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Everything posted by rudeboywarrior

  1. oh is the chowda' by the bowl or by the cup???
  2. I thank you, sir... looks mighty good!
  3. rudeboywarrior

    Attn Funk

    Whats the soup & sandwich of day please???
  4. the LONGEST yard if ya know wad i mean!
  5. i am spanking it right now should i include it in the equation???
  6. You have made 76.78125 gallons and 640.770550875 lbs. of Jizz, Congrats! If you lined up your ejaculations in 1 inch pools end to end it would stretch the length of 5.46 football fields! You have killed approximately 3,538,080,000,000 little swimmers. You have killed 19656 kittens.
  7. http://strongbad.surrealistic.net/ejaculator.php
  8. well make sure you bring extra tampons girlie mon!
  9. No Models Fuckstick its the winter "MUSIC" conference! Now get out and learn whats going in the scene from the insiders!
  10. scary to know that i kill myself 90 hours a week in this studio and he has got more money than me by just having absolutely no talent whatsoever....
  11. so i see no one wants to touch this one huh, no pun intended:laugh:
  12. You know some a- told me i don't appreciate the cold! Ah, screw winter and the moving and the keeping warm. I want to be hot and naked. I want summer. I want to stand naked in my kitchen drinking an ice cold glass of vodka and soda, with the air conditioning blasting. I want the wind beneath my balls. I want my "hendersons" to breath it all in and hear them go, "Aaahhhhh". I want that cold blast of air to blow through my sweaty armpits and me to go, "Ewwwwww, what died under my armpits". Summer isn't all lemonade and barbecues. Take the time to smell yourself during the summer! That's what it's all about! Don't be afraid of it. Get to know you! You're special and different. Don't be like everyone else, with their deoderant and perfumes and hygiene. Know thyself! It's in the Bible. Chapter XXXIV, Verse VII, Hank 4:13. You know the guy at the football game with the rainbow wig on? I think that's the sign he holds up! Don't quote me though. Spring is the time when life begins anew. Summer is the time when you get bored of that new life and stop bathing and caring about the new life. You lay around the pool and drink a little too much, forget about the hygiene thing and then make another drink and put on some Bob Marley and then pass out and forget to water the flowers. Again. So much fo paradise but at least you get to rest and you get your Rcommended Daily Allowance of Vodka and Reggae. And really, that's what it's all about. Being a stinky, drunken, aloe vera-wearing One Love-listening jackass basking in the sun getting skin cancer! That's really is what it's all about. Oh sure, you can put your left foot in and put your left foot out, you can put your left foot in and you can shake it all about. But if you try my plan...That's really what it's all about.
  13. Sorry I had to leave him like that, I was just in a big hurry, oh btw thanks Vaughn, i left the money in your trousers...
  14. Ok Ok I can except that however it was ok that chaflas was gay but since he is not, your gayness cannot be acceptable either so please turn in your furry handcuffs and cophat immediately- Thanks
  15. Ok but if you are not gay then why did this fall out of your back pocket last night????
  16. well you gotta pass out to the right brah!
  17. so tell us how you really feel, i mean don't hold back ok...
  18. My good man you got yourself a deal!
  19. 2 1200's, 2 cdj 1000's, djm 600, and a 10 inch mach monitor(pwrd) only downfall at least to me is that it is on the left ear...
  20. yeah for one i have no idea who the fuck alice is but hey she touched my ass pimples so she can't be all bad right?
  21. hey you exchange currencies right? how many dollars will you give me for about 1 1/2 pounds of limp dick???
  22. Some Things I Thought About This Morning I popped one of my ass pimples. Really. I don't think any of that white puss came out like when you pop a zit but I can't be sure because I can't really see my own ass. Maybe it's a boil. What is a boil? Can you get a boil in your 30's? I have like 15 of them. You think it's a rash? Is there a doctor in the blog? Help me out here. I've never had an ass pimple problem so I'm a little worried. Alice actually touched one of them the other night. I was getting out of the hot tub and she said, "Damn, you have a bunch of pimples on your ass". And I said, ""Really?", and she said, "Yeah, come here". And then she touched it and it kind of hurt. And then she said, "And you have one here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here. Oh, and here and here and here". Now that I think of it, she touched all of my ass pimples. That's true love. So I guess, this isn't really about ass pimples, it's about love. This is a love story. If Al Gore can write a love story, so can I. I think mine's better. *** I have a green jacket. *** Can you put Noxema on your ass? *** I saw one of the Lord of the Rings movies last weekend. Here's my movie review. It was like Priscilla - Queen of the Desert with way more freaks and without the ABBA turd necklace. I think I watched the second one first. Isn't Bilbo Baggins in the first one? And Frodo in the second one? If so, Alice is at the video store getting the first one and we'll see the first one, second. Will that ruin the whole experience? I don't think so. It's just a bunch of elves and wizards running around killing each other. Maybe there's a deeper meaning but I'll tell you, it's great to watch when you want to fall asleep on the couch. That's why I give it two stubby little hairy elfish thumbs up, baby! *** Now that I think about it, it's really about a journey and Good v. Evil. Or maybe it's Plessy v. Ferguson, I don't know. But what I do know, is that it has something to do with interstate commerce and Mordor because those elves sure do move around a lot.
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