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Everything posted by intoxikated

  1. haha he came like 2 hours late...its all good now though lol
  2. Grr....I called my guy at 10:45 and he said he was running about 15 min late....well, now it's 12:15, and I hate having to be annoying and call him back but, its been an hour and a half dude! Having undependable dealers sucks!!! Sorry, I just had to vent for a minute...its starting to look like another sober night, and I'm off from work tomorrow. This sucks arse!
  3. I just heard the KTU version of "After All This Time" with Sylver singing vocals....my question is, I've had this song on my ipod for like two years now, but a different chick is singing...she has a really soulful voice. Does anyone know her name and if she's done vocals on any other tracks? Thanks!
  4. Umm....JP's version of "I'll be dying in your arms tonight" is pretty good...
  5. I personally don't like Disco as a club, but the afterhours can be fun...they don't open until 5 Am on Sundays...its usually 25$ at the door, maybe you can try a guestlist...I think ************* has better guestlists than CP...have fun
  6. If I don't have a French, I usually go for a metallic rose or lilac color...i heart nail polish lol
  7. I'm sorry!!!!! lol I still think it would be fun, though!
  8. I don't think a drug test would be able to recognize them...I mean, would a drug test recognize if you had been taking nutmeg for recreational purposes (apparently, people do, there's a section on Erowid)? Then again, I don't really have an informed opinion...
  9. I'd like to see Armand van Helden vs Erick Morillo or Carl Cox vs Mauro Picotto...
  10. Nope, I havent had to do that yet
  11. I'm watching this movie now...this is disturbing...if you watch it, you'll definitely think twice about ordering fast food again..
  12. I heard that Erick Morillo is celebrating his birthday on April 7th at Spirit....may I suggest a drug board meetup? I wanna start going to these...
  13. Does anyone know if he's going to be playing in the city soon?
  14. If you're going to get a fake ID and try to get into clubs, don't get a Jersey one...I used to have a fake Jersey ID, and it never worked...plus, clubs scrutinize Jersey IDs extra closely...try your best to get a New York one. The best thing you can do is find someone who looks like you and pay them to just give you an extra ID...that's what I did, and its pretty much foolproof. Good luck!
  15. Yeah, definitely drop in Crobar...the atmosphere is much better, too, at least you aren't being jostled by a zillion people at any given moment like at Spirit
  16. I've been in the same boat for a few weeks now, it sucks....when I used to have a better paying job, I didn't used to think anything about spending $300 in a weekend, but it's just getting harder and harder...
  17. That painting is beautiful....if your friend is selling it, I'd definitely buy it hehe...your friend is very talented
  18. I'm starting a crash diet and I want to start eating a lot healthier...I live in an apartment with roommates and I don't really know how to cook. What kind of food should I start buying? Everyone says tuna, but I really hate the taste of it...any other suggestions? Thanks!
  19. Does anyone notice the types of people waiting on line at fast food places and then decide not to go there? Whenever I have a craving for KFC or McDonalds, I go there and see the line full of all these really fat, greasy people and decide not to get it lol
  20. I went through the same thing....I just had to get out by myself for a while....try just walking around the city or going shopping, maybe go to the gym, maybe even go to a club or something....you never know what will happen, you might be surprised and have a really good time...
  21. Yeah, if they scan the ID, they'll defiitely know its a fake...try going someplace where they DON"T scan IDs, like Spirit or Avalon...
  22. I just dled this....AWESOME, thanks!!!
  23. I always carry HUGE bags....I have a ton of stuff at any given moment lol. Right now, I have: --Hairbrush -bag of makeup (face powder, a million lipsticks, eyeliners, eyeshadows, mascara, etc) -moisterizer (Suave tropical coconut) -tampons -deoderant -scarf -gloves -tampons -whatever book or books I'm currently reading -wallet --keys -cell phone -ipod -Cosmopolitan -Rolling Stone
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