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Everything posted by ashleym

  1. Damn I haven't been to Disco in a while...I'm defiantly looking forward to this!
  2. Damn I haven't been to Disco in a while...I'm defiantly looking forward to this!
  3. Damn I haven't been to Disco in a while...I'm defiantly looking forward to this!
  4. Damn I haven't been to Disco in a while...I'm defiantly looking forward to this!
  5. SPUN was defiantly entertaining...funny & really crazy.
  6. sour skittles...anything sugar!!
  7. So my weekend is going to be ruined because I am really sick...SUCKS! Anyway..alot of people that I know are also coming down with a cold..anyone else sick & stuck indoors??
  8. I was really pissed that I missed Tiesto...so far though everyone that has gone has had bad reviews about it. I guess I didn't miss much....
  9. Atleast they are putting a good dj in there
  10. I agree the music was pretty good...it was different he didn't play as many vocals...it was a good change!
  11. Poser..Wow I think the last time I heard that word was in middle school. I'm glad to know the level of some people that I am dealing with. Anyway...For those of you going to Spirit can't wait to see everyone!
  12. Why do people reply to post they have no interest in? I don't get it if you don't like something move on....Whatever though. I know people are going to bite my head off now. Let the hell break loose.......
  13. I do agree with you guys on Roxy but I still gotta go see JP.
  14. Classics October 2...This is the year of Classics!!!! JP
  15. I know it's a little early but...Who is going to SPIRIT this Saturday (9/18)???
  16. Spyder Room is cool...I have only been there 2 times but I had a good time both times. Much better music then Avalon.
  17. Longest in clubs...26 hours @ SF for the S&M party. NYE @ Exit 23 hours. Longest I ever partied.....DAYS!!!!
  18. bumps in the middle of the dance floor is the best way to do it...why walk all the way to the bathroom?? that could waste valuable bumping time.
  19. Christmas, New Years, Snow....Lots of stuff to look forward to.
  20. gti, boots, & in your eyes all in one night...how could anyone complain?? jp was AMAZING!! anyone who didn't think so should stay at surf or temps
  21. When JP played In Your Eyes it made it all worth it. The only thing I will bitch about is the bouncers down there are NUTS!! They take their jobs a little to serious!!!
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