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Everything posted by intoxikated

  1. intoxikated


    LOLOL...ive been in the same predicament many a time...and im like the whitest person on earth so it looks terrible lol
  2. blah i cant sleep again...im going to get like 3 hours of sleep again tonight...i swear, i must drink 5 red bulls a day lol
  3. yeah....i heart penne a la vodka
  4. lol i make it a general rule not to wear a bracelet with a company logo
  5. intoxikated


    A little nibbling is totally cool....just as long as you don't go crazy and leave a huge-ass mark that won't go away for like a week
  6. grrr i know, my boyfriend is shoving pizza in my face every 12 seconds...he lives in an italian section of queens and he always orders takeout...
  7. Me too...hence the useless English major lol
  8. lol yeah i defiitely gained at least 10 lbs since i stopped really partying...plus the freaking munchies
  9. "Scar Tissue" by Anthony Kiedis was awesome too...lol it made me listen to the red hot chilli peppers...still dont like them much though
  10. The funniest thing is Lavalife by phone...have you guys seen those cheesy commercials where they just focus on some chick's breasts and she's like, "It's Saturday night, and me and my friends are going to stay in and talk to guys on LavaLife by Phone." Righttt...I can only imagine how many serial killers and weird ppl frequent this dating medium...
  11. haha i know, i was thinking something more legal this time around though...when i was doing drugs like every weekend, i was hella skinny, its the best diet in the world....i havent done them in a while though bc im sick of crashing the next day...lately, ive just been smoking weed and drinking alcohol
  12. Disco Bloodbath is freaking AWESOME...I just checked it out of the public library today, and it's brilliant...he hooks you from the first page. lol I seriously read like 100 pages on the train ride home from work today
  13. Yeah, it was on ave A or B....I was reading that NYU is raising their rent too high...just like CBGB's...lol NYU sucks arse
  14. I know that nobody's probably going to respond to this thread, but... What are you favorite drug books? I'm talking about fictional books where drugs play a big part...right now, I'm reading the Rules of Attraction which is pretty freaking awesome, and I just bought "Disco Bloodbath," the book that Party Monster is based on...is anyone else interested in these kind of books? I find them really interesting to read...some ppl just had insanely crazy lives...lol they make me feel more sane. Sorry bout the English lecture, you can all carry on now
  15. I just read in the village voice that Guernica closed last week...thats sad, I've been wanting to go there for a while now, danny krivit, jp, and keoki all used to play there...i haven't found any other lounge type clubs that play good drum and bass/techno music, either..
  16. Ooh thanks...yeah, i was feeling pretty iffy about using my credit card to order it, i dont want to have a bunch of fbi agents outside my apt building bc i tried to buy ephedra lol....i know someone who can get it, but he wants like $75 a bottle which is freaking ridiculous, on this web site it was $15....oh well, maybe ill just lose 5 lbs the old fashioned way lol
  17. I'm thinking about buying stacker 2's with ephedra in them from online...what's the deal with this? Is it legit? The web site I was looking at said that it's illegal to manufacture ephedra, not to buy it....will I get in trouble if I give the site my credit card number? What do you guys think?
  18. extensions look wayy too fake...look at victoria gotti, it just looks gross...natural hair always looks way better and its much cheaper...
  19. Yeah, definitely...like, what 22 yr old guy with a life is in the "I want to make a personal connection" chat room at 10 o'clock on a saturday night? Messageboards are kinda different though...I know a lot of ppl from messageboards from going out, and its cool how you can meet different people and have a huge group when you go out...i wouldnt use them for dating, though..
  20. lol its funny how we always have these surprise doctors appointments when we come at work with hella dilated pupils, our hair messed up, looking like shiiiiit...plus like an hour late...one of my friends is off mondays, shes so lucky, she gets four day weekends and never has to deal with going to work the next day...
  21. I think its pretty lame, too...a lot of ppl who do date people that they meet through the Internet tend to ONLY date ppl they meet through the internet...is it really so impossible for them for meet somebody face to face? Then again, there are the rare cases where it actually does work...one of my best friends met her boyfriend in a chat room, and they've been going out for like two years...lol but does the italianhotties aol chat room count? I think I've seen like 75% of those ppl in person just from living in queens..
  22. intoxikated


    its cool if its like sweet sensual biting and there isnt a huge mark...but jesus, whatever happened to sweet foreplay...i still have bruises all over my boobs and a big hickey on my neck, its getting annoying...and it hurts more than anything
  23. orange juice works too...just drink A LOT of it
  24. one time i went to work after partying all night and all morning, and i was still alert and awake and kinda cracked out...by 2 o clock though, i had to pretend like i had a stomach virus and leave early though...when youre wide awake at 10 AM and think you can make it through the day, it sucks when you crash like four hours later lol
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