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Everything posted by starscream

  1. your an asshole using my nickname that i use on the JVM board to post that.Go crawl back under the rock you came from you tacky, trash, piece of shit smelling scumbag, lowlife, ignorant ,son of a bitch that you are...your soo full of shit i bet if we planted u in the ground we'd grow anotherone just like you!!!!
  2. blah blah blah airhead here u go again with your lame azzz trying to bash junior bullshit...even putting in the same exact statement as in one of your previous posts about asking anyone internationally what they think about Junior again and once again i must put your dumb azz in place.yeah and im sure Juniors people called the NY post for them to make an article over that ridiculous shit.i can't believe after all these times i have read your sorry ass u have just come back for more each time.u must like it huh.now once again here is Juniors DJ Schedule......how many Djs u know spin in Bulgaria and in Switzerland and Poland for that matter that are from the US....NUFF SAID.now stfu and walk away rodent. 8/27/2005 11pm-noon PLEASURE AT THE FAIRGROUND, Junior's Birthday, Roxy NYC 9/4/2005 Doors open 11pm-8am KLEAR (The PREVIEW Party!) 9/8/2005 TBD Privilege, Ibiza (Spain) 9/29/2005 tba D! Club, Lausanne (Switzerland) 9/30/2005 extended set / times tba Heaven, London 10/1/2005 extended set / times tba Gatecrasher, Leeds (UK) 10/7/2005 TBD Yalta, Sofia (Bulgaria) 10/8/2005 TBA Utopia, Warsaw (Poland) 10/15/2005 11pm-7am Velvet Nation @ Nation, DC
  3. yeah the alleged attacker was on JVM today too trying to give us the .......... who cares just another noname trying to make a name for himself through someone elses music...often replicated but never duplicated RIP IT JOONYAAAAA!!!!!!
  4. any plublicity is better than no plublicity,,anyway it's page 6 of the post please like there shits always right yeah ok.keep on with badmouthing kiddies it just fuels us to be better.by the way Junior is what u call a SUPERSTAR Legend DJ.People stand and wait for him outside his apartment and stalk him,id have a bodyguard too.as far as the tina,this may have happened if it did occur at all before Junior stopped using but we all know know that he is clean and sober now and fucking fiercer than eva!!his record label is doing amazing.Vernessa Mitchell Accept me is number 2 on billboard from JVM and was number 1 last week.can't wait for him to tear roxys sound system a new asshole this weekend.U BETTA WURK JUNIOR.and for all you haters and house music uneducated posers this ones for you.....
  5. WURK those BEATS GOD DAMMIT!!!!!
  6. and for all that are interested don't forget Juniors Birthday Party Sat Aug 27th @The Roxy.His Birthday Parties are always a blast. http://www.jblair.com/frame.htm
  7. did u just start going out or something?Roxy has always been GAY on SATURDAYS since it opened...if u cant deal with the GAY PEOPLE than don't go....trust me the str8 people have access to the gay clubs more than ever now.some str8 people prefer the atomosphere of gay clubs cuz its not like a big testosterone compition,there isnt that pressure there.Str8 people to gay parties strictly for the music and the vibe and if they happen to hook up with someone all the better.
  8. sorry it's kinda hard to know when someones being sarcastic around here with all the numnuts hanging around..
  9. soo money cuz they have pics taken with junior vasquez yeah ok thats like Noname calling me soo industry...
