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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by rudeboywarrior

  1. And in related news.... Suck my ass!
  2. hahahahahaha BUTT!!!! I got it funk give me a damn tuna sandwich!
  3. you guys are awesome! Afros for both of you! :afro:
  4. Hey guys just wanted to invite all of you down to Sonar tonight! No Cover tv will be there filming for their show and free drinks for the girlies! Mahalo Matt,
  5. 3 minutes! I would be on the bulletin board every week, I need at least 20 minutes to drop the kids off every morning!
  6. actually this is true and great because this is getting the riff raff outta there so the new clubs like Release and Resort can set the standard for the new cycle of nightlife in the downtown area. I am very excited!!!
  7. actually i changed it to fee fi fo - fee fi fo fo
  8. My offer stands! I listened to one of your mixes and in the famous words of Ali... I like your style, and I dig your sounds, so bring a crate, and lets get down! oh and float like a butterfly sting like a a a a a a a a a elephant!
  9. i will be there butt ass naked with some cowboy boots and a gold chain... and a beeper! call me bitch!!!
  10. shake it off danny boy! you are a down ass mo'fuckie and its only a matter of time before someone is lucky enough to find that out for themselves.. until them fuck 'em and flee!!!! oh and remember never trust anything that bleeds for a week straight every month and doesn't DIE!
  11. Ummm, and i say this with the utmost respect for you and flip but, your back and abs weren't killing you cause you are out of shape:tongue: and trancemonkey it was definately a pleasure to meet you last night i can't believe patricia was there and you didn't come say hi:mad:
  12. Ouch! what a friggin' fun time i had last night! I love it when the vibe is so warm and friendly and i can look at anybody in the room and smile and they don't gotta ask why. Jimmy T. gots skillz:D To bad your tampon got full and you blazed( I thought we were gonna tag biatch!)j/k, honestly there were so many CP'ers there it would take an hour to name you all, no sandycheeks;) though to my dismay! Flip(or GOD) and Themrs you guys are so down- MUCH LOVE! Leo my bwah but you gotta tell you know who(koky) to stop trying so hard with that weak ass rap! I heard him invite her to dinner at a nice scottish resturant... McDonalds! that cheap ass mo'fo. Pod you are a badass on them lights you, should definately be handling more of those duties. Jackie don't ever stop dancing and if you gotta stop jump on bling's shoes for sec cause that kid don't ever stop!!!! Miriam mmmm...mm...MMMMM! thats all. Carissa just CRAZY and Lola did you see that pink elephant in the corner cause i think i did or maybe its was just the lights anyways. Phillip, Mimi, Ramon, Nick, Mike, Jon, Robin, Edgar you guys all rock Chaflas ahhh well i asked funk to send you a tuna sandwich from me to you with love! Not that kind of love you pickle sniffer! Anyways Mahalo! see you all on Monday!!!! Matt
  13. You know i come out of my hole of a studio every once and a while and cruise the the boards like now for instance and i see this thread.... now i planned on saying something funny and intelligent, but after reading this all i can say is you all are the funniest group of disorderlies i have ever had the pleasure of conveining(sp*) with and my life would be empty without CP! I LOVE YOU MAN! oh and see you tomorrow:D
  14. Ok here is the flyer and list info for Nerve friday!!! To be on list email sami@nervelounge.com Mahalo!
  15. D Can someone please bring a stretcher, a mop, and some breath mints?
  16. Oh hell, its on like donkey kong!
  17. hiatus is hainous!! think about it like this, would u rather sit at home and possibly contract a rare uncurable disease while you are waiting for wmc, or would you come do shots with me and make fun of koky drooling all over himself in the corner??? hmmm! hmmm! i think the latter applies here!
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