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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. I agree with you KICK HIS ASS.. J/K If the little puke wants to wear his silly shirt then let him..
  2. Someone should plant a brain in your head you asshole...
  3. HOW COME THIS ISN'T ALL OVER THE NEWS? I heard Hannity mention late in his program but it's not on any other news sites. http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_399454,00050004.htm Kuwait foils smuggling of chemicals, bio warheads from Iraq Associated Press Kuwait City, October 2 Kuwaiti security authorities have foiled an attempt to smuggle $60 million worth of chemical weapons and biological warheads from Iraq to an unnamed European country, a Kuwaiti newspaper said on Wednesday. The pro-Government Al-Siyassah, quoting an unnamed security source, said the suspects had been watched by security since they arrived in Kuwait and were arrested "in due time." It did not say when or how the smugglers entered Kuwait or when they were arrested. The paper said the smugglers might have had accomplices inside Kuwait. It said Interior Minister Sheik Nawwaf Al Ahmed Al Sabah would hand over the smuggled weapons to an FBI agent at a news conference, but did not say when. Government officials could not be immediately reached for comment. Iraqi Interior Minister Nouri Al-Badran met on Tuesday with Sheik Nawwaf and discussed cooperation between the two countries in security matters. His visit is the first by an Iraqi interior minister to Kuwait since 1990.
  4. You really don't agree with this statement do you? You can't be that simple minded to think this is a bullshit conflict for some oil right? WOW guy, you really are fried..
  5. The times had us in a quagmire by he next morning after the decapitation attempt.
  6. Listen... I can laugh at a good joke but I really don't see the amusement in this statement. Even if Clinton said it I would still have the same opinion on it.
  7. Right, he knows the Isrealis can squash him like the roach he is at any time.
  8. Not to sound like a cheer-leader.. but think about that statment Bush was asked about Lincoln and why he idolizes him. Bush: "i can't imagine being president, during a time in which you're at war with yourself." meaning being the president or Representative for that country which in actuality you are that nation it consumes your whole life or even you're identity. Now that UNITED country is fighting against itself in a CIVIL WAR they were all americans and Lincoln was too.. get it? How do you rally a country at war when it's fighting itself? I think it shows the dedication and transformation ANY president committs and experiences the day they get anaugerated(sp).. I am reading Bush at War and when he said he was committed to the cause of defeating terrorism he wasn't kidding it's like a fathers instinct to protect his own, because THEY are the same person ...
  9. mr mahs


    :laugh: :laugh: HORSE SHIT WILBUR.
  10. YOUR KIDDING RIGHT?? How come I never hear you chastize the arab governments and their oppression of their own people???
  11. I only disagree with 1 part... If Russia and certain other countries want whats owed to them as long as the U.S. is at the controls then hey at least it's not tax payers money right? I mean c'mon let's face it, once this puppy is going full blast theres enough for every Iraqi AND payment of former debts that can be used as bait for involvemnet... If promised to be repayed would'nt it make the time suffered for EVERYONE alot less?? so yeah it's hypocritical but the U.S has to give a little too... Incentives R whats going to get this bitch off and running...
  12. THE WALL HAS TO GO UP.... It's the only way to protect ISREALI civilians waht else can be done? The other side pole vaulted over a line set by a flimsy 1 sided cease fire agreement, what else can be done? All out WAR? Noone wants that but I'll tell you one thing.. what would happen honestly if Syria for example had the military might of Isreal?? and the roles were reversed would there be the same scenario we are looking at now?? I won't answer but I bet you guys can figure it out..
  13. Get off your high horse sister, you ain't fit to scrub my AMERICAN MEAT WHISTEL...
  14. I guess you know from experience
  15. I never said Iranians are ARAB. The thread was started with the question if Isreal will strike Iran. I am only stating the facts from a recent speech from the Mullah in Iran that the minute Iran gets a nuke he will sacrafice his whole country in a martydom mission with a nuclear exchange with Isreal, this is a known fact that has been written about and posted on here before. If Isreal feels threatened by that nutball in Iran then I say cut the head off that snake before it bites you.... Enough said.
  16. I hope you get ganorea.. TOOL
  17. don't be simple minded. that would mean absolute suicide for themselves as well. they just want the fucking zionists out of there. jews have lived in that area and the middle east for a very long time. but this zionist shit has got to go. israel is not just jewish land. and they need to realize that and stop trying to steal land from everyone else. The Mullah of Iran has already stated SASSA that the minute they have a nuke ISREAL IS GONE!!!!!!!
  18. Here some interesting points ... For Israel Gross Domestic Product (GDP), shrank by 1% in 2001 and is expected to fall another one percent this year. Income per capita fell by 3% in 2001 and is expected to fall another 3% this year, the Guardian added. Michael Sarel, chief economist for the Israeli Finance Ministry, said the Intifada accounts for half the recession and the high-tech bust the other half. Noting a 6% decline in income per capita over the last two years, he added: “This size of a decline in the Israeli economy is unprecedented,” the Guardian reported. The rise in unemployment in Israel is now close to 11%, up from an average of 8% during the 1990s. The tourism sector suffered the worst damages accounting for 3% of Israel's GDP before the uprising and has fallen by 70% since 2000. The fall was not restricted to the number of the tourists only, but also the hotels and all the workers in that field as tourists refused to visit the country where innocent people are being killed every day. I can't see the grants that Isreal receives amounts to all this lost economic activity.. just doesn't add up
  19. What makes you think we aren't focussing enough attention to Iran and N KOREA.
  20. I think you are FULL OF SHIT and work at Burger King
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