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Everything posted by jaybird8521

  1. ...make Luztidara sopping wet and insanely jealous...
  2. It's on!! Sunday at Avalon. You bring the astro, I'll bring the rodents.
  3. You're right. If you're cute, and your dick aint bigger than mine, than I promise I will bang some normality into your fucked up head.
  4. This was going quite nicely until you had to go and give the chicks dicks. God damn you.
  5. ...and dance quite queer, which attracted chicks...
  6. ...dance gay he may, but Betty says...
  7. ...punishing Kim for this ridiculous, childish nonsense...
  8. ...realized this is the worst thread ever...
  9. Me, Digital and the rest of the CP crew were lovin your ass on Sat night again, as always. Next time I'm in the house, I'll be sure to say hello. Keep it up, Eddie. We're lucky to have you.
  10. I hate to say it, but he really didn't impress me much that night. It's not that he spun crap, it's just that he never pumped out anything bangin. I assumed he was waiting until later on, but he never switched gears and that really pissed me off. I've heard a ton of his sets that were way better and maybe I just psyched myself up too much. I left at 6:30 after an encore that I felt was a little unnecessary. Just spin to the end, god damn it. And if you're going to do an encore, drop something insane at least. And what's the deal with the excellent and crazy buildups that ended in dead silence? Jesus christ. It was blue balls all night for me with no relief. But it seems like I'm the only whiner since all my friends had a blast. And you're welcome, Kimmee. Should we hit up Cox and Tenag at Roxy?
  11. I still can't see straight after Sasha and i'll most likely collapse on the floor tonight, but I'm gonna stop by and see my Avalon crew. After all, I have to pick up my thank-you-card, right Kimmee?
  12. What's up Erin, baby? I'll definitely see you there!! Jay
  13. When i got there it was $30, then 20 min later some kids were saying how it went up to $40, so I automatically assumed the worst and bounced. But I made it to the second best place I could have been that morning. The Puerto Rican Day parade!!! Gotta luv those latinas. Mmmmmmm...
  14. I got there at 5:45 and could only deal with waiting an hour before we bounced. Plus, it seemed every half hour they started raising the prices so i had a bad feeling that by the time I made it to the front, they'd jack me for sixty bucks which I didn't have. Not to mention, 90% of the line was on tina and there's something about those eyyzz that make me totally uncomfortable. Mask, I can't believe I didn't see you on line, bro. You usually stick out like a raging case of oral herpes.
  15. Asia de Cuba is a restaurant which has some of the best food i've ever eaten in my life. And yes... Waxman blows.
  16. Well actually, I think most of them taste like shit. But the powerbar HARVESTS... there's that peanutbutter somethingorother with the chocolate chips... mmmmm.... that's good shit... and loaded with a week's worth of carbs to fuel my legs for a crazy night at avalon. hey Rach, where you there for Picotto? I don't think i've met you, yet.
  17. Exactly. I've been bringin my own powerbars with me for a while now. There's no way I can go from 11-5 without eating unless I'm fucked up.
  18. lol Sorry, Betty. Keep in mind I haven't slept in 2 days. See? I should stick to calling you by your real name from now on. But yea, the "FM" took out at least 1,000 or so of my brain cells. Anyways, you look cute in the pics.
  19. The opposite corner where you guys were hangin. If you're facing the dj, up front and to the left.
  20. Sat night was a night to remember. The only thing harder than the beats was the way our noses were raped by the "floor medicine." I had an awesome time chillin with everybody and it's nights like this that make me upset that I'm moving to Chicago for the summer. What will I do without Betsy's accent in my ear? "Mauro Picotto is my God." I fell in instantly. Sigh. Yo, pm me your email and I'll send you those pics. You too, Kimmee.
  21. You'll be able to spot the Mask in a heartbeat unless you're blind. The rest of us will be flocking around him like he's the pied piper of clubplanet. If still no luck, look for us either in the engine room or up on the rooftop.
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