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Everything posted by intoxikated

  1. did you try craigslist for jobs? i could spend hours on that site..good luck applying, im in the same position...i think that i sent out about 50 resumes in the past week lol
  2. haha im an insomniac when im sober...i always stay up till like 4 in the morning bored out of my mind
  3. How do you tell guys that you're just not interested w/o offending them or making them feel bad? Some guys are horrible...even after I tell them that I have a boyfriend, which should also be universal code for "I'm not interested," they still don't get it and keep persisting...I don't want to be rude or mean, so what should you say when someone doesn't seem to get the hint?
  4. haha i was thinking that but didnt want to say it..
  5. no more drama...seriously, I hate how ppl fuck everything up, though...I know what you mean, I can't stand phony ppl and having to watch what you say to who, etc..
  6. He does sound like an ass...if you're making it clear that you don't like him romantically, he should just to just back off, that this isn't a tenacity issue...sometimes, it's really really annoying when you make something blatantly clear and guys can't take the hint..
  7. I like how its unconventional and tells the truth about going to recovery groups/shrinks...how you have to want to do it on your own...they seem to have a much better philosophy than AA...do you know anyone who's tried this?
  8. lolol this kid ripped2shreds referred me to cp...and i used to post on red plow..whatever happened to that site? it used to be funny..
  9. My best friend had a heated summer fling when she went to Italy, like this really passionate, physical relationship...and he stills calls her back here from time to time, but she kinda wishes that he didnt because she realizes how hard it is to communicate...she was crazy about him while she was seeing him, but in the long run, it just wouldnt work out..
  10. I'm sure that you could have a very passionate physical relationship, but I don't think that it would really be possible to progress beyond a few dates or just being fcck buddies or whatever...communication is the most important part of a relationship..
  11. Why are peanuts so fattening? Also, are they good or bad to eat as a snack if you're on a diet?
  12. Where do you get all of these psychedelics? Are they legal in the US?
  13. I'm really curious to try it..it just seems like a completely different experience compared to other drugs..lol I still think I'd be too afraid to try it though...it seems like the one drug that gets ppl MANGLED..this is a stupid question, but if you started out with a smaller dose, would you have more control? Also, does it mix well with e or weed?
  14. Do you think that NA or AA work?? I know a few ppl in AA and they still haven't kicked their addictions...maybe its bc they HAVE to go to meetings as opposed to wanting to..its sad, but it seems to me that the only thing its good for is making connections..
  15. Charging to go outside to smoke?! How f'd up is that?! Webster Hall needs to get with it...they seem to be getting better names to play there, but I wouldn't go just for the crowd that it attracts...all tourists..grr
  16. lol there are so many ppl who tried those virginity pledges for like a year after high school, and they're working at hooters now and saving up for breast implants..
  17. I used to take Xenadrine about two years ago, and I didn't have any problems with it...I took it bc I only wanted to lose 5 or 10 lbs quickly and I did that and more, plus I like the speedy feeling in the mornings, since I'm usually groggy...I wonder how the ephedra free ones work, though...their main ingriedient is caffeine...
  18. I was just wondering, do all those ephedra free diet pills really work, or is it just a waste?
  19. haha that would probably be the only way I would try k...ive never snorted a drug..at least not yet lol
  20. I've never smoked cigarettes...since I started smoking weed, though, I can't see a reason to want to stop..
  21. I get cold if the temperature's under 60, so id have to go with the teepee..
  22. If the government would just end this pointless war on drugs, so much crime could be avoided...if only we lived in a country where people could make their own decisions pertaining to their own bodies...eh, I wonder how harsh of a sentence the soldiers got...
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