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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. OH BOY The liberals are running out of things to complain about.... WASHINGTON – The economy roared ahead at an astounding 8.2 percent annual rate in the third quarter, the fastest pace in nearly two decades and a much stronger performance than previously thought. It raises hope that a long spell of lackluster business activity is finally over. The revised gross domestic product, released by the Commerce Department Tuesday, was a full percentage point higher than the 7.2 percent growth rate estimated a month ago. The new estimate, based on more complete data, reflected stronger investment by business on new equipment and software, less severe cuts in companies' inventories and brisker spending on residential projects. Those were the main factors behind the upward revision to third-quarter GDP, which measures the value of all goods and services produced within the United States and is considered the broadest barometer of the country's economic health. The 8.2 percent growth rate, more than double the 3.3 percent pace registered in the second quarter, represented the best showing since the first quarter of 1984, when the economy surged at a 9 percent pace. Economists were predicting third-quarter GDP would be revised up, with estimates ranging from a 7.3 percent pace to an 8 percent pace.
  2. Yet it is this small group that is droppping skyscrapers and creating the anti-muslim sentiment ....
  3. Isn't it known widespread and acknowledged by fellow muslims that wahabism is the extreme interpertion of the Koran? Isn't this version that is fuelling the anti-american assholes in those faking cess pool countries to blow themselves up? Are you disputing the fact that this interpertion wahabism that is ruining it for all of you?
  4. We went with who we trusted, Halliburton......
  5. You revert to those GHEY smileys when you're speechless.. I will challenge you AGAIN like I did for the RALPH PETERS article Igloo posted... to debate one thing Cinton wrote who is NOT a cheerleader for the team Bush.. You granola crunchers are pathetic
  6. That makes no sense. The proof is in the pudding bud.. Do you go to a doctor you know and TRUST will take care of you? or do you have a bidding process to decide a important decision like your health . The moral of the comparison is if you were in the govt position and needed for that oil to be up and running as quick as possible so that the underlying goal of building a fully operational free society, wouldn't you choose someone you have trust in? who has delivered time and time again? C'mon man thats the way it goes in business..
  7. Do you think the country would be all peachie overnight? It's been 7 months for gods sake.. The date for the transfer of power is set for June, it's up to the IRAQI'S to decide if it's worth the hard work to them and yes the country is better off today then when Sdam was in power just from there not being any more mass graves being filled. WE DONOT WANT THE OIL if that were true we would haven taken Kuwaits oil when we liberated them! The true goal is to develop a beacon of democracy in Iraq that will show the rest of the Arab world freedom from oppresion really exists. I just don't understand why you and the rest of the granola crunchers don't focus your attention on those so called "other " dictators and see the good of whats going on in Iraq. One more question for you about winning of contracts to Haliburton? How many companies out there can do what is needed in Iraq? If you ask yourself that question you will see that HALIBURTON, who has been winning govt contracts for decades was the right choice.
  8. Oh you mean the LOONS who beleive the Taliban and Sdam should return to power? or do you mean the other nutbags that beleive communism and socialism are better then democracy?? They should drop a MOAB on those idiots, so they don't create offspring and invest the rest of the world with their idiocy....
  9. So do you think the U.S and Britain should invade North Korea?
  10. Christianity doesn't preach violence against non-beleivers.
  11. I know he can't read... I would like to point out another part of your previous post to the "Resident douchebag" [Fritz Thyssen broke with the Nazis in 1938 over their persecution of Catholics and Jews, and fled to Switzerland. He later was arrested and spent 1941 to 1945 in a Nazi prison. His brother lived in Switzerland from 1932 to 1947 but continued to operate businesses in Germany
  12. So because he was on a board of a international bank that dealt with other countries he is a nazi? As soon as his contact in Germany found out the Nazi's were executing Catholics and Jews he fled so that makes the Bush family supporters of the nazi party?? Even someone as dumb and twisted as you don't beleive that.. Like I said in another thread even Joe Kennedy wass dealing with the nazi's before the 40's it was a influential political party in Germany do you think they just appeared out of thin air and started killing jews? Even semi sane liberals dispute this allegation it's only the FAR left socialists loons like yourself that are grabbing at this paper thin accusation... I really think you are semi retarded bro... You need help!
  13. I was having this argument with a co-worker the other day and my conservative side really came through on this subject. I beleive that every person is in charge of their own self and even though at times social and economic surroundings can be difficult, success can still be acheived. In our society it isn't un common to see a poerson come from poverty and become a self made millionare why? It's because that person had a goal and worked hard util he acheived it. Mark your statements are border line racist for assuming that racism is so rapant that it prevents afro-americans from exceling in our country and I will be the first to tell you that you're completly wrong... Look at the Sec of Stae Colin Powell for example, an african-american, the CEO's of Morgan Stanley and AOL both giants in their industry and both headed by african americans..
  14. Why should we trust Europeans with our OWN national security? Wouldn't the majority of the world praise and rejoice another terrorsit attack against us? You will NEVER know what it is being an american unless some psycopath destroys Big Ben or crashes a plane into Buckingham palce, then maybe you will see the world the way we see it... Until then ....... WITH US OR AGAINST US... enough said...
  15. Who the fawk are you to judge my action? you don't know shit about me or anyone on this board you punk! Once again you make a assumption that I wouldn't fight if it came down to it. We are ALL involved in this war either up front and personal like NYCMUZIK or in other ways like showing support for dealing with what ever dangers are put infront of us... You made this lame attempt to twist my support into having less courage why? because I support a war that we didn't start? NATO should have nuked your country maybe the chances of another ungtreatful, twisted, euro-trash punk coming to my country would have decreased... Oh and one last thing Vagina.. Spelling doesn't count.. I don't pay attention to it while posting in between phone calls at work.
  16. How do you go through life ignoring facts? Anybody who says there is no working relationship between al Qaeda and Iraqi intelligence going back to the early '90s--they can only say that if they're illiterate. This is a slam dunk." --James Woolsey, CIA director under President Bill Clinton
  17. Did the Neo cons persuade ALL the foreign governments in agreeing he had/has weapons? This guy is an appeasing TOOL who would only realise what we are up against when some nut bag detonates a diryty bomb in Times square then I would love to hear his answer..Oh wait it was the "neo con", asshole.
  18. I bet he wakes up every day wishing he was in the 60's ... ANNOUNCEMENT TO NORMAL.................. You are not a hippie and this isn't the Vietnam WAR so stop trying to be important because your existenace on this planet is the equivalent of gum under my show walking to my REAL job.... Now go play with some index cards and figuring out how to dodge another alimoni payment...
  19. That's proof? :laugh: You're really reaching with this bud.
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