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Everything posted by hellomyname-is

  1. I don't get my PMs for some reason, but you can email me at harold@centro-fly.com
  2. Just to provide the sheer validity of ZYGO as a great vodka in clubs- Last night for Layo and Bushwacka@Centro-Fly we burned through the entire inventory of ZYGO. Two of our bartenders went through 8 bottles each, mostly from return customers after suggesting it early in the night. The rest of the staff averaged 2-3 bottles. This stuff is an absolute phenomenon at Centro.
  3. Well I don't want to be the best looking guy there. I don't think I can handle all the attention. Quality you know, not quantity. Can't spread myself too thin. Seriously just don't offend Suzanne at the front door by looking like a shabby mess. Hot guys get hot girls, hot girls get everything..........damn screwed up system. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Look outside guys, everyone is still in the city. It's too damn shitty out and people have stayed home for Memorial Day. This whole weekend has been packed at Centro and tonight is just going to be the apex of it. No work monday mean kill brain cell on Sunday...........Its a hard line god damn liberal's religion. WHAT?
  5. David Why don't you keep your ignorance in same place you keep your latent homosexuality- deep deep at the core of you heart, where your scared little boy keeps all his secrets from the rest of the world. I can only imagine your other broad generalizations you use to pigeon hole the rest of the world in order feel a little safer knowing that its not only you who isn't packing much in his pants.
  6. What's the Biggest Party on Sunday going to be?
  7. So I'm figuring no one is coming out to Centro to Miguel Migs...........I would have comped you a drink of ZYGO damnit. Sckeptical little bastards. Well sunday is another day, plus our summer line up is outrageous. I heard it yestrday and I still don't believe it. Carl Cox, Sasha, Oakenfold, Digweed, Roger Sanchez, It just keeps getting bigger. Three of those guys will be playing consecutively for a weekend package.
  8. Either Miguel Migs Friday at Centro, but Sunday is a must for Layo & Bushwacka. There aren't many chances to see an act that damn good...........................when was the last time they were in NY?
  9. This is something no one should miss. I spent three months walking the streets of manhattan, going to and coming back from work, listening to their CD. How many people can say lately that there has been a party "they can't wait for." This Sunday is going to be one of those parties.
  10. Keep drinking ZYGO, I'll pitch in for the depends. Groove.....as for the other things I love music (actually can't wait for this weekend's line up. I might have to stop working to listen and enjoy) and getting laid.........my job is a continual test from god on whether I can stay faithful to a gorgeous girlfriend whom I love in world filled with half dressed models clamouring over anything in a suit making some clever quip about their ass looking fat.
  11. shit, the screen never closed so i KEPT pressing enter to send it through. Well atleast it's emphatic.
  12. Groove you missed the message. I AM NOT LYING>>>>>>>>>>
  13. Groove you missed the message. I AM NOT LYING>>>>>>>>>>
  14. Groove you missed the message. I AM NOT LYING>>>>>>>>>>
  15. Guys thank you so much for showing an interest and being straight foward. As for me, I have used these kinds of boards to push parties at the clubs I worked at and at one time and I was dishonest. I tried to mislead people with multiple personalities talking to each other, but I was ignorant to one important fact. Before that event I had never known what an IP was. You must see where this is going. Well I posted as two people to get things going and a more experienced poster caught me. We both had the same IP. If you guys look at my IP address There are only two from me, my work and home. My agenda is clear to try and get people to try ZYGO and become part of a community responsible for making it work in other places. If anyone realized how different this is they might feel a little empowered. In the liquor world brands don't come out of no where. They are chosen by big distributors and are backed by giant liquor companies. This is a vague explanation, but what ZYGO has done (even in converting me without funds) is extrodinary and fresh and could create an avenue of success for other little guys coming out with a great products. Other wise good or not, if a big fat out of touch distributor of liquor company don't say "ok we choose you to brainwash the population with," you will never hear about the company. As for Keith, I don't now him and I'm not rich or driven enough to have that many IP addresses. Look at my messages and the aren't first hand experiences about how great this stuff is. I am being genuine and asking people to be a part of something, try something new. I realized a long time ago that it is pointless to lie on these messageboards. People are look way too hard for inconsitencies to dicredit them here, so to make an elaborate lie with out being somewhat truthful would quickly be exposed.
  16. These people are just unbelievably talented. When I first saw their set I just stood there transfixed on Jo Jo and how clean his shit was. Just such a crisp and clean sound for a live drum act that you'd think from outside of the club they are spinning mastered tracks. Lisa Shaw has an outstanding voice............the whole thing is just damn beautiful.
  17. At first I though he was helping my case (oh yes I do have an agenda), but it seems as though he is just ruining any credibility I might have gained.
  18. Hey if you make the trip down from Boston I'll make sure you are taken care of
  19. Yeah I post for things outside of Zygo. Actually I did one right before this one. As for "Keith" for all I know he could be some one from zygo, even though the company is only two people. Maybe he uses a search engine to find messages with the word ZYGO and then keys in on them. Outside of that subversive hypothesis I have no freakin clue.
  20. Come to see this show. Centro-fly and Prohibited Beats are joining together to give them something worth coming out for........
  21. Put that coffee down! Coffee is for closers! -Glengary GlenRoss The thread is to promote, but I am an uninvolved party. Just imagine you use this site for your job to check up on the industry. You see this company that has had unbelievable success with their new product without all the backing of a big liqour company, which anyone who knows the liquor industry is practically impossible. You see a company have great success from a hands on, door to door, all I have is a really great product mentality, and you just want to do anything you can to help. That's why I post.
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