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Everything posted by evanscott-syd-

  1. House Music has no face! No personality to represent it. Erick Morillo is seen all over MTV UK at the dance festivals. Anyone who has seen him live knows, not only is he probably the best DJ around, but he works the crowd like a champion. He is having a great time in the DJ Box and people respond to that. Would love to see Erick reporting live from the upcoming festival in Central Park w/ PvD. Give Sway and the fat rocker guy the day off and give house the forum for a second. Someone like him could be the best thing for House in the US. I also think he should take a greater interest in supporting the culture here in America as well. Bring back club MTV... people watch it for the girls in next to nothing... right? The music is secondary. Use sex to sell the music, it works for hip-hop right? I also think on a radio level and commerical level you need to embrace a different type of music here in NY. A lot of the dance music played in NY on radio is very NY specific. I think if there was a little less "cheese" as you would say on the radio and guys like the Riddler took a chance on a record... things might be a little bit better. There are is a lot of payola here in the US (skirted around legally by the use of what is called "indies"). Face it, the public is sheep and whatever is played on the radio people are going to like... on the whole. So if we could force feed them some credible and incredible dance tracks you would see a dance become more mainstream. It is a combination of factors, but broadcasting Juniorverse is not where you start. Do you really want a 50+ yr old guy telling you what is hot? Get Louie Devito off the air! You got lucky someone fucked up and licensed you the Mel C. track. You owe your life to a Spice Girl! As for Riddler... good guy, but think for yourself and don't play it so safe. Skribble out RSL, Skribble in RELEASE YOURSELF radio... SANCHEZ!!!!! Keep Skribble around... he's good for the music! And clear channel, reach into your pockets and pay for the Essential Mix... New York deserves a show like that!!!!!!! Cheers, EvanScott
  2. Joctane, Cheers mate! I think that is a big problem too! It all isn't techno!!!! My first night at Tavern some girl who wrote an article and said I was playing techno. I was playing true big, gay, vocal house records... nothing close to techno. It's all house to me, soulful, progy, deep, tribal, but IT IS DEFINTELY NOT ALL TECHNO! More people need to realize this... "Let me tell you something about house music, it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing!" Cheers, EvanScott
  3. "so what if theres no big name dj playing there. Does that mean theres no good records in his/her collection." This could be one of the truest points that could ever have been said!!! Go out and support the small nights, that's where it started and that's where it will always be. I am sure many of you can attest. Oakenfold doesn't really care about DJ'ing that much anymore, and you can hear it. With him, you seldomly get what you pay for these days... I think. 2hr. set? All these guys should be playing at least 4 hrs. Its a shame the for a while Balance was charging crzy amounts of money for it's DJ's. Money they would never get in the UK. All the hype, the drugs, the $$$ door covers. That has led to a backlash. I am also kind of saddened that much is not talked about the true New York house DJ's. Sure much is said about Danny T, but what about Francois K, or Erick Morillo. All I hear is Tony Draper and John "45 minutes of my love is your love" Peters. Go out and support the John Selways, the Choo-Choo Romeros, the Morillos, the David Waxmans, and the rest of the amazing spectrum of DJ's you have here in NY. Make it so good here in NY that you don't need the Oakies, the Diggers. Make it so they badly want to come for the party, not the pay off. You guys have such an incredible city with tons of local talent. Ask yourself why some of the greatest producers of house music produce in NY, but play it elsewhere...? NY DJ's are bigger outside of NY than they are in NY... strange? If you want to embrace something foreign, embrace me...LOL! Besides, the UK is a land of bad weather, shitty food, pastey white women, and people with bad teeth... Oakie and Digweed included...LOL! Honestly... which one was better "Wild On the UK" or "Wild On Australia"...LOL! A lot has contributed to the shrinking circles in the US house scene, and worldwide. But the music and the prty goers will find a way to keep it alive. Here's to that!! VIVA LA HOUSE!!! Cheers, EvanScott
  4. Neptunes... INCREDIBLE producers!!! But Pharrell is on way too many tracks singing. Who said he has a good voice? He can't sing! All he does is repeat the same out of tune phrases on all his tracks that he sings in. Where is his asian mate... We could use a good remix of... "Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto." Get him on a track!!! In a time where music is so hurting for something original... he has got some real original sounds. I give credit where it is due.... but the boy can't sing
  5. Thing about this is that Radio in the UK is nationalized. In London, Radio 1 is the same as Radio 1 in Liverpool, Manchester, etc. Radio 1 is Radio 1. Here, Radio is different in each city, and tastes differ between cities. IE. East Coast / West Coast Hip-hop, or San Fran House vs. Progy NY House. But yes, you guys could use a good dose of Radio 1. It would do a world of good for the music!
  6. Relax mate, I know BeatFix, and I will admit, he is a wanker, but he has a point. I have actually played with Louis before... good DJ, good guy too, but that is independent of his dad. He keeps a low profile with that a lot. I mean, I would think he wants to be known as Louis Osbourne the DJ, not necessarily Louis Osbourne, Ozzy's kid. I think it just came off the wrong way. Like Ozzy's son is DJ'ing... but you never mentioned Louis... Ever heard of Cameron Douglas? He opened for me at Avalon like 5-6 years ago, and he could barely mix a drink, but he played and got gigs 'cause of who he was and that he was dating Peter Gaitien's daughter. And one guy from Avalon used to work down here in NY and then he started running things on Landsdowne. But eventually you got to be able to put 2 beats together... I think that's what people are getting at... Cheers mate, where else are you at besides hom? EvanScott
  7. Since I said I was going to pull your hair, slap your ass, and get high from your pussy.... I might as well wish you a happy birthday as well!! Well then, 'AV A HAPPY ONE!! Cheers love, EvanScott
