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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by majinbuu

  1. The Mets have a new center fielder. Mike Cameron! I like!
  2. sure glass bongs are good to smoke out of..but you cant carry that around. plus some people cant afford one, or cant have it in their house. blunts and joints are good because the way to smoke it is disposable and can be done anywhere with papers or a cigar....
  3. i unroll the leaf, and i use a little strip of the inside paper to make it burn evenly.....
  4. its just mental...i have problems, but i have to concentrate to actually go. i just think of a water cooler and how it makes the bubbles when you are filling your cup. that usually works. remember to drink water too...you get dehydrated when you roll....
  5. i cant do all this coke by myself....
  6. i check to see if she has child bearing hips....
  7. i would hope to be able to communicate on all of them....but even in a relationship with someone, no matter what type, talking on AIM can get confusing. sometimes you have misunderstandings that snowball into a big fight. its funny b/c if you look back, it comes from one statement and it turns the whole conversation into a fight. i just try to remember that when i talk to my friends, family and loved ones on AIM....
  8. close enough....sorry our meeting was so brief...my friends were in the fashion show. when i saw you i was about to leave. it was nice meeting you and i'm sure we will bump into each other again....
  9. i usually just look out the window, but sometimes i catch people staring at me by looking at the reflection on the window. there was this time late at night, i noticed this odd looking guy was staring at me all weird. i pretended to not notice. he had newspapers spread out all over the seat, but he never looked at it. he was staring at me the whole ride. when my stop came, i waited until the last moment to leave the train. I turned around and the weird guy was trying to get off, grabbing all of his newspapers. he was yelling something at me as the doors closed in his face. WTF...that shit was weird...right?
  10. i think thats the worst picture of vida i have ever seen...
  11. the begnning of the end for the evil empire...
  12. why would the yanks pay more $ to an older injury plagued pitcher? andy moght not be as good as brown....but he pitches more and is younger. the yanks got older and more fragile today...
  13. if you believe that... they can make whatever they want happen with editing. from real world to simple life, the producers do have a hand in whats going on in front of the cameras. if they dont like what they tape, they manipulate whats being shown to you. reality my ass!
  14. interesting....good to know i'm not the only one who sees it!
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