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Everything posted by tunnle

  1. LOOK ANOTHER YOUNG DADDIES BOY>>>>PUSSY,you dont know jack........
  2. my friends went to canada a few months AGO they had the best time,,far as NYC your about 4 years to late..
  3. you bitch about what this guy posted for what, he speaks the truth ....The clubs in NYC have gone to shit...they empty out by 4am... some clubs got 5 vip rooms for people who drive daddies car to the club and say LOOK AT ME..,,,,
  4. TUNNEL winter 98,,,untill the kid had to die outside the club and had to wait untill the cops got every name in the club before i could leave,,,,,
  5. Dont get me started....5 years ago NYC was at its peak...i wish i can go back to 1998 ....
  6. HOW OLD ARE YOU 20,21 get a fucken life move on,,J.P is DONE...TUNNEL was my home, but you did not see me CRY like a little bitch when the door closed...I just sit back and pop in the movie KIDS and it takes me back.....MOVE ON..J.P is no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
  8. Fuck if i hear anything about J.P i think im going to kill myself...the truth is that like all the rest of the clubs in NYC ,,S,F sat nights were like a ghost town over the last few months,,,,so OUT with the OLD in with the NEW.... remember this is 2003 not 1998...so ...deal with it...
  9. Just like the early 80s....when Coke reached it peak,,,now untill a new drug turns up,,, i dont think you will wee much change,,,,Its not what i want but what i think will happen...
  10. OK we all love NYC and for the past year people have been writing on these boards about how the Club's in NYC are not what they used to be... some people think it was 911 some think it was the X mayor and so on,,, But what i think changed it was....E,,,Back in 98 E was at its peak in NYC but over in small towns in NJ people were trying it for the first time, I mean i have seen cops,teachers,and meny others who i think would never try the shit doing it in NYC,,,They would never do it in there own town cause they were afraid of someone seeing them so they all went to the CLUBS in NYC,,,, but soon you would here more and more about E,, in the papers on the news it was all over, soon the clubs came down hard on the shit,,, after a few years the people moved on from the pill...now two the the best clubs the TUNNLE and Twilo are no more as of september of 2001...I have been going to NY clubs for over 9 years and wish nothing but luck to all who are trying to bring the VIBE back..........
  11. great place if you like sitting next to rats...........
  12. You can not go to jail for any of that shit....They will just ask you too leave,,,the owner will hear shit.....thats all....
  13. GREAT POST...........................just open already...it will come again we just need to wait it out....
  14. we dont need anymore trendy clubs with 19 or 21 year old's driving past the club in daddies car or making 4 viprooms or think there the shit by drinking bottle of $$$$$$,,,WHAT WE NEED are PEOPLE WHO ARE IN IT FOR THE MUSIC....
  15. Yea the clubs close at 2am,,,what a fun night that will be,,,,,,,,,How can nyc suck look at you guys over there with your yellow teeth and bad hair,,,,you guys copy us anyway just like rest of the world,,,,We have thousands of clubs and bars,,,,,,
  16. I hear ya,,good luck,,thats just what NYC needs......Just to show you how much the sean changed,,i went to soud f sun morning around 6am the place was dead,,,no more after hours like in the past....
  17. So i guess Exit and Sf fridays are DEAD...???
  18. Yo glow im with ya all the way..........
  19. You know a boris ask him if he remembers Steve about 3 weeks ago i got him in on a friday night.....
  20. I dont think she needed a guestlist....
  21. I know a lot of people were bashing the friday avalon last week i know i was one of them...Last night my friends draged me there anyway but i have to say it got a little better..first they did away with that door bullshit (dont let any guys in unless there with a girl) well i got there at 2 and they were not doing it..anyway about 2:30 everyone looked at the stage im like whats going on someone says Britney Spears is here,,,,im like OK..a few min pass and There she was on stage...was it really her????
  22. I still talk to the same group but they live down the shore in NJ,, we all went out to Exit about a year ago but its just not the same...The night life in NYC will never die,,but come on you would have to agree that its not what it was 5 years ago............OH yea was anyone at the tunnel the night that kid died outside the club and they made everyone stay, untill every kid gave there name to the cops as they walked out the club???
  23. that place is a joke,,everyone who works there are CRACK HEADS>>>>>THE BARTENDERS ARE CRACK CUNTS>>AND THE BOUNCERS>>LOL LOOK LIKE DUMB MONKEYS
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