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Everything posted by adriennektu

  1. Yeah but even in the summa on those Tuesday nights I swear I lost it too.....
  2. Yeah might stop in there before hand for a cocktail
  3. what is taste? never heard of it...and who is this jerry character?
  4. I may make an appearance, I better not wait in the cold this time tho xoxo Merry Xmas Everyone!
  5. Richie is such a great kid, I always love seeing him...ahhh the old school after hours crew from the summa...."where is the diner!?" - "It fell in teh Bermuda triangle!" HAHA:D
  6. I had a good time last nite at Sound Garden Yes it was a little slow...but I liked that better b/c I hate super crowded clubs. Kosta hooked up me and my girlfriends which was very nice of him, thanks for that. It was nice to meet some new faces and see some people I havent in awhile. Even if a place is slow as long as you are with good company and the drinks and music are on point there shouldnt be a problem. For me I go out to have fun and make the best of wherever i am, doesnt matter to me if there are 500 or 50 people in there as long as Im having a good time THanks and good seeing everyone out.
  7. My family is not big on Christmas Eve...we do everything on Christmas Day. When i was little I did the whole put out cookies, make santa a list, wait up...wake up in the middle of the nite with my brother and try to concoct a way to sneak downstairs to see our presents....little devils we were. But we open gifts Xmas morning, all go to church, come home, all the womens start cookin'....the mens are watching tv...playin cards....getting a little crunked....then we eat around 3 or 4ish....then clean up watch some tv, talk, out comes the photo albums...the dessert hits the place, drinks are pouring, all the womens are feeling the wine from dinner, mens are now gambling in the livin room..... Soon enough everyone is feelin toasty and then my relatives forget they already gave me money and give me some more I love xmas!! PS TOnite i am going to hoboken with my jewbie friends Most likely sushi samba and then a local bar in hoboken...NO JOKIN
  8. I like Borgata for gambling purposes, not for the club. Its nice looking but the crowd is terrible. Anyhow I go and play roulette or black jack for hours, which has caused me to have a free room every week until the new year yay i love the place
  9. you have a dirty mind there buddy....kosta not wanna go out? yeah suuuuure. let me know....i'll be down for whatever
  10. Yeah you guys wanna go? I got my new car yesterday, Im def. in the mood to break the "Puppy" in
  11. Last night was a great turn out at Taste....as always. I want to say thank you to Tooch N Bugout who def. RIS last night, amid all of the "requests" LOL...you guys def. did your thing, had the crowd going, and kept everyone in there happy Jerry & Carl....you guys are the best...we all have to take a trip somewhere in all our new cars. I missed my boys last week, glad to be back in full effect. Next week Jerry you are dead for your birthday party! For those who came out....good seeing you, hope you guys all come out next saturday.
  12. Yeah? Well why didnt ya come up and say hello silly!? I was the chic in the teal "j'adore dior" shirt and black lace skirt....
  13. Its crazy how so many of us have gone through something similar to my story. Things are calmed down now and everything is working itself out. I really appreciated the concern and replies...I just kinda wanted to make some of you aware and maybe think before you just "go around the corner" and dont think you need to be careful. I have been wearing my seat belt every single time I get in a car for the last 3 years when my close close friend died by getting hit head on by a drunk driver. Lucky for me we wore ours, and the air bags worked. The other driver was okay...his car was messed up in the back but again....it could have been worse. I cant say enough how lucky we are but understand sometimes we are all not so lucky so just take that into account and be careful...especially with drivers during this season
  14. I cant wait to see you all come in again...i was out last week due to sickness but i'll be back in full effect tonight. Hope to see you all there
  15. I will be going out for a bit, need to get out of the house and clear my head....have a cocktail or five hope to see some of you out.
  16. Thanks guys I am doing alright... For me this was tough just because last month was 3 years since one of my best friends died in a car accident similar to this one, except the person who hit her was driving drunk and hit her head on. I always wear my seatbelt b/c of that, knowing maybe if i didnt i might get in an accident and not live to regret it. Luckily the seatbelt and airbag worked or I dont think I would of made it out okay. Ive never been in one so bad before and it really has scared the life out of me....I am very thankful we are just in one piece. I guess for me it was so hard to go through that and know maybe how scared my friend was right before her accident...u just dont see it coming.... __________________
  17. Last night while coming home from Mirage, driving through the Lincoln Tunnel me and my best friend got into a terrible car accident. The tunnel was pretty much shut down while the cops came, my friends car was completely totalled but luckily right now we are counting our blessings that he's ok and I'm doing better. The car in front of us decided to stop short, and my friend was obviously driving too close and too fast (about 50mph) and we collided. Lucky for us no one was behind our car cause it could have been even worse. I am sharing this because it's shocking to me how quickly you really can have your life taken from you. I sat there nodding off in the passenger seat and BAM what do i know i'm in a car filled with smoke, air bag out, and it's dead silent. If I was not wearing my seat belt, who knows what would have happened. The weirdest part was, that I thought to myself "i just wanna take a nap so i wont put my seat belt on", then whenever i say i'm not goign to wear it, i think "wait today could be the day i get in an accident and wish i wore it, so i put it on and now im glad i did.....the air bag didnt really do much other than burn my body with the explosion and gas....but w/o that too i would have been through the windshield. car accidents are no fun at all :( as cheesy as it sounds, wear your seatbelts....you really honestly just never know
  18. DAMMIT IT TO HELL!!! I have work, Maybe I'll go today!!!!
  19. Haha...sounds like someone I know (MYSELF) No one on my list has been bought for yet, but my momma. I keep buying and singing "merry xmas to me, merry xmas to me" Haha....o'well good stuff out now, might as well stock up before it's all gone Can't wait for those after holiday sales too!!
  20. I will not be in Miami this year for WMC b/c I'll be working in Cancun and Acapulco....which I am kinda upset about b/c I had a blast @ WMC last year... But to go along with this thread...last year we didnt even check in our hotel yet, left our bags in the lobby b/c our room wasn't ready yet, put on our bikinis and hit the BEACH!! Then hit Wet Willy's got a few 'call-a-cab's" and got wasted and went in the ocean Have fun....
  21. I may be making an appearance....break out the kettle 1 and 7's! Binoy Rules!
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