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Everything posted by rs22b

  1. ARC 18+ Decent looking crowd, although that changes every week Definitly not alot of juice heads at all, thank god Upscale? dont really think so. It is pretty sparce in there. It is clean and a nice place and stuff. Not too sure what you are really thinking when you say "Upscale." This sat is goin to be good with Marco V spinnin. cant wait to dance all night again. You should go there, prob the only decent place you are goin to get in the 18+ category. billy
  2. i think PVD is up there. But i have to say when i saw FC, he totally blew my mind. He put on an awesome show. Had the best time this year so far. I did miss AVB, wanna see him when he comes round'. billy
  3. I am pretty sure that ARC is not a gay club. there were gay ppl there last week but it wasnt like they took over or anything. Alot of asians if you arent into that either. As far as what he Marco V is goin to play. I wish we had our interview with him this week instead of next. I think he is goin to play some hard trance and tek. But that is only a guess. Look for the interview after the weekend. Should be up by next Friday or so. billy
  4. Dont worry i will post the link when the article is done. I think we are doin some more interviews this week. I have to check the books. billy
  5. LMAO- ROFL back on subject. Sorry to hear it guys. I lost my dog that i had for 14 years over the summer. Hope all goes well with the lawyer. billy
  6. We should have an article up by the end of this week We interviewed Leibing on Monday over the phone. He did mention that he was happy with the turnout on Saturday night. stay tuned. billy
  7. def down for that stuff. need to get some stuff myself after x-mas. billy
  8. that is really f'n funny. billy
  9. So not to knock Hip-hop, but what you are saying about the dj's from overseas is only your opinion. i know most of the DJ's that come to the "BIG" clubs in the city and they dont "SUCK ASS." And i know alot of the songs that they mix in their sets. Just within the last year i have really picked up on electronic music and while alot of clubs here play hip-hop and Top-40 stuff, overseas, trance, tek, and DnB is ruling the rest of the world. I listen to the same stuff all day long in the car on the radio. When i go out to a club i dont wanna here the same stuff i here all day long. Listening to almost every station known in the area, it still gets boring as hell when you here the same song 10-15 times a day on different stations. billy
  10. i might be up in boston for NYE, but i think my friends just wanna go to some bar. I would rather see FC again. I saw him down here in NYC a few weeks ago. Awesome time! Well if i dont end up there for NYE you will all have an amazing time with FC. His sets are crazy good and will definitly get you movin all night long. Billy
  11. very interesting. matches alot of my freinds and mine for about 75% of it. billy
  12. definitly wont be sitting inside at my freinds house. Same 10 ppl every year and boring as all hell. Night ususally ends at like 1 when i wake up. I am thinking i might go to Boston and see Ferry Corsten @ Avalon, just b/c i dont have to pay for hotel or gas to get there. billy
  13. i want to go. Definitly need to know when he is spinning. I ahve a stupid x-mas party to go to before i head in. thanx billy
  14. And who says you cant drive like an asshole? J.k everyone should drive carefully. Especially those damn SUV's and trucks that think 4wd is the best thing ever. billy
  15. i would like another cat by i know that the one i have now wouldnt feel to great about that. She hasnt been around another animal since the summer. sorry, i will ask around to see if anyone will want her. Billy
  16. i havent been out yet, but my street looks pretty bad. they dont do anything for my neighborhood. At least i will be having fun on the way to work. billy
  17. its usually good when i go there. Never had any problems with the music or the company. Although somtimes it gets so crowded you cant really dance. Billy
  18. the snow is HOTT! It makes you feel that way when it falls from the sky. billy
  19. i will talk to you in a bit. First i gotta do some things around here. Billy
  20. this isnt a blizzard. This is a flurry. Snow is good. enjoy it while its here. People are always knockin the snow b/c they dont know how to have a good time in it. billy
  21. all this talk about skiing and snow is making me wish i didnt live in NJ. I would rather be somewhere that we wouldnt have to worry about the snow disappearing right after it falls. I LOVE SNOW!!! I ski in it, i run in it, i drive in it and i play in it. Snow should be here from the end of October to the middle of April. Whoever wants to go skiing, whenever. Let me know i live 2 minutes from Mt. Creek and have a lifetime pass. I am always down for goin. billy
  22. you should have given me a call. I woulda picked you up to get your books. What school do you go to? I am all over NNJ. billy
  23. i guess then maybe next time i should step up to the plate and greet you aswell. Oh well. Maybe next saturday if you are gonna be there again. billy
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