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Everything posted by adriennektu

  1. C-Luv....14th is def. where its at the summer! What blocks are you between? We are b/w A and B! Bernie the bathrooms are spacious....how tall are you again? Yeah im sure there is enough room in there for you to crash on it again, however i will have to get a key for when you LOCK ME OUT !!!!!!
  2. Yeah 14th street is gonna be hot. Alot of people I know are on that street, and if not on it, right by it. We are a block in from the beach too which is perfect. I cannot wait for the summer, driving down the GSP with the top down...drinking beers on the porch at noon and heading to the beach. Then stumbling to dj's for happy hour...WOO HOO I cannot wait! We'll def. be having parties at my house and eveyrone will be invited. Sick Summer ahead! Oh and our house was I think something like 15,000 for 6 girls???I have to calculate and get back to ya
  3. Haha if you could only see me right now. Blue juicy suit and a baseball hat, class act. I look so young I just got carded for scratch off downstairs LOL, i laughed tho....
  4. I am desperately in need of some happy hour action after today. Gonna go and hit up Whisky after work! ANyone else in ???
  5. Well me and my girlfriends got to circa at like 9 for dinner so we left a little early....i think at like 1230 Not because it wasnt fun but b/c we just had enuff and were tired. Plus one of the girls had an hour ride home...anyhow it was fun and i wanted to share. Anyhooo....mystify it was so good to meet you. my face lite up when i saw ya cause it was finally nice to put the face w/ the name (and our pms;)) We must have that drink together next time, i already had to many last nite. Rod - if i hear you call me a guidette one more time you are a dead man! and btw sorrrryyyyy for messin up the hair... haha Nootsy - nice surprise seeing you walk through the crowd. I almost fell over my table
  6. I def had a fun time @ Circa. Got there around 930, got a table and started with a few martinis....must say they make em good there (i recommend the strawberry one ). Got a bottle...the ordered some food. (i also recommend the calamari, yum!) ok....the place filled up and the place was packed...a littlle too much tho. if i didnt have a table i wouldnt of been happy smashed in there. The music tho i was not feeling. it was switched up way too much and nothing really new. Last time i was there it was Toro spinning but it wasnt this time. Anyhow it was still fun to be out with my friends, drinking and having a good time. SEeing some faces out...mystify, roddigga, danielle, nootsy, and a few others. Fun times!
  7. yeah this just started ahappening to me last night too....hmm ill have to figure this out
  8. why is the website larger than my computer screen I have to scroll over to see the last reply and stuff, is my computer just retarded?? hellllp
  9. I am sure you will catch one of the 5000 reruns they will do of it this weekend. It was ok. They had to all take a test in order to start sailing on the boats...a written and hands on...two fail...have to redo. They go out the night before the test, get plastered and that is what leads into the crazy car ride home of multiple make outs between all four girls. THen the hwole we wanna now see brad's wee wee thing, LOL. That was pretty much it....
  10. shoudl be a fun time. cant wait!! and mystify is def up there with not only the prettiest but def a sweetie too! see u guys fri nite!
  11. Yeah what a fun pair! I havent been in a few weeks so I'm excited to go back. Actually it's good for a change of scenery so Im amped to go. We're going kinda early so we can get sushi!!! Yum
  12. They are def. a little out there sometimes, but I think they compliment one another so well. When she talks bout him she just gushes, and he is so in love with her..its adorable. I cant wait to see the vegas bachelor and bachelorette party they did together! They are a wild pair. She is so amazingly gorgeous, i love her. And dave i think is hot in his own way. So cute!!!
  13. you boys and your minds....lol. jerry when am i getting those pictures btw????
  14. Mystify come and play girlfriend!!! It's gonna be fun times as usual. Noots of course you will be there, but this time so will I so that makes for a celebration! Last time I saw you might have been Circa!!! Woo Hoo
  15. Jerry dont make them think u have some XXX picture haha. Thanks Mystify!!! What are your plans this weekend???
  16. Im just not a fan of Robyn, her need to point her hand in people's face is terrible. Her bad judgement in the second episode was a no=no. And as for her boobs, if i was her plastic surgeon i'd give up my practice, her boobs are under her arms and too far apart and def make her look too butch. Im sure thats how they were to begin with but im not feelin em. IMO
  17. Just got back from meeting everyone else who works there, should be hot on Friday. I'll be there early Rod so holla at me! We will have to have a "sicilian kiss" again maybe two! Yes I will be working mister funny man, I'm cocktailing there this friday at your service
  18. SHould be a hot time tomorrow, cant wait to see all your lovely faces Nic you better come out you brat !!!
  19. I will be there, working non the less, but there :) see u guys on friday!!!
  20. Tonite is the premiere of Carmen and Dave : Til Death Do Us Part!!!! I cant wait to see it, they are so cute and I LOOOOOVE Carmen...
  21. I cant do two weeks in a row, plus we havent been to Circa in a few weeks and some of hte girls havent been yet, so we are going for sushi then staying after. sorry....def soon tho!! And yeah i hear you have to wake up at 3 ripped...so you are excused. See u saturday
  22. we all have work....dont be such a party pooper. yeah ill be there as usual saturday so you'll see me
  23. Haha, that was funny....all the girls making out with one another in the car last nite. Jaquese pulling over cause he didnt wanna miss it?!?!? Robin is getting on my nerves more and more every week.
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