  8. And your pussy wants to get me high... oops, you hate that word. You could be the perfect woman!
  9. A pom is a brit, and a crim(inal) is an Aussie as it was a penal colony... sorry. I guess nothing is wrong with cunt. I'll call you whatever you like... slap your ass, pull your hair... whatever... jeez, I hope your a chick...LOL! EvanScott
  10. That's just a real fowl term... especially spelled that way. There's better ways to refer to a bitch...LOL! The poms and the crims spell it and say it "carnt"... it's just better that way, but still a real fowl word. Funny, I am in real life, who I am on this message board. But I gotta try that being someone else thing... sounds like fun! Here I go... "I am the general of the armies to the east. Father to a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. And loyal to the true ruler of Rome Marcus Aurelius..." Who am I? EvanScott...oops I mean......?
  11. Cheers sugarnspice69!!! I like B&W's too!! Here's another Hope that worked... still a little dodgy with the pic posting thing. Also, am I missing something, what's with all the figure skaters in the signatures and stuff? Cheers all, EvanScott PS. Saturdays @ Tavern (southampton). True house played by yours truly
  12. Single, but always keeping an eye out for love, but American women are the toughest out there and NY ladies seem to be the highest form of the species! That "edge" they posses, though razor sharp is sexy! Aussie girls are great too though... I can trade some Aussie sheila's for some NY girls...LOL! Any takers? EvanScott
  13. Yes, yes, my bad... they do speak Portugese in Brazil. I was referring to S. America as a whole, as Brazil is not the only place that celebrates Carnival... Argentina, Chile, and Peru and nice places to go and party as well! Buenos Aires is incredible, as is Santiago!
  14. Point taken, But if you didn't know how to speak Spanish, how did you think you were going to order lunch in a Spanish speaking country? In terms of $$$, the economies are so bad there now, money is not an issue, even paying 3 times the amount, but yes, prices are inflated for Carnival. And South Beach, Las Vegas, and New Orleans don't compare to Rio. You can go there anytime to party. But if you want to go to Carnival, then you go to Rio during Carnival. Just like you go to Thailand for a Full Moon party, or Pompalona, Spain for the running of the bulls. I travel the world and party as my job, lucky I guess, but parties all start to blend together, clubs are clubs for the most part. 1part music 1part alcohol or drugs 1part hopefully good looking people I went, you went, cuz it was Carnival, not just to party in S. America, dunno maybe you did? It's a cultural thing plus the party thing. Sorry, it wasn't all you thought it would be cracked up to be. It is a different world out there. Americans lead very sheltered lives on the whole. Not bad, but the rest of the world is not America which you can atest to...
  15. I have to disagree. You can party with punter who speak English anywhere. Ask yourself why you are going. Are you going just to get drunk and party? Wrong reason. Yes, even more so now, it is 3rd world, but your money will go so far down there, and you will exposed and opened to how the rest of the world lives, on top of having a good time. My one big gripe with English speaking people... you can't expect people to know your language in a foreign country. You must go anticipating the local cultures and nuanceses. I think going to Rio or Sao Paola is a much better experience than going to New Orleans and watching drunk college chicks show theirs boobs. Tits are nice, don't get me wrong, but they come 2 per girl. Trips to Rio come once in a lifetime! There is also so much untouched (by tourism) land there, rainforest, bare beach... the party is just the icing. But do take heed to their advice, which is a major omission on my part... Be careful in South America!
  16. I know it has been asked and answered, but how do I put a pic in a signature? I can't find the spot where this was already addressed so I am doing it again. Cheers, EvanScott PS. Any overseas people living in NY on this board?
  17. Take the streets Rio, Sao Paolo, etc... Pack them full of the people... PACKED!!! Fill the air with latin drums, music, eveyone dancing in the streets, the clubs. It is a party to end all parties, but the culture is the best part, so much culture, you can party anywhere, but it is the spirit of carnival that comes through, may sound gay, but it a cultural things as more than a party in my mind. Sexy half naked women and men. People form all ove rthe world, etc. About a million times better than Mardi Gras!!! Cheers, EvanScott
  18. You really think so? I have been going to Ibiza for many years and the first Manumission party is always a sight to be seen? The night they had Sasha was incredible for the live E-Mix. 2001-2002? I was just saying that Privilige is the biggest club in the world, and you will never see a party like Manumission elsewhere, that's why it is worth while to go to. But yes, Release Yourself @ Pacha, Sanchez Subliminal Sessions @ Pacha, Morillo and Deep Dish, Choo-Choo 'av to hit DC-10 And Garlands @ "Pin-up"... thanks Chicka-Boom Shake Shake is another good party, not sure where they will be, but last year they were hot
  19. Go check out Garlands, their party is WICKED!! Not sure where they are at this year Garlands @ (............) Got to hit up DC-10! KM-5 is cool too. And if you've never been to a Manumission Party forgoe all else and check them out over at Privilege. That is party that will stay with you for a lifetime!!!
  20. G'day, Me, all the way from Sydney. Well, now I am in New York. For a minute. Cheers, EvanScott PS. The other pick of me is in the Summertime board.
  21. J.Remy What a bloody tosser you are! Thanks mate, well, that's me, about as bent as one can get. EvanScott
  22. Greetings New York... this is me... Cheers, Evan Scott
  23. BeatFix (J.Remy) We came here to meet some cool people, and make some friends. Stop starting fights with the Americans! My apologoes for my ornery counterpart!! EvanScott
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