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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. No argument because you can't>>
  2. WOW the special Kay and pills have really rotted your brain Mr. "I don't care what GDP means". If the president were assasinated the stock market would TANK losing trillion's in stock value. This wouldn't have happened a couple of years ago but in todays day def. Listen whether you realise it or not EVERYTHING is connected so an assasination of a WAR time president in this country would send a ripple effect to businesses here and as well as foreign investors. That uncertainty is what would sink the market first and then the economy.....
  3. Do you know what would happen to our country, economy if Bush were assasinated????
  4. You have ZERO argument. Ralh Peters pulled your card and you are speechless... Debate one thing in the article that doesn't make peferct sense. You hippies can't get past the concrete operational stage where a hypothetical scenario is virtually impossible to imagine. SIMPLETON is the correct adjective, a person who can't fathom going to war to dimish the terroism by attacking the promblem of OPPRESSIVE REGIMES THAT SUPPORT TERRORISM AND BREED ANT-AMERICANISM for further grabs at power.. This part below shows the HYPOCRISY of the left's argument.. No protesters will chant about the Iraqi families sundered, the fathers tortured and shot, the daughters and wives raped, the use of poison gas against the Kurds or the million-and-a-half Iraqis, Iranians and Kuwaitis who died in Saddam's wars. The guy is on point!
  5. Sorry I didn't read your post. Good points bud..
  6. You are SUCH a tool bro.. Thats your link to brand the WHOLE bush family for supporting the NAZI'S? A article about a bank being seized??? Look at the conspiracy wheels turning.. From your article... The documents do not show any evidence Bush directly aided that effort. His position with Union Banking never was a political issue for Bush, who was elected to the Senate from Connecticut in 1952. WOW that really convicts the guy.... E. Roland Harriman, the bank chairman and brother of former New York Gov. W. Averell Harriman, held 3,991 shares. Bush had one share. Another great peice of evidence.... loser
  7. TAKE THAT LINK AND SHOVE IT UP YOU'RE HIPPIE ASS PAL.. I don't give a fawk about some web page that some hippie says is true .. Don't you think that would be PERFECT ammunition from you and other twisted liberals to wrecj the Bush family name for ever? I mean Arnold was crucified for a PROVEN fact aboiut his father.. Your little link to a bullshit anti-bush site amounts to hill of Horse shit... The NY times would be all over it if it were true... And to answer your question just don't trust the Clinton family they are shady and will cut anyone throat for their own benefit...
  8. :laugh: You really live for these conspiracy theories huh? Let me ask you something did Hitler and the Nazi's appear out of thin air and start slaughtering jews? Wasn't Hitler a business man in Germany? Is it really unimagineable to think that maybe, just maybe people in the states did business with germany before the holocaust? If you're going to pull that accusation out of you're ass why not bring the Kennedy's into the equation? Joe Kennedy was doing business with Hitler since the 30's...
  9. The BUSH family are boyscouts compared to the Clinton's
  10. You guys just don't get it huh? 911 triggered a war against terror and those who SUPPORT terror. Now if you think Sadam didn't support and bank roll terrorism then you live under a rock.. 911 just made us do something about it because it hit home..
  11. You think it matters to these idiots??? I can just feel the conspiracy smoke in the resident gimps head (normal) right now... "We planted it" blah blah blah
  12. Good points.. They were expecting 2milliuon plus deaths if the invasion of Japan was the only option to END the war.
  13. You're a disgrace... HIPPIE!
  14. When did you and the idiot crew here decide I was a armchair soldier? Why because I show SUPPORT for my country and the troops? I have never said anything bad about anyone in the military IN FACT my hat goes off to every last one of them and thank one every time I get the chance because they have balls of stone to put that uniform on... I bet that marine would squeeze the life out a little punk like you who blast this countries every move especially in Iraq . I bet he doesn't appreciate the doomsday, glass half filled sentiment by the left and vaginas like you who would rather run in th face of challenge then stand up for our FREEDOMS... You don't know me or my character so don't say what I will or won't do because the only thing I am guilty of is 150% support for this country... Oh and Jerkoff the troops returning from Iraq have one complaint. The media coverage in the states is incorrect and misleading in portraying only the negatives in Iraq but I bet YOU enjoy it. The troops have been smacking around journalist ESPECIALLY the ones from Al-Jazeer who are notorious, like the pic posted above of being INCORRECT and only reporting the negatives not the progress from the front lines... http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/11/13/04738.shtml
  15. I would pay money to see that Marine with his hands around your skinny little neck...
  17. I can't beleive you're sticking up for AL- Jazeera...
  18. FROM ANOTHER POST from the resident idiot.... honestly, who cares about the Gross National Product anyway, it only tells us how well the richie spoiled brats are doing anyway ... what about the rest of us? :laugh:
  19. :laugh: WOW that may be the dumbest thing I have ever heard.. Stick to observing bugs at the park with the rest of the hippies... Crash course in ECONOMICS.... GDP. 3 PARTS CONSUMER SPENDING ie.. Your purchase of Dr seuss books GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES... what govt spends per qtr CAPITAL SPENDING ie.. companies buying computers and expanding their capabilities BECAUSE they expect future growth...THAT MEANS EXTRA JOBS!!!!!! THE 7.2 rapid growth was from a spike in Capital spending and since you have had your head up your ass for the last 3 years, it was the lagging part of our economy.
  20. AMERICAN FIRST BUD..... Anyone know why Normals daughter didn't get fed??? He smoked the child support payments.....
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