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Posts posted by digitalextacy

  1. I agree with gabe 100%! I love tribe! Damn you bringin my youth back fast dude! Seriously though where's the balance today with the music. A little consciousness doesn't hurt from time to time on the dance floor. Yeah kanye west and his jesus song is conscious but there really isn't a big movement in the commercial hiphop scene of this nature. I remember listening to chuck chill out and hearing people like scarface and Ice cube. Remember jackin' for beats? Shit I think I will shut my mouth now don't wanna offend the hiphop fans of today but listen to some oldschool so you can hear the purity in the music. Peace.

  2. Ok I am gonna post my rant and rave now! And Gabe sorry I don't like being associated with this dump but I saw jason jollins on the flier just as everyone else did and said fuck it let me check it out. He's awesome as I have heard him first online and like his style. So anyway these people that manage exit night club (as it is visibly seen in the back of the club on there neon sign) or whatever name you want these days don't have any skill in running a club. I ain't no club guru and never worked behind the seens in one but seriously I see major flaws in there running things.

    First off the line. Learn how to run a line first. We are not a heard of cattle! You jerks definetley know how to not to run one. Study your competition and find success cause you sure are running it like a fucking dmv! You get in line at 11pm and by the time you get to the front it is 12. Then they are like you can't get in free cause it is passed 12. Duh the line never moved for an hour! And it wasn't a long line! So this huge security guard tells us to move back the line which means they were trying to make it look large than it was. Guestlist or no Guestlist we were all mangled in one line! I was like good idea your causing us to waste time in line gives us less time at the bar. Could have never thought of such a great idea. Considering there bars are always empty!

    Anyway there a sparse crowd there all night long. Yeah the crowd was way young but that is a typical exit crowd. Maybe they should work on attracting people of different age groups. So many vip areas and it really is nice in many areas. The bathrooms on the other side are the horrendous. Way nice way to keep your customers idiots. The fucking seat covers on the floor and the toilet paper stocked next to the toilet on the floor all pissed on. Nice one jerks.

    So we pretty much hang in the pink room where all the good stuff is like alex pearce and jason jollins who are very talented individuals. They had us groovin all night long. We meet many familiar faces and new ones and enjoy ourselves there. The bathrooms there are very good considering this club. If you are up in that area stick to those. When there were people there are certain times the vibe was awesome. But it crashed alot due to the fact there wasn't many people in this carvernous place. The dj in the hip hop room was rocking some decent tunes imo but I just found it weird he was djing on dual cd deck thingys. I mean I am from the oldschool like jam master jay so that is what I consider a dj to be but I don't gripe cause he was ok for that style of music. You know spanish reggae etc... I wasn't there that long cause I love my house music.

    So we decide to go to the mainroom and listen to baez and hell it was pretty bad. I heard pump up the jam. Seriously. I know it was some tribal remix but I left that shit like 10-15 years ago whenever it was created. Ok fuckit it sounded like ktu up in that peace. If I wanted to be onslaughted with ktu crap I would have gone to spirit or websterhall! So we go to the staircase back running from the horrendous music and the bouncer says we gotta go take the other staircase and blocks it off. I am like what? So we go to the other staircase and the other bouncer says you can't go there cause it goes to the dj booth. I am like yeah right I took that one last week to the balcony. So we go back again to the original one pissed and eventually go up it. So much drama to function in a club. Hey it must suck to be 18 to have to deal with clubs like these. Fucke'm Don't support these assholes.

    Go to crobar. Let the guy rip you apart about how you are supposed to be dressed and get in and have a ball. Depending on the dj playing there of course. But seriously I am pissed off at this dump! I ain't going back till someone learns how to run it and make it function to at least the levels of the rest of nyc. End of rant and rave...

    Sorry for the illogical paragraphs.

    DigitalExtacy aka Edwin

  3. I agree with elevated about the commercialized feel in avalon but I have found that in all the major clubs in nyc unless there is some type of special event or something. You are right about arc. To bad I never appreciated that place as much as I should have.


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