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Everything posted by i3itch

  1. 1. must drive a bmw (preferably teal or another "hard to get" color) (Yea but then it also has to belong to Daddy...) 2. must always be tan (That's true...) 8. Must spike hair to an extra crunchy texture (should spend longer getting ready than most girls). 11. Must have rims put on car (10 extra pts. for spinning rims) 13. Must use the "F" word as often as possible 16. Must start fights w/ random guys for no reason 17. Must wear some kind of "bling bling" on ones body (diamond watch, diamond pinky ring, diamond cross or christ head) 20. Make shave or wax body hair (including chest, stomach, arms, etc.) 23. When out, you must always have a drink in u're hand, whether it be water or red bull and vodka.......(colorful drinks prefered, martini's permitted). 24. Next day you MUST brag about the girls you hooked up w/ and how drunk you were when u drove home. 25. Doing drugs is permitted as long as u still look good. These are like the only ones that I think I've seen
  2. Are we talking South Shore here...?! Cuz I don't think any of these kids are in my neighborhood...
  3. What IS that though? Is that a spare tire I see..?!
  4. My mom is one of those classy, chic moms that look all put together in front of everyone else but behind closed doors she's a psycho. My dad is one of those people who never understands anything. He laughs at jokes when no one else does and he doesn't understand why everyone laughs for the actual FUNNY ones. My brother is a spoiled pain in the ass that's naive. But he has a really good heart whereas... Yea I don't.
  5. First thing that ran thru my head lookin at this pic... I imagined the kid on the right sayin "Jou tawkin to me mang?!"
  6. O man... especially when its the morning after and you wake up to find him making you a cheese omelet wearing nothing but boxers and a smile
  7. I don't get it... You have to understand hun... I'm an undercover blonde
  8. I think I've been cooking since age 11... Thats how it is in my house - no one else is gonna cook for me, so I gotta do it myself. Even though now I'm the ONLY cook in the house and I end up making everyone else's meals
  9. I like her as an actress and I DO think she's beautiful, don't get me wrong, but I'm sayin... With: breast implants, liposuction, collagen in my lips and porcelain caps on my teeth I can be beautiful too
  10. I would think it sucks no matter what size you are... Unless you're a midget ya gonna have one leg out the window, head out the rear window, ass out the sunroof, foot on the horn... it's just NOT fun no matter what UNLESS you drive like a mini-van or a Winnebago or something but I'm talking about regular sized cars
  11. Id put my money on Carrie and Miranda... But seeing as how I havent watched the new episode yet... I dunno
  12. OMG People actually grow their toenails that long?! That's horrendous
  13. HE HAS A BABY?!? I wanna have Aidan's baby
  14. i was gonna audition for that movie but i was too young
  15. i missed it cuz my asshole family decided to come visit and they wanted to watch baseball
  16. i3itch


  17. On Saturday nights SUCKS!
  18. is that seriously real..?!
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