  10. thought this might interest you since your into the whole latty levan paradise garage era.this is an interview done with Junior vasquez about his and friend and artist Keith Harring.this was during Palladium days when they were talking about tearing it down.pretty interesting.anyone else feel free to critisize cuz im not going there today.thanx JUNIOR VASQUEZ Vasquez’s notoriety as a DJ began at the legendary Sound Factory in New York, which was closed down at the peak of its popularity amid a fanfare of media drama. In the past year, he has continued to create club mayhem, first at the Tunnel and now at ARENA. His production and remix credits list like a Who’s Who, from Madonna to Janet Jackson to his most recent coproduction with veteran rocker John Mellencamp. Q: Let’s start with going to the Paradise Garage- what it was and what drew people there and kept them there. JV: I remember that it was probably my awakening in New York. The whole Garage scene. It was only one room, Larry [Levin] was there and a lot of white gay men, but it was an event and the beginning of a lot of events. The speakers were huge. People used to make fun of me because I was this tiny little thing and I would go and live inside that bass speaker. I come from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and I wasn’t born or raised in New York, so everything that I was I left behind as Donald Mattern, and then in New York I became Junior Vasquez and that’s when I was born. Q: Do you think you lived sort of a parallel life to Keith Haring? He came from a small town in Pennsylvania and wanted to leave it all behind. JV: Yeah, I think so. Two white guys doing the same thing. And we lived and grew up in the same place and our values were the same. Q: Did you ever discuss that with Keith? JV: I didn’t think we had to put it in words, I think we knew that kind of thing but we had to go over a bridge to become two professionals. If we had been friends earlier there would have been way too much competition. He liked the same boys and he liked the same things and I’m glad that we came together when we did. But I think for me, and I’m sure for him, it all began with where we were from. Q: We talked specifically about the Garage’s clientele- white and gay. What changed? JV: That’s what [manager] Michael Brody wanted it to be. Then he put Larry in, and Larry wasn’t cutting it musically for those white queens, so they got rid of Larry for a minute, and tried bringing T. Scott in, and it didn’t work. Larry had his following so they got him back and then it became a melting pot of people and that’s what made it work. The melting pot of straight, gay, Japanese, Spanish, black, whatever. Everything would mix into that room by six, seven am. I guess, looking back, it was a place for me to get an education. Q: What was the education? Can you describe it? JV: You had that place to go and it was the beginning of a weekend and the end of the week at the same time. You forgot all about your problems. At that time I was on welfare, I was struggling to get through New York, but I was glad that Saturdays were there and I could meet all my friends and everybody was going to be there. I think the education was to subconsciously be aware of what Larry was doing. Q: Is that the first time the DJ was sort of the MC? JV: Yes, as far as I’m concerned. DJs didn’t really stand out until Larry. Q: Larry meant a lot to Keith because he was so intuitive and had this incredible immediacy. JV: Well, that’s it, it was art and music… I think what happened at the Garage during the ten-year period when Keith made an impact was that everyone, including myself, was trying to find an identity. I got snagged once drawing Keith’s little baby on a pair of jeans and he caught me. We were all trademarking. Keith had a big trademark and everybody wanted to have a piece of Keith and a piece of Larry. Not so much Keith’s drawings, but the energy that comes off them, and the same thing with Larry. You could always tell that he was in the booth. The minute Larry got on the turntables there was a definite signature. As an artist I can duplicate this, but there is something that radiates off the original and that’s how you can tell the difference. I would get pissed when people tried to do things like Keith. Oh please, trying to be Keith, you can’t do Keith’s stuff. We were very possessive then. When the Garage closed in 1987, when everyone was selling things, it got very ugly. Everybody was after stuff. Going back, I think you had a lull period where everybody is creative and everybody is fashiony, and music is changing, and Keith hit right on that five and I hit on the five, Larry hit on the five. I think that it wasn’t just Keith’s art work at that time, it was the entourage, the boys, the girls, the women, that were around him. If you didn’t know Keith, you were always fantasizing about what was going on in his loft and in his apartment. When Keith got his apartment