A BBC correspondent who has seen some of the recordings says they are evidence of the atrocities of the former regime. Suffering under Saddam One vendor said Iraqis buying the tapes want to see for themselves what happened. Some young people like sensational things, whether they are positive or negative Abd al-Muhsin al-Khayat, psychologist "This is normal. People have suffered a lot of tragedies from Saddam Hussein. I don't know whether people believe these things or not. I don't know," the vendor told the BBC Arabic service. Psychologist Abd al-Muhsin al-Khayat said people might also want to buy the tapes out of morbid curiosity. "There are many possible explanations," he said. "They might have a missing or a person who was executed, so they try to identify him through the tapes. "The other explanation is that some young people like sensational things, whether they are positive or negative." Last month, human rights workers in Iraq said they found a number of mass graves containing the bodies of up to 100 civilians killed during the 1991 uprising.
  12. I admit I lean to the far right politically but don't ever assume because of my political beleifs that I can't grasp your point of view, I can I just don't agree with it. Normal doesn't offer a point of view he is quick to insult and fire off wacky accusation like the U.S today is a mirror image of Nazi germany in the 40's or we are all baby killeres
  13. Former UK cabinet minister Clare Short assesses US-UN relations in the wake of the Iraq conflict, and argues global security can only be achieved through the UN. The United States is now, of course, the world's only great power. Its economic and military might is massively greater than that of any other country, but too few Americans seem to understand that American power cannot make America safe. If America continues to throw its weight around and to bully or punish anyone who gets in its way, it will stoke up more and more resentment and hatred across the world. And this atmosphere acts as a recruiting sergeant for terrorism - the very enemy against which the post-11 September focus of American attention is directed. Al Qaeda threat The terrible reality is that the world is more fragile, divided, bitter and unhappy post-11 September, in exactly the way that Osama bin Laden would want. The enormous tide of sympathy and support that flowed to America after the attacks - from all corners of the world - has now been dissipated. I fear Bin Laden has won many more recruits, as the US response to 11 September has alienated more and more people. The fanatical Right...think the UN is a conspiracy to create a world government and destroy America's freedom Clare Short We are living at a time of massive change in human history. There are now 6 billion of us sharing the planet. In 1900 there were just over 1 billion of us, and population is set to grow to 9 billion by 2050. Obviously, this population growth strains our environmental resources and makes it crucial that we share and care for our planet much more carefully. Nearly half the population of the world lives on less than the local equivalent of what $2 per day would buy in the US. Between one and two billion people live in abject poverty on less than the equivalent of $1 per day. We have better communications than ever before. The world has become a global village and we now witness human suffering wherever it occurs in the world. This has led to a growth of human solidarity, but also a growth in consciousness of how rich we are in the OECD countries and how poor they are in most of the rest of the world. We also have capital aplenty, technology and communications and knowledge that can easily be transferred across the world. Global justice And thus we have two possible ways forward: either a commitment to greater global justice, sharing knowledge and technology to give everyone in the world the chance of a decent life; or a growth in inequality, bitterness, environmental degradations, disease, war and displacement. Short: "The Clinton administration refused to pay its dues to the UN" Obviously, greater justice is morally preferable, but it is also in the self interest of the people of the OECD countries and in particular in the interests of the people of the US. If we are to build a stronger commitment to global justice, we need international law and rules that benefit all people and that are fair to all people. And to achieve this we need the United Nations. It is here that all nations meet and agree on international priorities, laws and conventions. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was agreed through the UN. Our commitment to fight HIV/AIDS, get all children to school, abolish polio and smallpox, end wars and send peacekeepers or to authorise military action and much more besides is all taken forward through the UN. US 'disrespect for UN' But many in the US hate the UN. The US wants to use the UN to tell everyone else what they must do Clare Short The fanatical Right - represented by people like the Oklahoma bomber - think the UN is a conspiracy to create a world government and destroy America's freedom. The current administration has shown its disrespect for the UN throughout the Iraq crisis. But the same attitudes were present during the Clinton administration which refused to pay its dues to the UN, to sign the Kyoto Agreement, accept the authority of the International Criminal Court or even to support the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It isn't that the US does not operate in the UN system. It finds it useful when it is ready to do America's bidding. But is soon very exasperated if countries have differing views. The US wants to use the UN to tell everyone else what they must do and is increasingly willing to use its power to bully and punish those who get in its way. The sadness of all this is that it is in the interest of the US and the American people, as well as all the rest of us, to build a commitment to international justice and the rule of law. And we cannot build such a world without a strong commitment to work together through the UN and work to increase its effectiveness and decisiveness. Let us hope that we will soon begin to learn the lessons of the divisions over Iraq and begin to unite through the UN in a commitment to build a more just, stable and safe world order. If not, we will see more division and bitterness and, I fear, more terrorism in the years ahead of us.
