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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. Let me ask you something.... What makes you think France can lend the resources that would make Iraq a Disney Land overnight?
  2. Clown? You fawking pee brained tree hugger what does this have to do with Bush? You obviously only posted the part that suited your la-la land beliefs that we should have a fair bidding process when soldiers are dying over there. Do you have ANY business sense at all? Do you know how long it takes to complete a bidding process? it takes months to fix a gas pipe in manhattan how long do you think it would take for an estimate and bidding process to be completed on a WHOLE COUNTRY???
  3. It's not supoosed to be "give me contracts and we will help" We didn't go into Iraq for the contracts.. We went in because he was a threat and needed to be removed. The reward of contracts would have easlily been transfered if France for example didn't do everything possible to sidetrack us... from stating they would veto ANYTHING to sending delegates to camaroon for the ney vote... And save the "war for oil" rebuttal because our economy farts 18billion a day in activity..
  4. Of course your liberal spin left this part out.... A spokeswoman for Halliburton, Wendy Hall, defended the company's pricing. "It is expensive to purchase, ship, and deliver fuel into a wartime situation, especially when you are limited by short-duration contracting," she said. She said the company's Kellogg Brown & Root unit, which administers the contract, must work in a "hazardous" and "hostile environment," and that its profit on the contract is small. OR THIS... Ms. Hall said Halliburton's subcontractor had had more than 20 trucks damaged or stolen, nine drivers injured and one driver killed when making fuel runs into Iraq spin your way out of that ja-queero-guy
  5. Are you retarded? Were you under a rock when we went to the U.N for help and even hinted at dividing the contracts up and they told us to go fawk ourselves? The French wouldn't send troops even if we told them they could have all the contracts, it's matter of saving face for Chirac. We thought the U.N would bury the hatchet and help for the good of Iraq's... we were wrong so now we hit them in their companies pockets... The dollar is mightier then the gun my friend. NO ONE WANTS TO HELP...... They want us to fail, why can't you deranged tree huggers get this through your bong hit rotted brains....
  6. Payback is a bitch.. They had a last chance to send support with troops and funds but scoffed at the idea. Typical of the ass backward europeans, they could've given a little up front and their economies as well as the arab world would have benefitted 10 fold in the long run.... TOOLS!
  7. Real quick about Bowling for Columbine it's the rise in out of wedlock rates that are causing the increase in violence.. I just asked Jamiro-queer the q's because he doesn't blame Sadam for killing his own people but the U.S for supplying him with the weapons when our relations were different, that's all. See the relevance in my question? Anyway... You're wrong! The planned invasion of Japan, prior to the dropping of the bomb would have tallied an estimated 2 million+ lives combined and they were no where near surrendering..
  8. Don't waste your time bud these idiots are stuck in the concrete operational stage of development, they can't think hypothetical enough to imagine that Sadam wouldn't use the WMD 's because then in the Arab worlds view he really did have them and it was just to remove him... They can't fathom that maybe the Iraqi army were so discombobulated from the half ass orders they were recieving from those 2 goons Uday and Qusay, I mean doesn't it say they were restricted unless the order came from Sadam himself? Here's another thought, like I stated before.. Maybe the army was just AFRAID to use WMD's...
  9. In Bowling for Columbine did you blame the Guns or the people pulling the triggers? Just curious....
  10. Thank God I'm on the RIGHT side of the fence...
  11. It's amazing what more do these loons need a gift wrapped scud full of SADAM'S goodies sent to the NY TIMES???
  12. How about total annihilation? This is coming from a Iraqi general what more do you need?
  13. ding.. ding.. ding.. xpyrate,, jamiroguy1,ghhhhhost & normalnoises :laugh: Congrats... you idiot's share the same political beliefs as my lush drunk Uncle Charlie who drinks min, a bottle of Wine at dinner and a shot of Cognac for breakfeast and Lunch for the last 40 years... The guy is two drunken outbursts away from being demotted to the kiddie table at Christmas for his political babble. He is seriously retarded, like talking to a little kid.... :laugh: Thats classic Normal your reply answers alot of Q's I had about you.. "I guess we outnumber you MrMahs" Jerkoff:blown: :laugh
  14. No Mark Simons reply????
  15. I had a argument with a family freind who.... -Who believes Isreal was responsible for 911.. -believes more then 3k people died on Sept 11th. -believes more Americans are dying in Iraq then is being told.. -America shouldn't tell other countries, especially middle eastern what to do and that 911 was our fault... -Bush is Hitler.. I obviously don't agree with him but I just wanted to know who here feels the same???
  16. We receive THOUSANDS of threats a day.. Think about that.
  17. Someone should tell this left wing hateful loon to pick up a book and find that unemployement is a lagging indicator... I wonder if anyone remebers why the Fed started raising rates in 2000? The unemployemnt rate was a 4% and they were fearing infaltion... I wonder if anyone remebers what the unemployemnt number was in the 80'S after Reagen took office? 11%. What are we at now < 6%??? From my own experince in the work place.. The productivity advancement is causing the delay in a recovery of the labor situation because employers are queezing more from less... one employee is doing the work of 3...
  18. Wow that was brilliant.... No thoughts only regurgitation....
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