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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by rudeboywarrior

  1. I am fucking distraut! I see brake lights but i am in my living room? WTF is that about...
  2. Nice one there party guy! Now go get some gentile broads and celebrate!
  3. So I got up and i was like damn I gotta poop! So sat on my toilet(American Standard) and picked up my new edition of maxim and went to work. at first it was smooth sailing but then all of sudden it started to hurt and i was like omfg. it got stuck halfway so i started pushing really hard and i was sweatin' and shit(no pun intended)...I think i heard something tear but i wasn't about to stop pushing then. All of a sudden a plop and a big ass splash and aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh instanantly 10lbs lighter. Like to give a shout out to Cottonelle w aloe to soothe my burning hole... And Maxim for always being a pal and i know you read but don't post here so... anyways i am real tired now so i will post 7, 067 more reviews later.
  4. I thank you sir! Shame Damon 2.666 quit shoving!
  5. actually i would rather hear flips review of desert;-)
  6. thanks guys i can't wait to get down there and go APESHIT!
  7. yeah all in all a good time was had in my bath although i ate some mac and cheese so i had some bubblebath action goings on. then afterwards i gave my ballsack a nice high gloss shine with a fine terry cloth. most invigorating i must say!
  8. listen ponyboy don't make me turn you into my own personal hand puppet!
  9. rudeboywarrior


    yeah def. rocked!
  10. ok bro, i still like you, but you should keep those dirty little secrets to yourself...
  11. FUCKSTICKS!!! Fuck you and die for no reason at all! Now leave Bling alone!
  12. fuck that who needs to book talent when you got BRUNO....
  13. i did all i got was a fucking jackalope!!!
  14. And I got a jackalope! Kinda tastes like chicken but a little greasier.
  15. WIRK yeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww!!!!!
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