  14. Amazing how she doesn't beleive ANYTHING in the media except of course, it's a negative report ragarding the U.S. I hope they deport her!
  15. BUMP for this homos answer
  16. I am cuurently attending St John's University and working Full time at Prudential. Where was I educated? what kind of question is that? I should be asking you if you were dropped on your head as a kid because that would expalin ALOT. Read his posts nothing but rants that lack a single point or a counter rebuttal other then insults.
  17. US threatens mass expulsions About 82,000 men registered over five months More than 13,000 Arab and Muslim men in the US are facing deportation after co-operating with post-11 September anti-terror measures, it has been revealed. They are among 82,000 adult males who obeyed a government demand to register with the immigration service earlier this year, on the grounds they come from 25 mainly Muslim countries said to harbour terror groups. Only 11 of those who registered, and of the tens of thousands more screened at airports and border crossings, have been found to have links with terrorism. The vast bulk of those facing deportation proceedings were found to have lapses in their immigration status. By co-operating fully with the demand to register, many had hoped to be treated leniently. But the immigration service - which faced a backlash after several of the 11 September hijackers were found to have been in the country illegally - says enforcement is now a top priority. Correspondents say families in immigrant communities have already started packing up to leave the country, while others are simply going underground. Mass arrests Officials told the New York Times that more than 600 Arab and Muslim illegal immigrants were deported during the first wave of expulsions after 11 September. If a loophole can be exploited by an immigrant, it can also be exploited by a terrorist Jim Chaparro Homeland Security department US tackles net security But the Department of Justice stopped releasing figures after the number of arrests reached 1,200, says the paper, and no complete statistics are now available. Last year authorities launched a drive to track down those already served with deportation orders, in which more than 3,000 arrests were made. But this third sweep for illegal immigrants seems set to produce the largest wave of deportations: 13,354 at the last count, compiled by American newspapers. "There's been a major shift in our priorities," Jim Chaparro told the New York Times. He is acting director for interior enforcement at the Department of Homeland Security - which has now absorbed the old immigration service. "We need to focus our enforcement efforts on the biggest threats. If a loophole can be exploited by an immigrant, it can also be exploited by a terrorist," he said. 'Good conscience' But critics say the latest crackdown on immigrants is unfair and racist. "People did register out of their good conscience, because they wanted to follow the rules, respect the law," said Fayiz Rahman of the American Muslim Council. He says the policy is "targeted only toward Muslims. "This is a major concern. They are planning to reduce the number of Muslims on American soil... discourage Muslim immigration, make our lives difficult." Other critics say some of those awaiting deportation had only violated immigration rules due to a backlog in processing of applications by the government. Added to the controversy is a report released by the Department of Justice on Monday, which found "significant problems" in the way many immigrants arrested after the 11 September attacks were treated. Many were chained, physically and verbally abused, held without bail and denied access to lawyers, says the report, according to news agency AFP. But immigration officials defend the clampdown on immigrants. "We get criticised every day for not following through," said Bill Strassberger, spokesman for the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. "We can't have a legitimate immigration system if we allow people to come and just do what they want. It's not fair to those who do comply with the rules."
  18. They should Tatoo that on Normals back... :laugh:
  19. Still waiting for your answer on the Ethnic Clensing incident faggot ass..
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