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Everything posted by funks0ul

  1. know what that's like hate that i got 2 1/2 hrs to go!
  2. your list is on point! when i don't get my quality marko time
  3. Pimptastic R. Valentine lol, i clicked pimpafy again... Pimp Daddy Romy G.
  4. when did you start using the word dope ?
  5. word, come tackle and jump you at the stadium... oops, damn that element of surprise!
  6. lol you're a nutcase! has the drama started at your work yet?
  7. lol ima break her radio or whatever it is that makes that sound!
  8. i love the ppl i work with! yesterday they were trying to figure out if maybe something in the office was giving me headaches, like the lighting or something like that... and if it was the lighting they'd move me somewhere else ....
  9. yes i came to work today.. and everyone's like awwwww how you feeling?!?!?!
  10. i just say it in english...
  11. no i think it's fine to speak your language.. but you're in fuckin america... they don't cater to any other large minority populations.. i mean what the hell, when i go to miami, everyone just automatically starts speaking spanish to me, then look at me weird when i don't understand.. i have nooooo problems with speaking another language... but when you're in this country, you need to learn english... although i do hate when you can tell ppl speak english fine, and then just start speaking another language to talk shit about someone...
  12. i hate how everthing caters to spanish, with the press 1 for english, press 2 for spanish shit... mad annoying...
  13. marko in a leather studded thong with white socks
  14. my friend used to have a trampoline, but his dumbass friends messed it up.. so no more
  15. did you ever watch that movie? it was retarded....
  16. data entry at this law place.. it was like a nazi camp or something... the hrs were 7:00 - 3:30, and on the first day it was training, so we got to get in at 8... so they had us these manuals to read, and give us some supplies (a notepad, pen, highlighter, post its, and a folder) the lady said she would give us some time to look over the manual, it was about 15 pages, she gave us 45 mins to look over it... then she was like ok, we're going to go over it... she read the wholeeeeee thing back to us.... the abbreviations and shit like that, she'd spell and say the meaning... so after that, she told us about the "rules" 2 10-minute breaks, and a half hour lunch break, you couldn't take your first break til after 9, and you had to take your 2nd one before 2, you couldn't put the breaks together, and they couldn't be added to your lunch.. you had 3 times in which you could choose to have lunch... 11:30, 12, or 12:30, once you picked, you were supposed to stick with that time forever.... the supplies you were given, you were supposed to leave in your folder, and put in a box at the end of the day, and get them in the morning... you could bring in cds and listen to them through headphones... you weren't supposed to talk.... i was helping this lady next to me once, and the guy told me to shut up, so i quit... but there was this guy there, reallyyyyyy weird.. he'd just sit there and stare at me forever.... and he put his jacket on his head, and sunglasses on the back of his head like he could see through the back of his head... i remember i was wearing this a|x shirt once, and it looks like a jersey.... and he was like oh, you play a sport? but the job sucked
  17. you're not serious are you ? so many ppl would go and get that....... not that i'm a jay-z fan or I would go and buy it, but a lot of ppl love him, and would run to go cop it....
  18. lol, i was gonna say 2 ppl playing pattycake! weirddddd
  19. i just watched a movie about that area.. city of god.. dope movie...
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