on Sixth Avenue, right next to the movie theater, I went there after the Garage one time, and I remember walking up those stairs, being really impressed that this guy can have friggin’ anything, but he had this walk-up leading into this yellow box. That was the first time I was really, really impressed. It was Keith Haring as an infant. The studio was his business, but maybe after nine o’clock when he was done working…well, I could do a whole book about what went on there, but I think that the apartment was Keith as a baby. This is where he lived and he didn’t need a lot. At that point Keith was like a different person. I can relate to this because I have gone through this in my life. And you sometimes want to run away to this womblike place, which I think is what the Waverly Place apartment was to Keith. Q: Can you talk about the music? JV: It was eclectic but danceable. Garage music was everything from Bee Gees to Diana Ross to War to Tramps’ “Disco Inferno.†Back then, Garage was recognized as a place where you broke records, broke artists. Larry had some credibility and young people wanted to come in there and have their record played or perform there. There weren’t a lot of clubs like that in New York. Q: Some of Keith’s works try to picture homoeroticism, almost like that you would see in a Robert Mapplethorpe photograph in a different form. Was that scene part of the Garage? JV: Oh, yes it was. It would happen at ten o’clock in the morning at the Garage. Most people would leave by six, seven, or eight am. There was a real after-hours, underground scene at the Garage and Keith was part of that. He was a gentle person but at the same time he was really part of the scene. Q: Then how do you get your work done? How did he come to work after that? JV: I think that was part of the whole mechanism. Look at me, I go from Saturday to Saturday, I don’t catch up until Wednesday. I have done this for ten or twelve years now. It’s routine. I do it on the sheer energy of that crowd and I think Keith did it on the sheer energy of his peers and his friends. You know, they’re thinking about closing the Palladium, and that infuriates me. You don’t know what it means to me to go and do what I love to do on a Saturday night. A lot of different people listened to Keith. People paid attention to him and what he did, what he said, and what his art said. He would have somehow gotten to Mayor Giuliani and said, “No, we can’t tear down the Palladium. I’m gonna paint the outside of the Palladium so you can’t tear it down.†Keith was a product of the whole street vibe. Paradise Garage was four walls to put the street in. He was what the street was. What percolated on the street was what Keith was about. I’m sure there is a Paradise Garage on the other side and they are all there. I know they are there. I truly believe that Keith is there painting up a storm and Larry is playing.
  11. ive had a shitty week i had to take it out on someone, noname got my panties all up in a bunch
  12. thats right hunny,we made it, we get 1st dibs. hey read this article ..... http://www.djhistory.com/fb/displayStory.php?id=10&group=f_feature
  13. its simple, your simple and havn't a clue...try laying off the trees for awhile mr im soo cool cuz i smoke trees @ work how professional.Btw Junior looks better than fat azz hairy back JP anyday.Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.ps im done with this thread.
  14. it's simple Junior Vasquez= Legend ,Jonathan Peters= NyC Club DJ Heavyweights.
  15. http://www.bizbash.com/content/editorial/e5016.asp
  16. ahhh the ice age party @ Roxy that was an awesome time!!!and mr noname u can just go hump a tree for all i care cuz u havn't a fuckin clue what your talking about NOW THATS FUNNY POSER....don't play with this gay.there was one freakin post about JP and its fuckin true soo get over it!!
  17. Awesome !!!a little blurry but awesome none the less.When and where was that pic taken anyway?
  18. it most def was and theres no denying that.Where do you think Junior would go on a Sat night to hear spin.Larry Levan @ PG.i am also aware that Junior did a prefect job @ taking over where Larry left off.Just like Larry, Junior is founder of alot of Dj techniques used today and there is no denying that,(however much you would like).and just like the PG era the Original SF era (which i was able to survive lol) had the aura the people the vibe it was all just prefect couldn't be any better.and trust me being 18 and from upstate Ny and being this little whiteboy it was not easy back than to get accepted.it took awhile,things were a little shaky i 1st but it was all worth it in the end.On an ending note,i cant even tell you how many of todays Djs i have seen @ a Junior Party atleast once,than i here that dj spin his set and i can tell how they incorperate some of Juniors sound with there own style.Ok u can all have your way with me now lol.
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